If I have a well defined travel way (trail) and/or the means to easily block/fence the set, I will make an exposed set every time!
You have to have almost a snare type location though to do it.
At a more open location where I may not have that trail, or the means to fence down a location (say an open short grass location) than I will make a heavily guided buried set.
As to an advantage of one or the other as it pertains to catching cats only, definitely the exposed set.
While I usually do catch a coyote or two a year in exposed sets, it’s certainly not near as many as I’m “missing”!
Deer are another non-target I greatly cut down on issues with using an exposed set. An exposed set allows deer to still investigate it, smell the smells, etc, but because they can see it all, they’re much more apt to step over the entire works. Rarely do I have to fix an exposed set from deer, and that’s setting them right smack dab in the middle of trails. When I do have to fix them, it’s rarely ever a complete rebuild because they actually fired the trap and drug it out etc. It’s usually just a stick or two got knocked out of place, fixed in seconds and moving on.
Last edited by Boone Liane; 12/01/24 09:33 AM.