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Re: Ready to Quit Trapping - Need Advice [Re: Yes sir] #8297367
12/30/24 12:43 PM
12/30/24 12:43 PM
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Coldspring Texas
Savell Offline
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Coldspring Texas
Originally Posted by Yes sir
Originally Posted by Savell
^^^^ sounds like he needs yessirs super dope to make them dig and roll even more lol

Make fun all you want but if i wanted to toot my horn and tell everyone how my stuff killed more coyotes than mange I could more than fill up this page from my pms from guys that really do kill coyotes by the hundreds that have tried my stuff.

… just giving you a hard time partner … send me some… I’m sure it works

… coyote trappers rarely agree on much outside of bedding a trap solid

Insert profound nonsense here
Re: Ready to Quit Trapping - Need Advice [Re: Rhettskee] #8297370
12/30/24 12:47 PM
12/30/24 12:47 PM
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Marion Kansas
Yes sir Offline
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Not sold within 200 miles of Coldsprings TX grin

Re: Ready to Quit Trapping - Need Advice [Re: Rhettskee] #8297371
12/30/24 12:48 PM
12/30/24 12:48 PM
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Coldspring Texas
Savell Offline
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Insert profound nonsense here
Re: Ready to Quit Trapping - Need Advice [Re: Rhettskee] #8297372
12/30/24 12:48 PM
12/30/24 12:48 PM
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white marlin Offline
white marlin  Offline

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make sure the lowest point in the BLENDED pattern is over the pan...don't make them step UP.

Re: Ready to Quit Trapping - Need Advice [Re: Rhettskee] #8297377
12/30/24 12:56 PM
12/30/24 12:56 PM
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Idaho Falls, ID
Grandpa Trapper Offline
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Are you a member of the Pennsylvania Trappers Association? Attend their meetings and you may get answers and maybe somebody to take lessons from. Also, go to conventions and watch the demos. I know a guy that traps in Somerset County, PA and does well on coyotes and fox.

Re: Ready to Quit Trapping - Need Advice [Re: Rhettskee] #8297378
12/30/24 12:58 PM
12/30/24 12:58 PM
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Oakland, MS
Drifter Offline
Drifter  Offline

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Too much lure will cause digging as well. Grey fox are known for making a game of digging sets out.

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Re: Ready to Quit Trapping - Need Advice [Re: Rhettskee] #8297379
12/30/24 12:59 PM
12/30/24 12:59 PM
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Ohio Wolverine Offline
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Years ago my brother couldn't catch a fox for anything.
He asked me what was wrong.
I looked at sets he made and saw where the fox had stepped.
He was setting the trap dead center of the hole, I showed him the track on both the left and right of the set.
Like most humans are right handed, I mostly set to the right of center, but if tracks show me a fox is working the left side .
I sometimes add a trap on the left , because that set has worked fine before, in case a righty come to the set.
That's one reason to use fine shaken soil to cover the set.
Tracks show up better.
All it takes is an inch or so.
Also he had problems with toe catches and losing a fox on approaching the set.
Told him the pan needed more tension , as they didn't set flat either.
Had him catching fox in a couple days .
He did everything right, just a tiny tweak was all he needed to do.

We have met the enemy and the enemy is us!
Re: Ready to Quit Trapping - Need Advice [Re: Rhettskee] #8297380
12/30/24 01:00 PM
12/30/24 01:00 PM
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Osky Offline
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One last thing, not sure if it’s mentioned above but if you can buy, beg, borrow, or pinch a game camera and put it over a spot that’s repeatedly flustered you, you will soon see the answer you seek. Keep it back, for scent reasons.

“ I said I don’t have much use for traps these days, never said I didn’t know how to use them.”
Re: Ready to Quit Trapping - Need Advice [Re: Rhettskee] #8297386
12/30/24 01:18 PM
12/30/24 01:18 PM
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Magna, Utah
GritGuy Offline
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If you are getting animals to your set, and not catching them, dogs from what you are asking about.

I would change the distance from the site they are interested in, meaning your are setting to close or not off set enough for them to be nailed when they come in to check.

You could also double set with a set next to or off to one side blind, as to them moving around while investigating scent.

It's the only thing I did not read about in the suggestions above, if you have them coming in it's not a scent problem, its a setting problem !

[Linked Image]

Sorry if my opinions or replies offend you, they are not meant to !

Re: Ready to Quit Trapping - Need Advice [Re: Rhettskee] #8297392
12/30/24 01:30 PM
12/30/24 01:30 PM
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ne iowa
roztocki Offline
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Sounds like possible contamination of sorts. Use rubber gloves specifically for handling trap and set construction and a different pair of gloves for bait and luring. If you are on location you do not need much smell. Some smells trigger a rolling reaction which is not what you want.

Re: Ready to Quit Trapping - Need Advice [Re: Rhettskee] #8297420
12/30/24 02:14 PM
12/30/24 02:14 PM
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Digging can occur if the trap is not bedded solid but it sounds like you have that covered.

You mentioned using Caven's Canine Force as one of your lures, that specific lure has caused a rolling response for me in the past. As mentioned above, too much lure will also cause that response.


Re: Ready to Quit Trapping - Need Advice [Re: Rhettskee] #8297424
12/30/24 02:23 PM
12/30/24 02:23 PM
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Midland, MI.
Seldom Offline
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Since this has been going on for 5 years at lured sets I believe it’s a contamination issue. You’ve told us what lures you’re using and described your sets but for the magnitude of dug-up traps ask yourself, why do they dig my trap instead of the lured holes? Why does my trap or trap bed emit an odor more desirable than the lures in your holes because unless the trap wobbles why would they be interested in it to that degree? Look back at your entire process before you ever start trapping. Where do you get your dirt to wax, what wax do you use, above all how do you store your waxed dirt & where, etc? Cover all the bases for all of your equipment(traps, nails, stakes, tools, etc) and do not make assumptions that it’s all good to go because I certainly don’t think everything is clean or stored clean. You’re experiencing too much too often for the problem not to be fundamental! IMHO

BTW, I agree 101% with Yessir. It’s the frame of mind & mood of desire we want. The canine is suppose to be in the trap long before they can act upon what their mood is telling them to dig or roll.

Last edited by Seldom; 12/30/24 02:34 PM.

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Re: Ready to Quit Trapping - Need Advice [Re: Rhettskee] #8297427
12/30/24 02:26 PM
12/30/24 02:26 PM
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Bob Jameson Offline
Bob Jameson  Offline

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Seldom makes some very good points. He was responding at the same time as I was.

Some trappers are bent on the philosophy that more lure and bait to use is better. It takes some time for many to figure that part out.

Once you truly understand the acute sense of smell of a predator the more results you will see. That is of course you do all the other things as you should. Other contamination problems can ruin a trapline. Even the kind of antifreeze that you use at times.

When I was a young trapper in the early 60's I did the same thing for a long time. But the realization came to me as soon as I began cutting back on my lure usage. It was an enlightening period in my life. Not long afterwards I was struck with the great interest in lure and bait making.

Re: Ready to Quit Trapping - Need Advice [Re: Rhettskee] #8297434
12/30/24 02:40 PM
12/30/24 02:40 PM
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Mark K Offline
Mark K  Offline

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Try making the "V" set.

Only use a Q-tip's worth of lure and try using beaver or muskrat for bait.

You will have to rebuild after each catch.

Re: Ready to Quit Trapping - Need Advice [Re: Rhettskee] #8297440
12/30/24 02:59 PM
12/30/24 02:59 PM
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Northern Maine
Bruce T Offline
Bruce T  Offline

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You ever considered trapping something else a little easier at first?


#1 goal=Trap a wolverine
Re: Ready to Quit Trapping - Need Advice [Re: Rhettskee] #8297450
12/30/24 03:21 PM
12/30/24 03:21 PM
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perry co.Pa
wetdog Offline
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How well do you clean your traps before dyeing and waxing?
I had an issue with skunked up dirt inside the springs. It transferred to all the traps in the kettle and then my wax pot.
Have you ever caught a skunk in one of your k-9 traps?
Those skunky traps should be kept away from the other traps.
Don't ask me how I know blush

Re: Ready to Quit Trapping - Need Advice [Re: Rhettskee] #8297452
12/30/24 03:23 PM
12/30/24 03:23 PM
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HobbieTrapper Offline
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It’s obvious you are bending down to far when you’re making the sets. Try doing it with your back arched and shoulders back. lol

Or try what the majority posting agree on.

BTW, there ain’t no shame in using a second trap to snag a digger.

Re: Ready to Quit Trapping - Need Advice [Re: Rhettskee] #8297495
12/30/24 04:22 PM
12/30/24 04:22 PM
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Bdaniel Offline
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Do you trap a couple of days or a week a season for 5 years,or did you trap the whole season for 5 years?there is a big difference in the amount of time spent learning.a first year trapper will learn far more trapping that whole first season than a 5 year trapper will learn just trapping a few days or a week vacation for 5 seasons.

Re: Ready to Quit Trapping - Need Advice [Re: Rhettskee] #8297505
12/30/24 04:35 PM
12/30/24 04:35 PM
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AK Timber Tramp Offline
AK Timber Tramp  Offline

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Trap something easier than canids to start. It'll bring the fun back and be alot less frustrating, work your way up to critters that are tougher to catch. As a kid I started with marten (we had more around back then I think) and I was hooked because it was easy and I was rewarded with fur every check. Now I don't mind the long miles and frost nipped fingers to look at empty traps, I know what success tastes like. And sometimes I'll give in to frustration and go make a dozen muskrat sets just so I can skin something and the wife doesn't start wondering why I do it.

Re: Ready to Quit Trapping - Need Advice [Re: Rhettskee] #8297507
12/30/24 04:38 PM
12/30/24 04:38 PM
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white marlin Offline
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one thing I can promise you...once you catch your first one, something just "clicks" and the second comes easier, the third easier yet...

hang in's WORTH it!

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