Re: Anybody tried adopting a dog lately?
[Re: AK Timber Tramp]
12/29/24 01:10 AM
12/29/24 01:10 AM
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Yotetrapper he destroys crates like they're nothing, I tried that route several times. He even broke out of the dog boarding place when I dropped him off for a weekend to go to chena hot springs one time. We didn't mind having a difficult dog, we love him but we can't keep him with my wife wanting to work, but I can't even do anything for him right now, the shelter has him. Build one he can't destroy.....
Just give me one thing, that I can hold on to. To believe in this livin' is just a hard way to go.
Re: Anybody tried adopting a dog lately?
[Re: yotetrapper30]
12/29/24 01:21 AM
12/29/24 01:21 AM
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AK Timber Tramp
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Yotetrapper he destroys crates like they're nothing, I tried that route several times. He even broke out of the dog boarding place when I dropped him off for a weekend to go to chena hot springs one time. We didn't mind having a difficult dog, we love him but we can't keep him with my wife wanting to work, but I can't even do anything for him right now, the shelter has him. Build one he can't destroy..... Even if I had the budget for that much plate steel, he'd near kill himself trying. He torpedoed through the back window of one of my pickups one time, glass everywhere near knocked himself out cold just because he thought I was walking away (I was opening my gate). If I didn't have to work I'd love to keep him, he's a good dog its not his fault that he's nutty as squirrel turds and over 100 pounds of muscle. It's the combo of the 2 that really makes him difficult, my wife has a Chihuahua that's absolutely wild, but she's 8lbs so she doesn't have the build to destroy anything or make life hard, but 100+lbs of crazy dog is tough to keep a handle on for most people. I've really tried everything I can with him, and the only thing that works is constant supervision.
Re: Anybody tried adopting a dog lately?
[Re: AK Timber Tramp]
12/29/24 02:34 AM
12/29/24 02:34 AM
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Even if I had the budget for that much plate steel, he'd near kill himself trying. He torpedoed through the back window of one of my pickups one time, glass everywhere near knocked himself out cold just because he thought I was walking away (I was opening my gate). If I didn't have to work I'd love to keep him, he's a good dog its not his fault that he's nutty as squirrel turds and over 100 pounds of muscle. It's the combo of the 2 that really makes him difficult, my wife has a Chihuahua that's absolutely wild, but she's 8lbs so she doesn't have the build to destroy anything or make life hard, but 100+lbs of crazy dog is tough to keep a handle on for most people. I've really tried everything I can with him, and the only thing that works is constant supervision. Can you purchase hog panels in Alaska? Hog panels are made of 5 gauge welded wire. You could make a very stout cage or pen out of hog panels. Locally here in Ohio, you can buy a 16' by 34", hog panel for around $25.00 at TSC or Rural King Keith
Re: Anybody tried adopting a dog lately?
[Re: KeithC]
12/29/24 02:38 AM
12/29/24 02:38 AM
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Yep, some places require you have a fenced in yard and want pics of your home and even want to do a home visit and want you to assure them they will not be left alone more than X hours.
We took in a Jack Russell, Kenny, a year ago. He was a handful, out of control, 1 1/2 year old that had been fostered 4 times. We had him right at a year and he had become an outstanding deer tracker. Just before thanksgiving Mary Lou had him on a lease taking him to our back field. On neighbors 2 great danes had escaped their fence and attacked Mary Lou and Kenny. She got on her hands and knees trying to shield Kenny but one of the danes grabbed her by her coat tail and drug her off him and the other dane grabbed Kenny and killed him. Mary Lou was not injured but traumatized. I was an hour and a half away, and before I could get back home both danes were put down, which saved me the trouble.
So we are now looking for another JRT and I dread dealing with these agencies as most pups sell for $1500 and above. I am sorry to hear you lost your dog like that. In Ohio, you can buy a lot of Jack Russell Terrier puppies for between $150.00 and $300.00 from the breeders. I can find some contact information for you, if you want me too. Keith Keith, that would be great as everything here in Va/NC is unaffordable. I want a farm/trap line/ tracker, not a show dog.
Re: Anybody tried adopting a dog lately?
[Re: AK Timber Tramp]
12/29/24 03:39 AM
12/29/24 03:39 AM
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I don't know about hog panels, but keep in mind it's a short haired dog so he needs to be inside or he'll freeze, and I live in a 600sf cabin so I can't exactly build a big dog enclosure inside either. And I've seen him tear apart chain link fencing, so containing him isn't really a feasible option, he really is the incredible hulk in dog form. My wife was home with him all the time so it wasn't a problem we couldn't overcome, we just couldn't both go anywhere at the same time (annoying sometimes, sometimes a great excuse to sit in the truck on t-man while wife grocery shops) but she took a job with the local fire department as an EMT so she won't be home all the time anymore I was gonna suggest horse panels. We live trap coyotes, and I promise your pit couldn't get out of our pen. A 16' by 5' horse panel costs about $120 here, probably at least double that there... but 2 of them, and a box of hog rings... would build a pen no canine can get outta.
Just give me one thing, that I can hold on to. To believe in this livin' is just a hard way to go.
Re: Anybody tried adopting a dog lately?
[Re: AK Timber Tramp]
12/29/24 03:49 AM
12/29/24 03:49 AM
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Providence Farm
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Yotetrapper he destroys crates like they're nothing, I tried that route several times. He even broke out of the dog boarding place when I dropped him off for a weekend to go to chena hot springs one time. We didn't mind having a difficult dog, we love him but we can't keep him with my wife wanting to work, but I can't even do anything for him right now, the shelter has him. I had a German short hair that after 2 visits to a kennel while we were on vacation they said he could not come back. he. completely destroyed one of their enclosures that time. Just remembered my daughter was told no when she was going to get a cat from one place. I think because she already had cats or because she was going to let it be indoor and outdoor. Completely nuts ok keep them and kill them.
Re: Anybody tried adopting a dog lately?
[Re: bowhunter27295]
12/29/24 05:09 AM
12/29/24 05:09 AM
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danny clifton
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I am trying to figure out a 100 pound dog, short hair bull dog in AK, 600 square foot house and busted out window to get outside a pickup.
Sometimes the best thing for a dog is a bullet in the head.
Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
Re: Anybody tried adopting a dog lately?
[Re: bowhunter27295]
12/29/24 09:59 AM
12/29/24 09:59 AM
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My neighbor and his wife had dogs taken from them .High dollar German Shepards from over seas.Some were as high as 5500 dollars. I was around there every couple days and noticed nothing out of the ordinary. A cop stopped from the county on a trespass complaint and inquired about the price of a solid black Shepard 'Within a couple days all dogs were confiscated and the service dog a beautiful specimen was euthanized .They said he was uncontrollable . The dogs were gone in a couple weeks and the people were told 65,000 dollars to feed and house them were their responsibility. The case is going to court now but the dogs are gone.
Last edited by Snowpa; 12/29/24 10:06 AM.
Never Confuse Stupid With Crazy
Re: Anybody tried adopting a dog lately?
[Re: bowhunter27295]
12/29/24 11:55 AM
12/29/24 11:55 AM
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danny clifton
"Grumpy Old Man"
"Grumpy Old Man"
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No. They are dogs, not kids, you don't adopt an animal, you own it. Now granted I like and value my dogs more than I do 99% of people, but they are still my property, not my offspring. And I would never get one from someone who insists on claiming differently. 100% agree
Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
Re: Anybody tried adopting a dog lately?
[Re: bowhunter27295]
12/29/24 12:35 PM
12/29/24 12:35 PM
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it has turned into it's own business model and a tax shelter at the same time.
They can't let you adopt cheap dogs in the south , they need to collect up the dogs from the southern shelters and drive them north and adopt them to Yankees who have zero intention of the dog ever doing what it was bred for.
definitely make sure to keep it in an apartment or suburban house.
minimum is 250 dollars but don't worry they will hit you up for monthly donations to the rescue as well.
remember donations are like free money 100% profit
and it perpetuates a industry built on people spoiling their dogs with all sorts of stuff , when all a dog really wants is your time.
pet stores have become the new toy store
remember when you would go to a store and they would have a toy section , there was also a toys-r-us and other toy stores , these things hardly exist in brick and mortar any more but every city of any size has 2-3 pet stores , sure they sell feed and kennels and leashes and collars but over half the store is treats and toys and it is that way for a reason. remember toys-r-us sold diapers and formula at a decent price and cloths to help get people in the door.
heck they even have doggy daycare around here , pay to have your dog at daycare while you work. or cameras to watch and talk with your dog from work.
pets are a huge business. they are like kids that never grow up and you can have them faster than kids and they live much shorter lives.
even Farm and Fleet and Fleet Farm have reorganized many of their stores , the pet section is now HUGE compared to what it had been and at Farm and Fleet it is the very first thing inside the door that used to be grills and smokers and stuff that tells you this is the high profit margin floor space. but as you get to more rural farm and fleet stores , tools , power tools and automotive are the first thing in the door , pets is close but that may speak to who buys what.
America only has one issue, we have a Responsibility crisis and everything else stems from it.
Re: Anybody tried adopting a dog lately?
[Re: bowhunter27295]
12/30/24 04:39 PM
12/30/24 04:39 PM
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APA, a local shelter made me fill out a 2 page app, just to go back and LOOK to see if they had any Beagles. wanted to know if they would be kept in or outside, if I was a huer, had any guns in the house, what size yard and if it was fenced, if they would be kept on a chain, WHAT BRAND OF DOG FOOD I WOULD FEED, any kid's?????, It's easier to adopt a human kid.
Every kid needs a Dog and a Curmudgeon.
Remember Bowe Bergdahl, the traitor.
Beware! Jill Pudlewski, Ron Oates and Keven Begesse are liars and thiefs!
Re: Anybody tried adopting a dog lately?
[Re: bowhunter27295]
12/30/24 06:14 PM
12/30/24 06:14 PM
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I can't say much but do understand what your saying big time
I got Sam and Suzie from the pound in Burlington 20 years ago,
The 2 of them cost me 150 bucks, money well spent as they were fixed
Lost Sam at like 12 and Suzie at 15, great animals, and companions
After we loss Suzie, I decided to change my mindset, found a rabbit
Hunter and got us a beagle, Lucy is a pain to this day...she is crap on wheels !
Good luck in your venture, my only what small advice, think outta the box
Last edited by Buzzard; 12/30/24 06:16 PM.
Re: Anybody tried adopting a dog lately?
[Re: walleyed]
12/30/24 07:55 PM
12/30/24 07:55 PM
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They are ALL scams.
designed to separate you from your money!!! I used to think that until I actually looked into the numbers. I got my last two dogs from rescues. They had more money into vet bills than I paid for them (and that was at a reduced vet rate). So I figured I'd just get one from a breeder. I found out It would have cost me far more after vet costs. It cost $600 to spay a dog around here alone. Add some shots and you're close to a grand nowadays (Vet prices have gone NUTS in the last 5 yrs). The rescues get it for far less but it still adds up. Kind of like trapping. People who don't do the math think we are buying new houses on fur money. Big city dog pounds can be a pretty cheap option, however. Once in awhile they get in far more dogs than they can process and knock them down to about free. Still have to add in vet bills, however, especially if you don't want them intact. Finding a good stray is like finding gold nowadays.
Last edited by Calvin; 12/30/24 07:56 PM.