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I probably shouldn't try debating central casting #8229695
Yesterday at 11:59 PM
Yesterday at 11:59 PM
Joined: Dec 2015
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se South Dakota
NonPCfed Offline OP
NonPCfed  Offline OP

Joined: Dec 2015
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se South Dakota

My wife's ex- sister-in-law and her retired trucking 2nd husband are big Team Blue posters on facebook. Most of what they post isn't original, its just re-posting various memes that they get.

I guess she (RL) posted this one yesterday but I didn't see it until today. So I responded.

[Linked Image]

Me: How many 18-year olds can lay down over $3,000 in cash OR have a credit card line of credit that high...? The ammo amount looks odd as well, 5.56 mm(.223) ammo is sold in amounts of 20, 50, or maybe 100 a box or tub so why the odd number that's not divisible by 20, 50, or 100?

RL (OP): it's just a comparison. Fix the numbers. The meaning is still the same.

Me: Really. How about an 18-year old that goes and buys a pump 12 gauge shot gun and a bunch of boxes of 00 Buckshot (9 .30 cal pellets per each 2 3/4 inch shell)? 6 rounds in a standard pheasant hunting 12 gauge can throw 54 .30 cal pellets down range in less than 5 seconds before reloading. An AR-15 standard 30 round mag can throw 30 bullets down range in the same time. Each AR-15 bullet (a heavier & much higher velocity .22 cal bullet) has more terminal energy than a individual 00 buck pellet but the shotgun is typically putting more of its pellets into a tighter radius. Such shotgun loads have been "weapons of war" in close combat from the Philippine Insurrection through Vietnam but not generally as a soldier's main weapon. Lots of people have been killed with 12 gauge shotguns, and even .22 Long Rifle ammo (used to be the most common ammo out there) over the past 140 years. They just don't have the legend that the "bad black rifles" do. Anyway, I've never liked the AR platform, I think its too forward heavy, although there are other rifles out there that function the same.

CB: Your point?

Me: Can you do math...? Isn't 54 more than 30?? 12 gauge shotguns used to be called "riot guns" in the past, and they were the next step up in firepower for cops after their pistols back when those were mostly revolvers. Ever cut up any deer to see what various terminal ballistics can do?

I then looked at the pictures that CB has on facebook (I'm not a "friend" of hers so her settings must be fairly open). A couple of them were drawings (memes?) of Jesus loving her son in Heaven (and a number of others deal with missing/loving her son-- ok, now I'm feeling sort of bad) but then she had several of her proudly wearing a colorful face mask (this woman appears to be in the 70-75 age range), her "glamour shot" photo from 2021 of her being 'vid-19 vaccinated, and the last photo that was posted was from this summer of a "baby Trump"-- with an angry face-- in a cage sort of thing. There's no apparent spouse or similar aged man in any of the photos.

I'm kind of waiting for my wife's ex-sister-in-law to "unfriend me" or her ex-Marine (I think he was an aviation tech on Okinawa back at the end of the Vietnam era) and retired truck driver to tell me to stop picking on his wife. This guy's facebook posts are almost entirely Team Blue memes, no original posting about their family or anything. This is sort of sad because this guy is probably dying from cancer.

I think I'll leave these people alone. I'm not going to change any of their minds and actual debate with them is a waste of effort. I pray and hope that the retired trucker gets squared away with Jesus before he dies. I think too many truck stop meals have caught up with him (2nd bout of cancer but in a different spot of his GI system a number of years later).

"And God said, Let us make man in our image �and let them have dominion �and all the creatures that move along the ground".
Genesis 1:26
Re: I probably shouldn't try debating central casting [Re: NonPCfed] #8229697
8 hours ago
8 hours ago
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Vinke Offline
Vinke  Offline

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Cliff note for special people, please…..

A Chicken in Black.......
Re: I probably shouldn't try debating central casting [Re: Vinke] #8229765
3 hours ago
3 hours ago
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Providence Farm Offline
Providence Farm  Offline

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Originally Posted by Vinke
Cliff note for special people, please…..

Anti gun prople are ignorant. reason and logic have no place in their world and its a wasst of time to try to educate them they are to dug into the ideology. When the old guy dies of cancer he will still be voting blue each year.

Re: I probably shouldn't try debating central casting [Re: NonPCfed] #8229803
1 hour ago
1 hour ago
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Shakeyjake Offline
Shakeyjake  Offline

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There’s one from Ontario who’s a heck of a trapper, but his FB political posts are crazy! He’s more worried about your election than or own hole. I’ve busted him once when he posted a trump supporting pod cast on a trapping group, I told he he’s just trolling his American buddies. He didn’t really like that…lol

Wind Blew, crap flew, out came the line crew
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