America today, if he hit the bullseye?
07/17/24 06:03 AM
07/17/24 06:03 AM
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Northern lower Michigan
Speaking with friends the last couple days about Saturdays attempt, what would America be looking like today had he hit the bullseye? Would chaos and riots follow? I was suprised by 3/4 of responses, that very bad times and bad things would happen. It didnt hit the mark, close but not close enough. Would that be a SHTF? I probably spent too much time thinking what if....But What if?
you're only allowed so many sunrises... I aim to see every one of them!
Re: America today, if he hit the bullseye?
[Re: Feedinggrounds]
07/17/24 06:13 AM
07/17/24 06:13 AM
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danny clifton
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"Grumpy Old Man"
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A sack full of people literally worship the man
Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
Re: America today, if he hit the bullseye?
[Re: Feedinggrounds]
07/17/24 06:41 AM
07/17/24 06:41 AM
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Yep. big funeral and lots of big talk but zero action. I've seen lots of it right here on this forum.
Re: America today, if he hit the bullseye?
[Re: HobbieTrapper]
07/17/24 07:26 AM
07/17/24 07:26 AM
Joined: Sep 2010
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Northern lower Michigan
There would be a big funeral and that’s about it. Lots of people complaining but still living pretty good. If that's the case and all that happens, they will try again.
you're only allowed so many sunrises... I aim to see every one of them!
Re: America today, if he hit the bullseye?
[Re: Feedinggrounds]
07/17/24 08:09 AM
07/17/24 08:09 AM
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"Chippendale Trapper"
"Chippendale Trapper"
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There would be a big funeral and that’s about it. Lots of people complaining but still living pretty good. If that's the case and all that happens, they will try again. Those “little bites” are given a pass. People aren’t going to throw away everything without a guaranteed gain.
Re: America today, if he hit the bullseye?
[Re: Feedinggrounds]
07/17/24 08:50 AM
07/17/24 08:50 AM
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I expect a big funeral
a lot of people would be relived
a lot of people would be angry
then in the morning we would all go to work and make America run again for another day because if we don't it is a matter of time till our families go hungry.
the politicians who take the credit at the top can only clear a few road blocks for the rest of us at the bottom to go make America run again for another day.
as for who the next talking head at the podium is , that would likely change , but would it really change that much , probably not.
Last edited by GREENCOUNTYPETE; 07/17/24 08:52 AM.
America only has one issue, we have a Responsibility crisis and everything else stems from it.
Re: America today, if he hit the bullseye?
[Re: Feedinggrounds]
07/17/24 08:57 AM
07/17/24 08:57 AM
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Posts: 21,411 Green County Wisconsin
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Green County Wisconsin
I don't think there would be any mass riots
no looting
possibly attempts on other politicians but unlikely by trump followers
the man who rows the boat seldom rocks the boat
there is a mix of Americans that make her run every day but the people who do , don't invite riots chaos and destruction. Those are the freeloaders.
America only has one issue, we have a Responsibility crisis and everything else stems from it.
Re: America today, if he hit the bullseye?
[Re: Feedinggrounds]
07/17/24 09:22 AM
07/17/24 09:22 AM
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As the old saying goes....
"If ifs, and and buts were candy and nuts. We'd all have a Merry Christmas."
NYSTA, NTA, FTA, life member Erie county trappers assn.,life member Catt.county trappers
Re: America today, if he hit the bullseye?
07/17/24 09:44 AM
07/17/24 09:44 AM
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...the politicians who take the credit at the top can only clear a few road blocks for the rest of us at the bottom to go make America run again for another day... I too subscribe to the Reagan view of a gubements roll in ppl's lives, but too many consider it to be their baby daddy and personal savior. It's basically pathethetic but it's a common view. I blame a lot of parties for allowing this to happen, but if you listen to some old Paul Harvey stuff or Dr. Carsons's address to a men's prayer event while Obomber was in office- it should have been easily predictable. Nowadays we have some great guys who bring on guests who speak the truth as they know it (I like Julian D and Shawn R myself) but we have come up way short in ensuing that every voted gets counted (once and only once is my fear).
�What�s good for me may not be good for the weak minded.� Captain Gus McCrae- Texas Rangers
Re: America today, if he hit the bullseye?
[Re: Feedinggrounds]
07/17/24 09:59 AM
07/17/24 09:59 AM
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If that shot had been successful, considering all else that has gone down at hands of current administration against trump, would have been seen as a sanctioned hit. Of course they would disavow any knowledge or involvement.........and warnings to stand down and do nothing to retaliate. With them in charge....and news media covering their backs....they do have substantial resources to deal with guys bent on payback. Could easily spin out of control into full blown civil war. Lucky for all involved, that didn't happen.
But as for motivation of shooter..........what is known? Where is investigation? To my knowledge........crickets. Head of SS has offered a response and excuse about shooter on a roof so stupid as to be laughable. FBI took shooter's phone.......has hacked into it.......still nothing. Kinda like a cargo ship taking down a key bridge under highly suspicious circumstance. That story quickly and quietly went away.
Every moment that goes buy raises doubts. Lucky for them, shot missed to payback has not started. Hopefully won't. Hopefully election goes as is thought it will now, then with new sheriff in town, they can get to the bottom of it and clean house.
Easy to vote your way into socialism, but impossible to vote your way out of it.
Re: America today, if he hit the bullseye?
[Re: wetdog]
07/17/24 10:23 AM
07/17/24 10:23 AM
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The real problem is Trump's followers that have given themselves hearts and souls to Jesus Christ They are NOT going to do anything because they believe God alone will punish the wrong doer's This country isn't in a position to wait for that
If Trump goes down we must all stand up Or we'll all be on our knees There's a lot of truth to this. I think it's obvious that conservatives exercise a lot of self-restraint and want to operate within the bounds of the law. Until their recent epiphany, they told us our president was in complete possession of his faculties. They were gaslighting the entire country. Some were fine with that. Most of us here seemed to know better. That self-restraint isn't boundless. A lot will depend on what happens between now and election day.
Re: America today, if he hit the bullseye?
07/17/24 03:38 PM
07/17/24 03:38 PM
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Think of the consequences of Franz Ferdinand being assassinated in 1914 If that shot had been successful, considering all else that has gone down at hands of current administration against trump, would have been seen as a sanctioned hit. Of course they would disavow any knowledge or involvement.........and warnings to stand down and do nothing to retaliate. With them in charge....and news media covering their backs....they do have substantial resources to deal with guys bent on payback. Could easily spin out of control into full blown civil war. Lucky for all involved, that didn't happen.
But as for motivation of shooter..........what is known? Where is investigation? To my knowledge........crickets. Head of SS has offered a response and excuse about shooter on a roof so stupid as to be laughable. FBI took shooter's phone.......has hacked into it.......still nothing. Kinda like a cargo ship taking down a key bridge under highly suspicious circumstance. That story quickly and quietly went away.
Every moment that goes buy raises doubts. Lucky for them, shot missed to payback has not started. Hopefully won't. Hopefully election goes as is thought it will now, then with new sheriff in town, they can get to the bottom of it and clean house. What would have happened if that shot had gone home I don’t like to think about because unlike a lot here I don’t think the American people would have been complacent about it and just gone on with their lives, I travel around a good bit for my job and people are angry very very deeply angry and it has been growing over the last couple of years, think back to when you were a kid and that little guy that was always being picked on till one day something set him off and he just went berserk on his tormentors didn’t care about consequences didn’t care about being hurt just wanted to destroy those picking on him at all costs A lot of Americans are at that point right now they are sick, tired, fed up and very angry about what has been happening and IMHO all it would take is something to blow the top off to set them in motion admiral Yamamoto is famously quoted as saying after the bombing of Pearl Harbor that he feared all they had done is awaken a sleeping giant the killing of Trump might have just been that trigger Americans are as a rule lazy and tend to go along to get along till they get POed, why do you think the Dems have pulled all their adds, it wasn’t because they feared Trump getting killed, no I think some of them have come to the realization that a major portion of that anger is aimed straight at them Did you happen to see the reaction of a lot of those at the rally to the media, frankly I am surprised they settled for name calling and flying the bird at them it’s my firm belief that had Trump been killed that reaction would have been way different
there is a mix of Americans that make her run every day but the people who do , don't invite riots chaos and destruction. Those are the freeloaders.
Unfortunately that’s the group that is the most angry and when they get angry bad things happen, think of who rushed to join up after Pearl Harbor it wasn’t the freeloading public or the rich it was the common working man and he was Poed
�Everything in excess! To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites. Moderation is for monks.� ― Robert A. Heinlein
Re: America today, if he hit the bullseye?
[Re: Feedinggrounds]
07/17/24 05:13 PM
07/17/24 05:13 PM
Joined: Dec 2008
Posts: 31,264 Eastern Shore of Maryland
"Chippendale Trapper"
"Chippendale Trapper"
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Eastern Shore of Maryland
Those are nice thoughts but we aren’t there yet. I live in a very conservative part of the state. Every invitation to prepare for a little payback is answered with, “that’s crazy”.
Re: America today, if he hit the bullseye?
[Re: Feedinggrounds]
07/17/24 05:38 PM
07/17/24 05:38 PM
Joined: Aug 2011
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Larry Baer
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Who knows. I guess I would be pretty upset someone would shoot our president - even if it was one I did not like. I would not do anything. I have a lot of faith in our people to do the same. On the other hand I could sure see someone who would get a bad report at the doctors office decide to go out with a bang and try that on someone on the other side of things. We live in such a bad world.
Just passin through