I'd rather not pursue squirrels....not my forte. However, I had a very nice lady that I've trapped groundhogs for reach out to me and no one would help her. She sent me a list of six names and agencies that she has contacted and no one would mess with squirrels. I agreed to give it a go, though I told her it's not my specialty. I see others catching them in squirrel sized cage traps so I set two of them...one in the attic and another in a closet that they had accessed. I baited with peanut butter and chicken scratch...I put a camera on each one and sure enough I got pics of squirrels but they would not go in the darn cage. I put a mink box with a 110 in it right beside the cage in the attic just to see, and bam I got one! I have a clear pic of a squirrel in the 110 right there beside the box. I went right over to the house and when I got to the attic that little jerk had somehow wiggled out of the conibear. That's a first...never seen anything escape one of those. It's a very strong spring, newer trap...unreal. It's dead of winter here in NW PA...lots of snow...I do not wish to mess with ladders in this mess...was really hoping to take care of it inside. Plan B...I set up a bait station in the attic with apples and peanut butter and scratch grains and around that I spread pine shavings...I hid 6 #1 stoploss traps in the pine shavings hoping Mr. squirrel would bounce on over to the bait and hit one of my landmines. I have pics of him right outside the pine shavings, but no dice. It's been 10 days. I circled the house and the only squirrel tracks in the snow were running across the front yard, definitely not going in or out of the house. Obviously it is getting in/out, but there were no witness marks to be seen yesterday. I may have to place cameras outside to see where the little creep is getting in. My question is how the heck do others find success with those cages??? Looks so easy, but they don't seem to want anything to do with my cages. I think these are red squirrels. I caught one at home that had been getting into my camper. Wonder why I'm striking out now? I can catch most coyotes and foxes...seems like I could catch a stupid squirrel. Or maybe they're not so stupid. Any help?