220's man. Why relocate those coons and cause someone else a problem, or they just return to where you trapped them again. As for the cats? Oh well. If they were staying at home, in the House where they belong, instead of out and about killing songbirds and anything else they can catch/kill, they wouldn't have to worry about getting caught in a trap in their NEIGHBORS yard and eliminated! Now would they! They did a study in the State of Wisconsin many years ago and they estimated that House Cats in the State of Wisconsin were killing 600,000 Songbirds a year! That is only one State out of 50. The LAST thing I'd worry about would be "TRESSPASSING" cats! If the Cat's were doing their job.... They would "run-off" any Racoon that came in their yard! I kill any cat that I see that's not in their yard. A 110-120 conibear stuck in an empty Pepsi box opening with a Tuna fish lid thrown inside for bait and the 110-120 blocking the hole in the 12-pack box really does a great job on them. Make sure you anchor the trap securely! The "set" looks like nothing out of the ordinary sitting out in someone's backyard. Check the trap before first light and if the neighbor's cat is in there dead. It goes in a bread bag and into the garbage. What cat!? You just saved at least 20 Songbirds from that cat?