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Hey guys. I'm wondering if anyone still makes drowning sets for beaver out of 2x4's. I saw a video where he built a shelf for a #4 longspring and hung some bait above the trap. He shoved the trap into the mud and cross tied a branch for stability.
I was gifted some older #4 traps and was wondering if this is an effective trapping method?
Im new to trapping beaver and I don't have the money right now for a bunch of 330's.
I do sometimes. I have a bunch of "chairs" I built from 2x4. I make the shelf about 6" and the upright piece about 18" so I have room for a bait stick and nails to hold it into a dead spruce pole I cut (or have stashed from prior seasons) onsite at the length I need for the water depth. I run a cable from the trap chain that I wire off above the ice, and I use a finish nails to hold the trap on the shelf if it has a hole, if it doesn't I use a wrap of 14 gauge wire that I don't snug super tight, I want it to come loose once they hit the trap and pull away. Snares are definitely easier, but I enjoy using footholds for them.
Re: Beaver under ice sets
[Re: bird4203]
#8298053 12/31/2401:21 AM12/31/2401:21 AM
If you use snares,you will miss less with the dry pole set with bait sticks. The green pole with safety wire is quicker to set initially.
make up a bunch of these out of 14ga wire they make setting and changing snares super fast. I use them at snare fences and jackpots too for fox and cats.
Last edited by Boco; 12/31/2401:32 AM.
Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
Re: Beaver under ice sets
[Re: bird4203]
#8298118 12/31/2407:23 AM12/31/2407:23 AM
So can I use one of the sticks from the lodge and wire some bait sticks to it? Then add snares?
I use a pole that's at least 3"- 4" thick so it's solid and also cumbersome in case they get hung up in the set before everything freezes in hard, they won't go far with a pole thats 4" thick and 10' long
Re: Beaver under ice sets
[Re: bird4203]
#8298249 12/31/2409:54 AM12/31/2409:54 AM
You can make a quick trapholder out of a branchy white spruce sapling. Cut one with the radiating branches about a half inch in diameter.leave 4 on one side cut them off 4 -6 inches long, at the height on the pole where you want the trap and trim all the completely. The 4 radiating branches will hold a No 4 dls trap solid.Wire trap to bottom of pole and wire bait bundle just under the ice about a foot above the trap.
Last edited by Boco; 12/31/2412:04 PM.
Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
If you snare its kind of self explanitory-its for attaching a double snare to a pole.Wrap it once around your pole and twist tight,after you have 3 or 4 wired on then attach the snares. You can attach new snares or replace after a catch if kinked without removing the tie/support wire. Very quick for setting under ice snarepoles. Very handy at your snarefences and jackpots too.
Last edited by Boco; 12/31/2412:20 PM.
Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
If you snare its kind of self explanitory-its for attaching a double snare to a pole.Wrap it once around your pole and twist tight,after you have 3 or 4 wired on then attach the snares. You can attach new snares or replace after a catch if kinked without removing the tie/support wire. Very quick for setting under ice snarepoles. Very handy at your snarefences and jackpots too.
Hummm, I'm a little thick in the head. I use a fencing staple or use #14 to tie my snares on. When I twist the #14 tight, I have to make sure the snare is kinda pointing up so it's a nice loop and won't fall closed right away. Can you take a pic of a set up next time.
Make some up,wrap it tight on a pole attach your snares,thats it. You can put the snares on before you wrap it if you want,but if your setting a bunch you will have a tangled mess to deal with. I just carry a bunch of the wires in a breadbag,and hang 40 or 50 snares on the handlebar of the ski doo if doing a winter beaver run.
Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
For those like me that were wondering what the heck that contraption is that Boco showed, I made a vid. His are made a bit differently but same concept.