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It’s funny if you step back an look at the setup it’s the ideal scenario for a lone shooter to get a clean shot with minimal causality numbers so the outcome would be easily achieved by a average shot. The counter sniper setup also allows for the disposal of the shooter is all but guaranteed.
He’s the perfect patsy a loner with minimal social contact a guy made for the task. Is his situation not that easy to see really?
Was born in a Big City Will die in the Country OK with that!
Jerry Herbst
Re: trump shot at during rally
[Re: lady123]
#8174212 07/15/2409:13 PM07/15/2409:13 PM
I completely thought it was just some messed up would-be school shooter all hyped up from the 24/7 barrage of "news" saying if Trump wins it will be the end of America.
But if this is true (and it sounds like it is) that he was on that roof for 30 minutes...
There are SS snipers on roofs all over, the nearest no more than 130 yards from the kid and looking in his direction.... and we're supposed to believe they never saw him there?
I was born at night, but not last night.
I thought the kid was on the roof for no more than a couple minutes. Not a half an hour. No way that no one from the SS noticed him there for 30 minutes!
Last edited by yotetrapper30; 07/15/2409:28 PM.
Just give me one thing, that I can hold on to. To believe in this livin' is just a hard way to go.
Re: trump shot at during rally
[Re: lady123]
#8174221 07/15/2409:17 PM07/15/2409:17 PM
If Trump can survive until inauguration day, he's going to have to purge every three letter agency in the country. That's when a real investigation can begin.
Re: trump shot at during rally
[Re: Posco]
#8174238 07/15/2409:28 PM07/15/2409:28 PM
If Trump can survive until inauguration day, he's going to have to purge every three letter agency in the country. That's when a real investigation can begin.
Everything the left touches it destroys
Re: trump shot at during rally
[Re: lady123]
#8174244 07/15/2409:33 PM07/15/2409:33 PM
This situation is very fishy. Doubt we will ever know the truth. As for how many shots and how quick, it should not even be a debate, it's all recorded. After his first shot he just started mag dumping. What Ive gathered about the cop who confronted him, he was on the shoulders of another officer. When the rifle pointed at him he deliberately fell to the ground, the shooter immediately turned the gun on trump and fired. That is the best I can paste it together.
Re: trump shot at during rally
[Re: lady123]
#8174255 07/15/2409:43 PM07/15/2409:43 PM
This all boils back to the Democrats and (Rino's)! "we need to take Trump out, stop him," Paint a target on Trump", etc. The democrats (rino's) have been pushing this agenda for several years. They are scared to death of Trump ruining their money train. Then some young strange kid wants to go down in history and comes up with this elaborate plan to shoot DJT?? Or, someone at the local gun club put him up to it for free training on how to properly shoot. Trump needs to hire Eric Prince as his private security detail!
------------------------------------- DJT in 2024!
I can't believe y'all are arguing about how many shots can be fired in how many minutes and completely ignoring the breaking news that law enforcement KNEW THERE WAS A GUY ON THE ROOF WITH A GUN for 30 MINUTES before Trump was shot.
100% agree. But this forum has a few know_ it_ alls that will argue about anything they " google".
I'm sorry B&B.
I'll refrain from posting the obvious.
I've already been broke from posting on anything religious.
Thank God For Your Blessings! Never Half-Arse Anything!
Resource Protection Service
Re: trump shot at during rally
[Re: lady123]
#8174275 07/15/2409:58 PM07/15/2409:58 PM
If Trump can survive until inauguration day, he's going to have to purge every three letter agency in the country. That's when a real investigation can begin.
He can't. Obama took full advantage of a Carter era law to stack the deck. And keep it stacked.
Re: trump shot at during rally
[Re: Savell]
#8174290 07/15/2410:12 PM07/15/2410:12 PM