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Ammo #8179897
07/23/24 05:42 PM
07/23/24 05:42 PM
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Trappin Arkansas Offline OP
Trappin Arkansas  Offline OP

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Just placed another ammo order with midway I never ordered ammo online till 2 weeks ago when I seen on Tman someone posted about them so I did a quick review of my inventory and ordered they were super fast on delivery so I did another order today says everything Instock and should arrive by Monday of next week heck I’m saving money and time not havin to go to my local store and it being outta stock imo I’m thinking it’s pretty good deal

Re: Ammo [Re: Trappin Arkansas] #8179900
07/23/24 05:52 PM
07/23/24 05:52 PM
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se SD
rags57078 Offline
rags57078  Offline

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se SD
Look up Freedom ammo , they have a sale right now with free shipping on orders $250 and over

Off in my own world

Fish on !!!!!!!

47 years in this game of trapping
Re: Ammo [Re: Trappin Arkansas] #8179908
07/23/24 06:02 PM
07/23/24 06:02 PM
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eastern WV
Ridge Runner1960 Offline
Ridge Runner1960  Offline

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eastern WV
look up, find whatever your looking for and filter best prices and cheapest shipping

Re: Ammo [Re: Trappin Arkansas] #8179923
07/23/24 06:16 PM
07/23/24 06:16 PM
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SW Georgia
Wanna Be Offline
Wanna Be  Offline

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SW Georgia
Y’all must be finding good sales at Midway. Everything I’ve ever looked at there is 25-40% more than other places.

Re: Ammo [Re: Trappin Arkansas] #8179929
07/23/24 06:26 PM
07/23/24 06:26 PM
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western md,south central Pa.
huntmd94 Offline
huntmd94  Offline

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western md,south central Pa.
I buy alot from SGAMMO.

pa trappers association,maryland furtakers
Re: Ammo [Re: Wanna Be] #8179972
07/23/24 07:16 PM
07/23/24 07:16 PM
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Providence Farm Offline
Providence Farm  Offline

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Originally Posted by Wanna Be
Y’all must be finding good sales at Midway. Everything I’ve ever looked at there is 25-40% more than other places.

That's the only time I order from anywhere. My last order every center fire rifle cal was at prices lowered than I have seen In 5 years and I found a 20% off code on top of that. Always look for discount codes normally free shipping or a % off that goes up depending on $ spent and at times I find both free shipping and discount codes.

It's always smart to shop around. Natchez has had some good priced lately also.

I look for and at prices and availability on powder, primers, and ammo weekly missing a week here and there
I don't buy often because I stay well stocked. I stay well stocked because I buy more than I need and when I need nothing at all wham I find good prices. I buy it cheap and stack it deep. Something I highly recommend.

Having a good stock feels great be it ammo, food, firewood, barn full of hay, nice portfolio. Planning ahead and being prepared for the rain is a good feeling. We all know it will rain eventually. Sadly those that prepare for it as best they can get ridiculed often by those that pretend it will always be good times and live care free. But are who those same people come to with their hands out when they can't get what they need.

Re: Ammo [Re: Trappin Arkansas] #8179975
07/23/24 07:21 PM
07/23/24 07:21 PM
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Green County Wisconsin

Joined: Sep 2013
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Green County Wisconsin
I have ordered from Midway for several years I tend to wait for a sale and free shipping to line up.
also set up your birthday and you get birthday pricing for the month on a one time order.

Freedom is also good ordered from them about the last 2 years

they have good prices on reman 9mm and 223 delivery tends to be fairly quick , I try and order 3 weeks before we need it and then just not worry about it getting here for a match but they surprise me and it will get here the same week I ordered it.

the UPS man knows what time I get off work and will be outside , he just rolls up to the drive way and I carry it in.

Last edited by GREENCOUNTYPETE; 07/23/24 07:25 PM.

America only has one issue, we have a Responsibility crisis and everything else stems from it.
Re: Ammo [Re: Trappin Arkansas] #8180009
07/23/24 07:58 PM
07/23/24 07:58 PM
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South Ga - Almost Florida
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South Ga - Almost Florida

Thank God For Your Blessings!
Never Half-Arse Anything!

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Re: Ammo [Re: Trappin Arkansas] #8180052
07/23/24 09:08 PM
07/23/24 09:08 PM
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Midlands South Carolina
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SGT. C  Offline

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Midlands South Carolina
50 feet from house. Sarge's workshop and mancave where I get my ammo. Haven't bought factory ammo in years.
Enough components to assemble 100,000 rounds in many calibers. My $15,000 investment was well worth it many years ago.
Got tired of chasing and looking for componets. Now, I just go to my cabinets and pick out what I need. I shows and trade and sell for components I need. Bartering is a skill all in itself.
Works for me.

Last edited by SGT. C; 07/23/24 09:08 PM.

A hero voluntary walks into the dangers of the unknown
Freedom is accomplished by good men willing to do bad things to bad people

Re: Ammo [Re: Trappin Arkansas] #8182332
07/26/24 08:18 PM
07/26/24 08:18 PM
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Trappin Arkansas Offline OP
Trappin Arkansas  Offline OP

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Got my ammo delivery this evening it all came in No back orders No out of stock my UPS guy said he had a lot of packages from same shipper today in his delivery area said he guessing we are all stocking up lol

Re: Ammo [Re: Trappin Arkansas] #8182483
07/26/24 11:48 PM
07/26/24 11:48 PM
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SW Georgia
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Wanna Be  Offline

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SW Georgia
What caliber are y’all finding sales on? And are you particular or just stocking up to have ammo? I swear Midway is highway robbery for what I’m looking for. I was comparing some prices and they’re anywhere from $3-10 more a box and forget cases, lol.

Re: Ammo [Re: Wanna Be] #8182490
07/27/24 12:20 AM
07/27/24 12:20 AM
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Providence Farm Offline
Providence Farm  Offline

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Originally Posted by Wanna Be
What caliber are y’all finding sales on? And are you particular or just stocking up to have ammo? I swear Midway is highway robbery for what I’m looking for. I was comparing some prices and they’re anywhere from $3-10 more a box and forget cases, lol.

I' just watch things I use or deals on anything really. What are you looking for.and what's a good price on it and I will keep my eyes open for you.

Re: Ammo [Re: Trappin Arkansas] #8182721
07/27/24 11:30 AM
07/27/24 11:30 AM
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SW Georgia
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Wanna Be  Offline

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SW Georgia
At one time I was finding Remington CoreLokts Tipped .308 165gr for $23-25 a box. $240 a case. Now I about can’t find it for less than $32 a box!

Even considering that American Whitetail if I can find it in 165gr.

Why 165gr…for some reason everyone of my Rugers shoot that grain the best. 150’s seem to wander a little getting anywhere from a 1.5-2” group at 100yds. 165gr will make you actually look like a really good shooter, lol. CoreLokts were dead on and killed what was hit.

Yeah, a .308 is a bit much for predators, but it’s just what I’m confident in and provides picture proof results. Plus I know when shooting does that there’s not much tracking involved if they don’t drop right there.

Re: Ammo [Re: Trappin Arkansas] #8182788
07/27/24 01:30 PM
07/27/24 01:30 PM
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Providence Farm Offline
Providence Farm  Offline

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Sounds like you gun likes longer bullets. Copper rounds are normally higher priced but longer for the same weight so if you run across some don't be worried about trying lighter bullets .

I personally like bigger than typical rifle rounds for coyotes myself. Bang flop vs 80% spinning and flipping with varmint rounds.

I will keep my eye open for typed 165 308 core locks ans any othe heavier hunting rounds you may be interested in. Green County likes 180gr stuff in his 308 your gun may like that stuff also. Slows it down a bit but he has good luck with it. . Rem ammo has been showing up lately since the company that got the ammo part in the bankruptcy has came on line.

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