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Trivia question ideas #8295624
12/28/24 03:42 PM
12/28/24 03:42 PM
Joined: Dec 2010
Posts: 220
Southeast, Alaska
SE.Current Offline OP
SE.Current  Offline OP

Joined: Dec 2010
Posts: 220
Southeast, Alaska
I’m going to be hosting a trivia event once a week for the month of January because traditionally that month is slow for the bar.
I need help with some good questions or subject. I was thinking of having five categories with each category having 6-8 questions.

Re: Trivia question ideas [Re: SE.Current] #8295628
12/28/24 03:48 PM
12/28/24 03:48 PM
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perry co.Pa
wetdog Offline
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perry co.Pa
Stay away from religion and politics
#1 history of Alaska
#2 history of bar snacks and food
#3 history of the founding of America
#4 history of Canada
#5 random facts
All can be easily looked up on the interwebs
As you can see, I like history

Re: Trivia question ideas [Re: SE.Current] #8295629
12/28/24 03:49 PM
12/28/24 03:49 PM
Joined: Dec 2006
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East-Central Wisconsin
bblwi Offline
bblwi  Offline

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East-Central Wisconsin
The Trivial Pursuit games have 6 catagories. Science and nature; entertainment; arts and lit; history; geography, sports and leisure so that could be one way one could divide things up.
The local contests I have participated in had 10 questions per catagory with 8-10 questions for each and there were 9-12 teams of 5-6 per team in those events. Many times the catagories were more local or state oriented so that is something to consider as well.


Re: Trivia question ideas [Re: SE.Current] #8295939
12/28/24 08:09 PM
12/28/24 08:09 PM
Joined: Mar 2012
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meadowview, Virginia
EdP Offline
EdP  Offline

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meadowview, Virginia
Here is a few to consider:

Who invented the telescope? Galileo

Why was Galileo arrested and placed under house arrest for life by the Catholic Church? Heresy - G said sun was the center of the solar system rather than the earth.

What is the minimum number of degrees F to take water from ice to steam? 180F
Same for degrees C? 100C

What bird did Ben Franklin propose as the national bird? Turkey

Where was the turkey domesticated? Central America

What islands in the Aleutians were occupied by the Japanese in WW2? Kiska and Attu

Where is logwood grown (for logwood dye)? Central/South America

Where did sweet potatoes originate? Central/South America

Last edited by EdP; 12/28/24 08:15 PM. Reason: added more
Re: Trivia question ideas [Re: SE.Current] #8295959
12/28/24 08:22 PM
12/28/24 08:22 PM
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rendezvous Offline
rendezvous  Offline

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What is the largest desert in the world? Antarctica

What is the chemical symbol for gold? Au

What is the only planet that rotates clockwise? Venus

Last edited by rendezvous; 12/28/24 08:36 PM.

Re: Trivia question ideas [Re: SE.Current] #8296070
12/28/24 09:20 PM
12/28/24 09:20 PM
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meadowview, Virginia
EdP Offline
EdP  Offline

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meadowview, Virginia
Some more:

Who was US President when Alaska was purchased from Russia? Andrew Johnson

Who was US President when the border between the US and Canada was settled in the pacific northwest? James K Polk

How many Btus does it take to raise the temp of one lb of water one degree F? One (It is the defn of a Btu)

In WW2 American and British forces fought the forces of what 3 European countries in north Africa? Germany, Italy, and (Vichi) France

In the movie Jeremiah Johnson, who did Redford's character get a Hawken rifle from? Hatchet Jack

What was the name of the Indian arch enemy of Bill Tyler (played by Charlton Heston) in the movie "The Mountain Men.? Heavy Eagle

What was the name of Tyler's Indian woman, same movie? Running Moon

How many sides of a parallelogram are parallel to another side? Four (each of the 4 sides is parallel to one of the other sides)

Who was the commanding general over all US forces in Europe during WW1? John J (Jack) Pershing

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