As has been stated they will return to digging sites and we as trappers try to duplicate a digging sight. Here if I find where coyotes have been digging along waterways it will normally be along a slough or a levee in a crawfish farm. When I find where they have been digging I know that I have to draw them to my set as they can see for a long ways and there are normally tons of dig sites. I approach it like this...
I must get their visual attention. I will take duck down or rabbit fur, and put just enough on the ground and on grass, cane, low bushes, etc, not a lot, just enough to that if they are running along they can’t miss it. This is done last.
I will take a pickax and dig a trench set. I want it to standout from all the other diggings. I try to duplicate an animal digging out an old site. They can see this a mile away and the smell of fresh dirt draws them in. Also, down here I found if you use a deep trench in a dig area a coyote will drop down in the hole and start digging without too much investigation.
Early season I will use bait and a little red fox urine. Down here everything hates red fox and will investigate. If I have some scat it will be used. In late January I switch to coyote or bobcat urine, and I will use just a tiny bit of gland lure. If otters using the area I will use bobcat as they love it and who doesn’t like a piling up otters.
It works down here where I trap, not clue about up north.