Re: Ear plugged
[Re: bodycount]
01/12/25 11:49 AM
01/12/25 11:49 AM
Joined: Dec 2006
Posts: 6,165 La Crosse, WI
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La Crosse, WI
Not sure what kind of plug your talking about??? If wax? Warm soapy water and ball syringe or regular syringe. Lean over and run water in slow flush it out. If more than that get your butt into doctor have them do it. Ears and eyes don't want to mess with to much by yourself.
"Never Forget Which Way Is Up"
Re: Ear plugged
[Re: bodycount]
01/12/25 11:52 AM
01/12/25 11:52 AM
Joined: Oct 2017
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perry co.Pa
![[Linked Image]]( I also know a Gene Tracy joke that might do it Lay your manhood on the table and have your wife give it a karate chop Wax will fly out both of your ears  I would use my first suggestion though
Re: Ear plugged
[Re: bodycount]
01/12/25 12:03 PM
01/12/25 12:03 PM
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When mine get plugged with excess wax, I just go to the clinic and get them flushed out. They have the right stuff to soften the wax so it can be flushed out and they can tell when they get it cleaned out. I have tried the do it yourself method and usually still ended up having to go get them flushed anyway. Just simpler to me to go get it done the right way to start with.
Like Mac said, eyes and ears are too easy to mess up with home remedies. Especially with items like Q-Tips in ears.
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Re: Ear plugged
[Re: bodycount]
01/12/25 12:36 PM
01/12/25 12:36 PM
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Have had a plugged ear off and on for past 3 weeks. Started with Covid right before Christmas.
There is ear wax, there is an ear infection, and in my case.........apparently all the excess drainage that is not going down my throat or out my nose.......can somehow find it's way to the inner ear. Was told that will clear up on it's own over time. Does come and go. Annoying as all git out, but am told not to worry......for now.
Ear infection is the bad one. You don't want that.
Easy to vote your way into socialism, but impossible to vote your way out of it.
Re: Ear plugged
[Re: bodycount]
01/12/25 12:45 PM
01/12/25 12:45 PM
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Packed ear wax is a problem for me from time to time. My mother also had the same issue....narrow ear canals. A couple of drops of mineral oil every night for 4-5 days to soften and then go into your doctor's office and have them remove the wax. They have the better equipment.
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Re: Ear plugged
[Re: bodycount]
01/12/25 01:51 PM
01/12/25 01:51 PM
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I am sorry your ear is stopped up and I hope you get it cleared ASAP. May want to go to the doctor to make sure you don't have an ear infection.
I gently clean my ears with a Qtip after getting out of the shower every day. Ear canal is warm and so is the wax. Never have an issue. Qtips are not dangerous and are shaped the way they are for a reason.
It's like saying knives are dangerous. In the hands of an idiot, yes.
Go on you tube and watch the videos of clearing out ear wax. Pretty simple. Looks like oil and very warm water in a squirt bottle while holding a tray on the side of your head to catch the water and wax plug.
How many lies will people believe before they realize their own idiocy?
Re: Ear plugged
[Re: bodycount]
01/12/25 01:53 PM
01/12/25 01:53 PM
Joined: Dec 2006
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Gary Benson
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Very SE Nebraska
I was cleaning my ears for a hot date way back and plugged my ear with wax and a Q-TIP. After saying HUH? all night I went to Dr and he dug it out. One of the most painful things ever.
Life ain't supposed to be easy.
Re: Ear plugged
[Re: bodycount]
01/12/25 01:56 PM
01/12/25 01:56 PM
Joined: Sep 2013
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Green County Wisconsin
when I took the first of my kids to get an ear wax block the nurse used something very similar to this towel , ear cup , and spray and spray and spray warm water in the ear and generally about the time the bottle is empty or shortly into the first refill , out floats a chunk you're basically just irrigating it out with warm water if that doesn't work see the Dr have used this several times now in the last 4 years son was getting almost constant ear infections from wearing hearing protection at work , well it was a lot to do with the amount of wax build up he was getting. once the wax was out the ear could dry out decent and not be a swamp constantly. a little of Mac the divers ear solution wouldn't hurt either once you get it cleaned Mac shared this with us so if you wanted to go dig for it you could find it , I saved it to my files. Mac’s Ear flush Is alcohol and white vinegar. Mix 10-1 regular rubbing alcohol 10 parts to 1 part white vinegar. squirt in the ear after dive or dog in water.
Last edited by GREENCOUNTYPETE; 01/12/25 02:03 PM.
America only has one issue, we have a Responsibility crisis and everything else stems from it.
Re: Ear plugged
[Re: bodycount]
01/12/25 06:18 PM
01/12/25 06:18 PM
Joined: Aug 2011
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james bay frontierOnt.
Poke it out with a toothpick.
JK,mineral oil at night then cotton ball in ear to keep it in. Sleep on opposite ear.
Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
Re: Ear plugged
[Re: bodycount]
01/12/25 06:27 PM
01/12/25 06:27 PM
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My wife has one of those camera ear was removal tools. Basically it's a little scoop looking thing that has a camera that goes to her phone.
She scoop out the wax with it. What she can't get out safely, she uses debrox to soften it up nicely. Then she'll flush it out with peroxide.
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Re: Ear plugged
[Re: bodycount]
01/12/25 06:32 PM
01/12/25 06:32 PM
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Please go to the doctor to get checked out. had the same problem for several years ,turned out that my ear canal was lined with cancer 18hr operation in ny university hospital ,came out cancer free but lost the hearing in that ear.
mark grose