I have spent nearly 3 decades in the company of moose. I am intrigued and in wonderment with all moose, but especially the Alaska/Yukon subspecies, simply because they are so big. I have studied them, hunted them, and lived with them in Alaska and Idaho. It's been fun.

The little Shiras moose is small in comparison to the Alaska/Yukon subspecies.
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They seem to like water, and summertime finds them often submerged in water, trying to avoid mosquitos.
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They grow some impressive antlers in Alaska.
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We usually have moose in the yard here in Idaho in the winter.
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In a study we did on the Susitna River, grizzly (shown here) and wolf were responsible for over 80% calf mortality.
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Books for sale on Amazon, Barnes & Noble etc.
Poetic Injustice
The Last Hunt
Wild Life
Long Way Home