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I looked through some pictures and these were interesting pictures due to the color and captions that were caught. I have a lot of big muley bucks and some big WT but these are unique pictures I thought.
Give me a fish, I will eat for a day. Teach me to fish, I will eat for a lifetime
Re: Best trail cam photos
[Re: Law Dog]
#8241985 10/21/2410:52 PM10/21/2410:52 PM
Thats because every hunter wants that Big buck and the standards get lower and lower .Just to much tech now ,I know a man who runs 30 cameras that call his phone in real time and he can set up on that area .Gets a good buck every season .
Never Confuse Stupid With Crazy
Re: Best trail cam photos
[Re: Law Dog]
#8242051 10/22/2406:37 AM10/22/2406:37 AM
I don’t know if the link will work and take you to my Snapchat. But I was in love with this goofy seven point last year and this pic. Handsome as ever!
Re: Best trail cam photos
[Re: Law Dog]
#8242131 10/22/2408:47 AM10/22/2408:47 AM
I don’t know if the link will work and take you to my Snapchat. But I was in love with this goofy seven point last year and this pic. Handsome as ever!
I can see it.
Girl, you're so witty! Hahahaha
And he is very hawt
Last edited by Mrs Langley; 10/22/2409:54 AM.
Re: Best trail cam photos
[Re: Law Dog]
#8242189 10/22/2410:52 AM10/22/2410:52 AM
Gurl, you walk yur kitty?? I had one of those backpacks. Hahahaha (mostly for the kids to have fun with) I tried leashing our kitty when he was really little. He never took to it but it go him outside until he got a little older and than he became and indoor/outdoor. (You know we're going to get ROASTED for this. XD hahaha)
Glad to see flirting with the Odocoileus isn't the only activities on there. Chuck's deserves a lil more loyalty. ;D
Last edited by Mrs Langley; 10/22/2411:21 AM.
Re: Best trail cam photos
[Re: Law Dog]
#8242252 10/22/2401:56 PM10/22/2401:56 PM
Not a pic but a video. I've posted this here before, but it's still my favorite catch. A yote getting trapped, and then defending herself from the resident pair.
Re: Best trail cam photos
[Re: Law Dog]
#8242925 10/23/2412:54 PM10/23/2412:54 PM