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Just watched a video of a guy working on skunks. He was puzzled as to why they were yellowing up on the board. I have some experience with this, too. Wondering what you would suggest. I noticed the "essence" is about the same color as the yellowing. Chemistry problem released in washing process?
Re: Yellowing of white fur
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#8230982 10/07/2406:15 PM10/07/2406:15 PM
My thought on the yellowing is it’s moisture related its more common in the wet years from my experience then dry seasons. Some wet years the majority are impacted yellowing. My best guess is mold or fungus related like the mold deer get some years I know because my face puffs up if I touch the deer hair.
Skunk fat turns yellow over time and darkens from the Creamy white when fresh
Last edited by Law Dog; 10/07/2406:18 PM.
Was born in a Big City Will die in the Country OK with that!
Jerry Herbst
Re: Yellowing of white fur
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#8230984 10/07/2406:18 PM10/07/2406:18 PM
I have caught ermine that are yellowing late season and it did not come out in the dressing. Same with belly stains on male coyotes but the leather and fat yellow.
Re: Yellowing of white fur
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#8231495 10/08/2401:11 PM10/08/2401:11 PM
I think the she is talking about my video. Here is what I learned from people on here and others. My working theory is that I after dispatching the skunk, I place each skunk in a plastic grocery bag and that leads to the staining. I tie the bag shut to try to keep the smell off of the rest of the animals and gear I have in my truck. When I get home I set them to the side and skin them if I have time and enough skunks to make it worth it. I skin them in batches. Most days I stock pile them because I hate to waste a syringe for the essence and the peroxide, baking soda, dish soap solution for one skunk when a standard batch will do 3 to 5 skunks. I will leave them as long as 4 days before skinning if the weather is cool enough and I place them where they will be shaded all day. The entire time I was leaving the skunk in the plastic bag. My working theory is the longer they are in the bag (especially if they sprayed in the trap) the more the fur discolored. I now am doing the same process except I am taking them out of the bag as soon as I get home and that seems to have helped. Being washed as Lawdog states can't be the issue as I have always washed every skunk but only a few were discoloring. The same is true with freezing. I freeze all my fur after skinning and put it after I pull the line.
I would guess putting them in the bag is doing it but not sure. I handle a ton of skunks and maybe have one or two spray out of every 50 caught. I don’t see any reason to put them in a bag. I’ll watch your video later.
Everything the left touches it destroys
Re: Yellowing of white fur
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#8231842 10/08/2408:47 PM10/08/2408:47 PM