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In Germany, it's illegal to abort chickens, in the egg, after 13 days of development, because it's seen as cruel. It's illegal to kill less than worthless male chicks from after 13 days of development on, because it's seen as cruel. To legally sell eggs in Germany, you have to grow out the male chicks, that are brothers of the laying hens. It's illegal to kill male chicks. The male chicks cost more to raise than is made off of them and the eggs from the female chicks, so the government has to subsidize the farmers, with tax money, so they don't go out of business.
The meat is not suitable to eat, except in processed food, in Europe, so it is sold in Africa at about half the cost of producing chicken in Africa. This puts most African chicken farmers out of business. This makes Africans dependent on foreign chicken.
The liberals that passed these insane laws are now trying to legalize the abortion of human babies to 12 weeks of age, because it's not seen as cruel. This is while Germany is having a major problem with falling birth rates. The liberal German's solution is to flood Germany with people from Africa and Asia, to replace Germans.
46% of the children born in Great Britain this year have foreign born parents. Over half of the foreigners in Great Britain receive housing, income and food assistance, at the expense of native British people. 78% of Somalis, who were the foreign people, who had the most children in Britain last year, live in public paid housing. Europe as we knew it is doomed.
Humans are the only animal that kills it's own offspring. And liberal women had a meltdown on election night because they think Trump is going to stop them. That's not one of trumps priorities. I'll stop there.
Humans are the only animal that kills it's own offspring. And liberal women had a meltdown on election night because they think Trump is going to stop them. That's not one of trumps priorities. I'll stop there.
Originally Posted by Wolfdog91
Originally Posted by Spike369
Humans are the only animal that kills it's own offspring.
don't nearly all K9 species if food is low and the litter is too large kill off some.
I suppose the distinction you are making is , no mammal does it in before they are born.
Last edited by GREENCOUNTYPETE; 11/15/2408:51 AM.
America only has one issue, we have a Responsibility crisis and everything else stems from it.
Yeah I think there are plenty of mammals that eat their own young. At least in the predators types of critters. Think there may even be few hard core conservatives would eat their young. If they thought were questions about their sex?? I watched a hen mallard drown a chick once. Was small obviously wasn't hers tried to tag along in her brood.
In Germany, it's illegal to abort chickens, in the egg, after 13 days of development, because it's seen as cruel. It's illegal to kill less than worthless male chicks from after 13 days of development on, because it's seen as cruel. To legally sell eggs in Germany, you have to grow out the male chicks, that are brothers of the laying hens. It's illegal to kill male chicks. The male chicks cost more to raise than is made off of them and the eggs from the female chicks, so the government has to subsidize the farmers, with tax money, so they don't go out of business.
The meat is not suitable to eat, except in processed food, in Europe, so it is sold in Africa at about half the cost of producing chicken in Africa. This puts most African chicken farmers out of business. This makes Africans dependent on foreign chicken.
The liberals that passed these insane laws are now trying to legalize the abortion of human babies to 12 weeks of age, because it's not seen as cruel. This is while Germany is having a major problem with falling birth rates. The liberal German's solution is to flood Germany with people from Africa and Asia, to replace Germans.
46% of the children born in Great Britain this year have foreign born parents. Over half of the foreigners in Great Britain receive housing, income and food assistance, at the expense of native British people. 78% of Somalis, who were the foreign people, who had the most children in Britain last year, live in public paid housing. Europe as we knew it is doomed.
I think they should try mink farming next to the chicken house , could work out well for them where it normally wouldn't be a good idea.
America only has one issue, we have a Responsibility crisis and everything else stems from it.
Not to mention pretty sure there's a lot of species what will abort fetuses... No sure the specifics but pretty sure lamas and alpaca's do it regularly