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I wonder what a nonresident license will cost? Coyotes cant chew out of horse panel so I bet illegals, even with a grill for teeth wont be able to either. If I line a cargo van with horse panel how many could I cram in there? Probably start with the low hanging fruit. Like at home depot. Van can be the bait. Put a couple ladders ontop and paint a hammer on the side with a phone number. Having had both hands in a 220 up to the wrist, (told the story before) I am very aware how effective that is. I wont need handcuffs.
Last edited by danny clifton; 01/28/2510:11 PM.
Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
Re: New Paid Hunting & Trapping Opportunity in MS
[Re: danny clifton]
#8326633 01/29/2501:16 AM01/29/2501:16 AM
I wonder what a nonresident license will cost? Coyotes cant chew out of horse panel so I bet illegals, even with a grill for teeth wont be able to either. If I line a cargo van with horse panel how many could I cram in there? Probably start with the low hanging fruit. Like at home depot. Van can be the bait. Put a couple ladders ontop and paint a hammer on the side with a phone number. Having had both hands in a 220 up to the wrist, (told the story before) I am very aware how effective that is. I wont need handcuffs.
Come on down, buddy. Free room and board, provide your own entertainment, no wifi and such....
P.S.... cages already built....
Last edited by yotetrapper30; 01/29/2501:17 AM.
Just give me one thing, that I can hold on to. To believe in this livin' is just a hard way to go.
Re: New Paid Hunting & Trapping Opportunity in MS
[Re: KeithC]
#8326697 01/29/2507:44 AM01/29/2507:44 AM
Heck i could retire, i know several mobile home parks that are nothing but little Mexico. Any Tyson chicken plant parking lot would net you several hundred. Construction sites same way.
All fun n games right now BUT not sure who your going to get to work in these nasty processing plants even for 17.00 a hour. Entitled kids are not running out to the construction sites to sling a hammer all day either like we did growing up. Glad to see them being rounded up but it is going to have some adverse effects in certain industries.
Not my circus, not my clowns.
Re: New Paid Hunting & Trapping Opportunity in MS
[Re: KeithC]
#8326707 01/29/2508:11 AM01/29/2508:11 AM
$1000.00 bounty to be paid for capture of criminal illegal aliens in Mississippi.
Love the pic. I guess they're hauling some "Mexicans" off a jobsite.
I'm all for booting the criminals and securing the border tight but people are delusional if they believe lazy whites and blacks are going to suddenly pick up a hammer and get to work.
And deport them all today and watch our economy come to a screeching halt.
Mississipi? LOL. Don't they have some better things to do first? Education, welfare, teenage pregnancy, etc? And this is coming from an Okie....we're screwed up too.
Re: New Paid Hunting & Trapping Opportunity in MS
[Re: KeithC]
#8326709 01/29/2508:15 AM01/29/2508:15 AM
Same arguments for keeping blacks enslaved, addicted to cheap labor. Imagine expecting buisness to innovate instead of relying on slave labor.
Crazy that a major industrial revolution completely changed human history almost immediately after slavery was ended and yet we think we won't be able to innovate any further and still require cheap unskilled labor.
Re: New Paid Hunting & Trapping Opportunity in MS
[Re: KeithC]
#8326773 01/29/2509:23 AM01/29/2509:23 AM
Mississipi? LOL. Don't they have some better things to do first? Education, welfare, teenage pregnancy, etc? And this is coming from an Okie....we're screwed up too. [/quote]
Jeez give Trump a little slack. He’s only been in office for 8 days. Are you saying he needs to slow down a little? Maybe he should get into Joe and Kamala’s playbook and run the country like those complete idiots.
Re: New Paid Hunting & Trapping Opportunity in MS
[Re: KeithC]
#8326813 01/29/2510:20 AM01/29/2510:20 AM
Put an end to welfare and there wont be labor shortages. Will be chaotic for a while. I see fresh out of school first job American youth trying to adapt to a job. It aint pretty. Quite an ordeal for some. All the income equality poison they have been taught, lack of self discipline and general laziness is not easy to overcome. Will be worse with generational welfare. Still needs to be done IMO.
Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
Re: New Paid Hunting & Trapping Opportunity in MS
[Re: KeithC]
#8326835 01/29/2510:41 AM01/29/2510:41 AM
Germans are, or were, some of the hardest working people, but even they had a difficult job incorporating the east Germans into the culture. All the communist payouts made the East Germans lazy...But you either work or starve.
Re: New Paid Hunting & Trapping Opportunity in MS
[Re: KeithC]
#8327073 01/29/2504:14 PM01/29/2504:14 PM
The illegal aliens, who have bounties on them, committed other crimes than just entering illegally. If we just could round up every illegal we saw and turn them in for $1000.00, with a good crew, like I used to have when I had my security company, we could all be rich enough to retire in a few weeks to a very lavish lifestyle.
Re: New Paid Hunting & Trapping Opportunity in MS
[Re: KeithC]
#8327134 01/29/2505:25 PM01/29/2505:25 PM
Once the roundup started I bet I5 I15 I17 I25 and I 35 would have unbelievably heavy southbound traffic. They would want to take money and possessions with them rather than a bus or plane ride with nothing.
Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
Re: New Paid Hunting & Trapping Opportunity in MS
[Re: KeithC]
#8327136 01/29/2505:26 PM01/29/2505:26 PM
Your right Pete. To much stuff to go wrong. Would get bloody, brown skinned Americans being detained, lawsuits, liberals losing their minds. Bounties on specific individuals would need to be a lot more than a grand to get any professional interest. After a few misidentified people get kidnapped it will really go south.
Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)