I'm new to the forum, and was looking around for a good introduction post, and this one seems better than anything. I'm 17 and just got back into some trapping, so I'm not an expert, but here are some of my top picks:
As far as lure, there's two different picks that I have. As far as for my DPs, I love any type of licorice lure. Coon Candy, Moonshine, or just some plain anise extract, if its licorice, it just draws the coons like a magnet for me. Now for my predators, I like Cavens Violator #7, just because of its strength and real gland-y smell.
As far as trap, my favorite has to be my MB 550s. I love predator trapping, and those things just get real nice deep pad catches. I caught my first fox and coyote using an MB 550 4-coil, and they are just awesome. Really upset me how Duke ripped them off though with the Pro Series, I'll still always buy MBs though regardless of price.
As far as set, I like a step down hay set. Dig a nice deep dirt hole and throw a ton of hay around it, almost forming a three-sided wall. I then like to take some scissors and cut some real thin hay and use that to cover the jaws, as it doesn't freeze and it likes to freeze here in Missouri a lot. Also blends in well, doesn't make them feel "off" with a random dirt patch. Then I set a stick right before the jaws of the trap, making them step right into the trap.
TrapperE, I have been looking at getting some NO-BS traps, like their 1.5s coils, DPs, and K9 Extreme Juniors. Do you have any thoughts/recommendations on them? Thought I'd ask, seeing as they're your favorite trap.