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Are ferral domestic cats.... easy food for coyote #8299420
01/01/25 02:50 PM
01/01/25 02:50 PM

32summit40 OP
32summit40 OP

Neighbors next farm over ferral cats........that are fed and allowed to reside in her several run down sheds.......are always disappearing........I tried to explain the coyote are getting fat on them......and should just have only inside cats.......she argues cats are not coyote prey.....with their claws and teeth cats fight she right or am I....

Re: Are ferral domestic cats.... easy food for coyote [Re: ] #8299447
01/01/25 03:08 PM
01/01/25 03:08 PM
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Turtledale Offline
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All live food fights back....right before they're eaten!

NYSTA, NTA, FTA, life member Erie county trappers assn.,life member Catt.county trappers
Re: Are ferral domestic cats.... easy food for coyote [Re: ] #8299491
01/01/25 03:52 PM
01/01/25 03:52 PM
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silkyplainscoyot Offline
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Coyotes, Red fox, and owls prey on feral or domestic cats.

Re: Are ferral domestic cats.... easy food for coyote [Re: ] #8299492
01/01/25 03:52 PM
01/01/25 03:52 PM
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SW Georgia
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Yes, feral cats make an excellent coyote bait no matter if they’re dead or alive.

Re: Are ferral domestic cats.... easy food for coyote [Re: ] #8299501
01/01/25 03:57 PM
01/01/25 03:57 PM
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Northern Maine
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Yes if the cat can't get to a tree quick enough


#1 goal=Trap a wolverine
Re: Are ferral domestic cats.... easy food for coyote [Re: ] #8299525
01/01/25 04:20 PM
01/01/25 04:20 PM
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perry co.Pa
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Re: Are ferral domestic cats.... easy food for coyote [Re: ] #8299590
01/01/25 05:19 PM
01/01/25 05:19 PM
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52Carl Offline
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The instinct of a yard dog or a lap dog is to hate cats. It isn't accidental. Its bred into them. Just like when dogs howl when an ambulance goes by.
Coyotes view cats as an easy meal and well as competition for their prey. They will not fare well in coyote country.

Re: Are ferral domestic cats.... easy food for coyote [Re: ] #8299862
01/01/25 10:42 PM
01/01/25 10:42 PM
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Originally Posted by 32summit40
Neighbors next farm over ferral cats........that are fed and allowed to reside in her several run down sheds.......are always disappearing........I tried to explain the coyote are getting fat on them......and should just have only inside cats.......she argues cats are not coyote prey.....with their claws and teeth cats fight she right or am I....

You are correct, but it is probably best celebrated as a silent victory and just try to put sets downwind of her sheds.

Re: Are ferral domestic cats.... easy food for coyote [Re: ] #8299868
01/01/25 10:50 PM
01/01/25 10:50 PM
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East Texas
BTLowry Offline
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My understanding is house cat is to a coyote what ribeye steak is to us

I have also been told a bobcat will kill a house cat

If the law allows, help thin the feral cats

Re: Are ferral domestic cats.... easy food for coyote [Re: ] #8299873
01/01/25 11:09 PM
01/01/25 11:09 PM
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Southaest Kansas
Coyote Clayton Offline
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Yes. Tom bobcats too.

Praise the Lord and Pass the ammunition.
Re: Are ferral domestic cats.... easy food for coyote [Re: ] #8299878
01/01/25 11:27 PM
01/01/25 11:27 PM
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I know of one barn cat that might hold off a single coyote but not two. Yes they can put up a good fight but if I was a betting man, my money would be on the coyotes.

Common sense is a not a vegetable that does well in everyone's garden.
Re: Are ferral domestic cats.... easy food for coyote [Re: ] #8300010
01/02/25 08:12 AM
01/02/25 08:12 AM
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bearcat2 Offline
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I've kept semi-feral or 'barn cats' around the house for years to help keep the mice down. Before I had cats around I was constantly getting mice in my vehicles, as long as I have three or four cats around the mice problem virtually disappears. I never had any of the cats fixed, I wanted them to be self-replicating. The coyotes take care of the surplus. Whenever cats start disappearing I know it is time to trap some coyotes here by the house, trap a few coyotes and the cats quit disappearing.

I have heard a lot of times how feral cats are a problem back east, that they actually live and reproduce wild, not just around peoples barns and outbuildings. That has never been a problem out west, the coyotes take care of them. I know people occasionally dump cats in the woods, but they never last long. I would guess with the expansion of the eastern coyote they will alleviate feral cat problems.

Re: Are ferral domestic cats.... easy food for coyote [Re: bearcat2] #8300097
01/02/25 10:34 AM
01/02/25 10:34 AM

32summit40 OP
32summit40 OP

Originally Posted by bearcat2
I've kept semi-feral or 'barn cats' around the house for years to help keep the mice down. Before I had cats around I was constantly getting mice in my vehicles, as long as I have three or four cats around the mice problem virtually disappears. I never had any of the cats fixed, I wanted them to be self-replicating. The coyotes take care of the surplus. Whenever cats start disappearing I know it is time to trap some coyotes here by the house, trap a few coyotes and the cats quit disappearing.

I have heard a lot of times how feral cats are a problem back east, that they actually live and reproduce wild, not just around peoples barns and outbuildings. That has never been a problem out west, the coyotes take care of them. I know people occasionally dump cats in the woods, but they never last long. I would guess with the expansion of the eastern coyote they will alleviate feral cat problems.

Have to agree with you.....only thing I do different is for mice building up in equip and vehicles...I have half dozen old fashioned snap trap with a peanut.....the nut lasts forever...and catch mice before they can get afraid of luring in coyotes with cat natural scents and odor

Re: Are ferral domestic cats.... easy food for coyote [Re: ] #8300211
01/02/25 12:35 PM
01/02/25 12:35 PM
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MuddyMike Offline
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my little pit bull female like 35 40 pounds will kill any cat that comes close to our property. so id have to say yeah a yote will smoke a cat and eat it. ive watched my small dog kill them straight out like it was nothing. we also have hawks as well as owls and they kill more cats and fowl than coon mink opossum and fox than i can count. little dog has caught and killed mink and that buck mink gave her a run for her money but she aint quit and mink was no more. got her eye lid and nose and top of her head but k9s are tenacious animals. unless your dog is a sissy. yote will definitely kill a cat

Re: Are ferral domestic cats.... easy food for coyote [Re: ] #8300436
01/02/25 06:18 PM
01/02/25 06:18 PM
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Marion Kansas
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I've had two dogs that would kill cats. Never really seen any house cat put up any real fight when a dog had killing it as his goal and didn't hesitate in doing it. Never seen a house cat do any kind of damage to the dogs in the attacks. I'm sure coyotes eat house cats but I've tested bobcat meat probably more than any other single ingredient and have to say there's better bases out there as far as how much attraction it has.

Re: Are ferral domestic cats.... easy food for coyote [Re: ] #8301133
01/03/25 12:59 PM
01/03/25 12:59 PM
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Hoosier71 Offline
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I always tell people that nothing made our pet Fiest happier than killing cats. Didn't really bother anything else, but he hated cats. If he could do it as easily as he did, a coyote would have no problem.

Re: Are ferral domestic cats.... easy food for coyote [Re: ] #8301850
01/04/25 01:33 AM
01/04/25 01:33 AM
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East-Central Wisconsin
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The big issue with more highly populated areas of the Mid West and east is the fact that there is very limited harvest opportunities in the built up areas. Many have very diverse habitat with open area, water, small woodlands which are very suitable for all wildlife and escpecially feral cats as they have a lot of prey options and many households feed them as well. Also these are major areas where those who are tired of their cats drop them off as well. Many of the smaller farms have high cat populations and these cats have places to hide and roam. Yes we have yotes in these areas as well as fox and owls but no where near enough to dent the growing numbers. The UW Madison wildlife department did a research study about 15-20 years ago and estimated there were as many as 900K feral cats in WI. That is a lot of predation that hunts day and or night and on the ground and in trees.


Re: Are ferral domestic cats.... easy food for coyote [Re: bblwi] #8301928
01/04/25 07:36 AM
01/04/25 07:36 AM

32summit40 OP
32summit40 OP

You hit the nail right on the head.......there's a movement growing fast back trap strays with drop traps......take to vet to spay or neuter......bring home..release...set up a box or makeshift shelter outside....with food and water.......thats making numbers increase.....pheasant, quail, low nesting song birds, even the occasional duck nest producing ducklings are eaten......used to be you could take a stray or lost cat with no I D to county pond....owners would reclaim cat or they would be taken by others wanting a cat........the ones that were ferral or had health issues would be euthanized for free.......when that stopped....the county would take only for 25 dollar fee......after that, they now refuse to take any cats at all......I think cats lose in long run because they're not heathy for long life running loose...and wildlife loses from being preyed on by these cats....

Re: Are ferral domestic cats.... easy food for coyote [Re: ] #8302014
01/04/25 09:18 AM
01/04/25 09:18 AM
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coastal ny
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Lot of folks here protect feral cats, providing food and shelter and think they're doing Gods work, never thinking about the toll they take on wildlife.... trap , spay, and release is common, but they can still eat...

There's laws now that you can't kill any domestic animals, ie cats. Shelters don't want them, Cat people shelters can't get rid of them, most are diseased and gonna die, but not before popping out another litter.
The quail and pheasants are gone, along with pretty much everything else that crawls., and...everyone has a cell phone camera and video, difficult to do what needs done, and not worth the legal ramifications.

Re: Are ferral domestic cats.... easy food for coyote [Re: gcs] #8302131
01/04/25 12:20 PM
01/04/25 12:20 PM

32summit40 OP
32summit40 OP

I agree....see on your post your from New York......I listen to wabc radio NY...on Sunday nites....that Curtis Silwa's wife has an animal show......and she is big proponent of ferral cats......I've tried to call show and tell her where she's wrong.....but, can never get on....don't want to point finger.....but veterinarians know the reality of a cat's life and and health in the wild issues the U S....but they're mute on subject...

Last edited by 32summit40; 01/04/25 12:27 PM. Reason: Added more text
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