Re: Patterns you have learned based on weather
[Re: Loutre]
07/21/24 11:32 AM
07/21/24 11:32 AM
Joined: Aug 2011
Posts: 47,957 james bay frontierOnt.
Joined: Aug 2011
Posts: 47,957
james bay frontierOnt.
In the north predators hunt hard during snowstorms.If you go for a ride in a vehicle or skidoo at night during a blizzard you will see eyes shining all over the place,lynx fox wolves as well as smaller animals like marten and fisher out hunting right during the storm.They know it is easier to get close and catch prey at these times. A good time for hunting for us too.Easy to walk on snowshoes right up to moose yarded up during a raging snowstorm. Snares and traps will be full when it has been stormy. The first cold weather in late fall really gets the animals moving.Extreme cold will make them hole up with a bone. Beaver during open water move and refresh territorial castor mounds after a rain-have your traps ready.They also are much more active raising their dams after a good rain. late October is the time to scout for beaver to trap in winter. They will stay put by then and you can guage the numbers by the mudding activity on the house and dam and the size and how quickly the feed bed goes in.
Last edited by Boco; 07/21/24 11:43 AM.
Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
Re: Patterns you have learned based on weather
[Re: Loutre]
07/22/24 10:26 AM
07/22/24 10:26 AM
Joined: Feb 2011
Posts: 1,443 nebraska
Joined: Feb 2011
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I have noticed that my catch usually goes up 2 days prior to front coming through. I remember one season I had 67 coon and other misc. fur one day, and that night the temperature really dropped and had about an inch of snow. That day I ran the line and only had 3 coon.
I also feel that during breeding season on coon, the weather don't seem to matter. They will be moving!
Last edited by scheide; 07/22/24 10:28 AM.
Re: Patterns you have learned based on weather
[Re: Loutre]
07/24/24 07:39 AM
07/24/24 07:39 AM
Joined: Jun 2022
Posts: 3,524 Manitoba
Joined: Jun 2022
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I’m thinking that if the beaver wait until the last minute to build their feed bed, it’s going to be a warm crappy winter. Will find out this fall. Some are predicting a long cool winter with more snow in my area. This last winter was one of the crappiest weather wise. Warm, rain in December. I only broke out the skidoo in January, I used the quad until then but it sucks with a quad. Can only cover about half the line and it’s way rougher. Need snow and the ground to freeze.
Wind Blew, crap flew, out came the line crew
Re: Patterns you have learned based on weather
[Re: Loutre]
07/25/24 09:44 PM
07/25/24 09:44 PM
Joined: Oct 2009
Posts: 8,592 western mn
Joined: Oct 2009
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western mn
Seems like every time I think I've finally figgered out an animals pattern, it changes.
2 things seem to stay consistent though. Bear move WAY better when it's really Hot and although most (I did for years) think the next 2 days after a major blizzard with super cold temps will get the coyotes/ Fox up and moving are wrong. usually SUCK for coyote/ fox movement. Many years I went out hunting them after those events.
swampgas chili and schmidt beer makes for a deadly combo
You have to remember that 1 out of 3 Democratic Voters is just as dumb as the other two.
Re: Patterns you have learned based on weather
[Re: Loutre]
09/07/24 01:10 AM
09/07/24 01:10 AM
Joined: Nov 2023
Posts: 717 NV
Joined: Nov 2023
Posts: 717
The most incredible lighting storm Ive ever witnessed sure taught me a lesson. It was hot, 95* August, I was a kid. My dad was pig hunting and us kids were along for the ride. We were hanging out in the truck while my dad took a walk down the trail. It's thick brush with some openings between. The storm rolled in and about a half hour later my dad came running to the truck. It was the middle of the day, yet dark as it would be hour after sunset. The lightning was everywhere, and I mean for a fifty mile radius I could see it crawling through the clouds and coming down all around us. We hadn't made it 200 yards down the road and the bushes I had been next to for the last 3 hours had three enormous bucks standing in the open about 15 yards from the bushes. The kind of bucks you'll never see during deer season.
Last edited by 2bit; 09/07/24 01:13 AM.
Re: Patterns you have learned based on weather
[Re: Shakeyjake]
09/07/24 04:31 PM
09/07/24 04:31 PM
Joined: Mar 2010
Posts: 3,752 SD
Boone Liane
Joined: Mar 2010
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I’m thinking that if the beaver wait until the last minute to build their feed bed, it’s going to be a warm crappy winter. Will find out this fall. Some are predicting a long cool winter with more snow in my area. This last winter was one of the crappiest weather wise. Warm, rain in December. I only broke out the skidoo in January, I used the quad until then but it sucks with a quad. Can only cover about half the line and it’s way rougher. Need snow and the ground to freeze. Well if that’s true than we’re in for it. I’ve never seen this much beaver activity this early. They were cutting last week of July like it was last week of September!
Re: Patterns you have learned based on weather
[Re: Loutre]
09/11/24 10:22 AM
09/11/24 10:22 AM
Joined: Aug 2011
Posts: 2,106 Peoria County Illinois
Larry Baer
Joined: Aug 2011
Posts: 2,106
Peoria County Illinois
Snow or rain storms mean mink, otter, rats, and beaver move more The good weather before and after a storm usually means canines move more The dark of the moon is better all around for everything. If I see housecats in the ditches as I drive from place to place my catch is way off for that night- haven't figured that one out. When it is 10 degrees or less big boar coon move Good time to still hunt deer is a heavy snow storm. You can walk up to them much easier.
Just passin through
Re: Patterns you have learned based on weather
[Re: Loutre]
09/17/24 05:56 PM
09/17/24 05:56 PM
Joined: Dec 2006
Posts: 22,688 St. Louis Co, Mo
Joined: Dec 2006
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St. Louis Co, Mo
I learned early on, that if it starts raining, I'm gonna get soaked!
Every kid needs a Dog and a Curmudgeon.
Remember Bowe Bergdahl, the traitor.
Beware! Jill Pudlewski, Ron Oates and Keven Begesse are liars and thiefs!