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Downtime for total hip replacement? #8221084
09/22/24 05:13 PM
09/22/24 05:13 PM
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central Ohio
mfergu8 Offline OP
mfergu8  Offline OP

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So I went to my doctor 5 week's ago with hip pain. X-rays showed arthritis in hip joint. Doctor said a replacement in a couple of years. Week before last hip pain increased big time as the week progressed. Went back to doctor this past Thursday and he took me off work and scheduled me for a total replacement this coming Thursday. I'm shocked how fast things deteriorated. I'm assuming I won't be able to trap until at least January. My question is for anyone else who's had this procedure done, will I be able to even trap at all this season? Thanks for any input.

Re: Downtime for total hip replacement? [Re: mfergu8] #8221090
09/22/24 05:35 PM
09/22/24 05:35 PM
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La Crosse, WI
Macthediver Offline
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I don't know how old you are or what kind of shape you are in. I had my left hip done I think it's 8 years ago now? Doctor did it end of September I was up and walking on it probably 4 hours after. Was able to go deer hunting in November without to much trouble. Right hip replacement was two years after that end of July. Was in the marsh in chest waders in October.
Every one is different with recovery but I know from talking to many. Hips are easier than knees. I'm fortunate that I went from incredible pain to zero pain in couple days.
I've only known a couple people that had real issues after surgery. Those were people who were really messed up to start with.
Good luck do as doctor and PT people tell you. Should be up a going in no time.


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"Never Forget Which Way Is Up"

Re: Downtime for total hip replacement? [Re: mfergu8] #8221107
09/22/24 06:04 PM
09/22/24 06:04 PM
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gcs Offline
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1 hip is easy, follow doctors orders and do the therapy, you should be driving 4-6 weeks depending on which hip, and or any complications, do a lot of walking, you should be pretty good in 10-12 weeks for moderate work.

Re: Downtime for total hip replacement? [Re: mfergu8] #8221109
09/22/24 06:04 PM
09/22/24 06:04 PM
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Siren, WI
bwtrapper Offline
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Did my left hip in January. After 4 weeks I could do anything I wanted.

Re: Downtime for total hip replacement? [Re: mfergu8] #8221121
09/22/24 06:15 PM
09/22/24 06:15 PM
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Had left hip replaced Aug 1 a year ago. You’ll be walking hours after surgery with a walker. About the 3 week time frame you’ll graduate to a cane and even without a little. I asked for driving privileges about the 21st and was told as long as I wasn’t on any pain meds, go for it. From Aug 22 - Oct 21 I was a thermal hunting fool!! 33 hogs and 13 coyotes killed. When I started out I’d use a cane in one hand, tripod in the other, and rifle across my back. I had chairs set up every 75 yards or so to rest until I got to my destination.

I will tell you the first 10-12 days are rough. Or they were for me. When I finally got dressed on my own, including those Godforsaken compression socks, I then saw light at the end of the tunnel, lol. I think that was day 13 or 14. Follow Docs and PT’s orders to a T and do not miss therapy. Remember, ICE is your friend, even if you’re an illegal.

My hip is fine as far as motion, but when running or jumping I can still feel it. It’s not really pain, just discomfort. Like the Doc said, FULL recovery takes 12-18 months. I’m at 14 months now.

Re: Downtime for total hip replacement? [Re: mfergu8] #8221135
09/22/24 06:30 PM
09/22/24 06:30 PM
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I was driving within two weeks although it was my left hip. The second to fourth days were the roughest but then improvement started and was mostly off the walker in 10 days. All my Physical Therapy was done at home. Make sure you follow the PT directions and do your PT. You should be able to do some trapping by January although everybody is different. Walking up and down creek banks may be out for you this year.

Re: Downtime for total hip replacement? [Re: mfergu8] #8221145
09/22/24 06:39 PM
09/22/24 06:39 PM
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I was on disability for a shoulder surgery while working in California 2 years ago.
The union out of Chicago paid $375/ week and California disability insurance coverage was $1,375/week.

Re: Downtime for total hip replacement? [Re: mfergu8] #8221160
09/22/24 07:02 PM
09/22/24 07:02 PM
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According to my Doc, he had a patient riding horses week 4, lol. Guess I just wasn’t as tough as I thought, lol. I could barely climb a ladder at 12 weeks!!

Re: Downtime for total hip replacement? [Re: mfergu8] #8221179
09/22/24 07:30 PM
09/22/24 07:30 PM
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mfergu8 Offline OP
mfergu8  Offline OP

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Thanks for all the information. I'm definitely going to follow the doctors instructions. I hate to miss most if not all of trapping season, but I'll do what I have to do. Thanks

Re: Downtime for total hip replacement? [Re: mfergu8] #8221230
09/22/24 09:26 PM
09/22/24 09:26 PM
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52Carl Offline
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Are they going in from the front? They did that technique with my wife last year and it is much less invasive than how they used to do them. They had her up and walking as soon as one of her eyes opened up most of the way when she woke up from the surgery. They had her climbing stairs the next morning. The only pain is from the incision site, but that is pretty small and they don't cut as much muscle with this procedure.
You won't have any more hip pain because all of the nerves that go to the hip joint won't be there any more.

Re: Downtime for total hip replacement? [Re: mfergu8] #8221294
09/22/24 11:05 PM
09/22/24 11:05 PM
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N.E. Nebr
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I had my left hip replaced 3 years ago. Surgery was at 7:30, was walking by 10:30, and on my way home by 3. On day 4, I mowed my lawn with a zero turn. Surgery only took 45 minutes. The whole procedure was a piece of cake mom

Re: Downtime for total hip replacement? [Re: mfergu8] #8221355
09/23/24 04:33 AM
09/23/24 04:33 AM
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trapNH Offline
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I have had both done, used a walker for 2 days than a cane for a few days and driving in 2 weeks. No pain any of that time. Do the exerises they tell you to do. You will be back in business in a month. I was in my 70s when done.

Re: Downtime for total hip replacement? [Re: mfergu8] #8221458
09/23/24 09:46 AM
09/23/24 09:46 AM
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Bigbrownie Offline
Bigbrownie  Offline

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I’ve had both hips replaced. Both were on a Tuesday morning…. I made it back to my office the following Monday. Staples didn’t come out until day 13. Things felt a lot better after that. I went trout fishing three weeks after the second hip was replaced, made a trip into the mine four weeks later.

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