This will be a bit of story but bear with me for the history part.
The most recent post about type of ice spud to have. Made me think about this strap or rope ditching trick. Was suggested in the spud post to have a strap on spud so don't loose it chopping threw ice. Which l can say I did when was kid slip and drop the spud in river. So a rope was add with a loop to go over my wrist.
What I learn later on was if you fall threw the ice with the spud. While it can be useful in getting out if you know how to use it. It may also be a something you don't want tie to your wrist. Most people would want to just ditch it.
One of the swift water rescue schools I was at years ago. The instructor showed us a simple way to hold a rope. It was actually for throwing a line bag rescue rope. Those throw bags were just starting to become popular tool for swift water. Those throw bags all had a loop on the end which most people would put over their wrist. That's all fine and good so you don't loose the rope end. Not so good if something goes side ways and now you find you need to ditch the line. With a strap or rope looped on your wrist. Once there is any amount of tension on it. It can be almost impossible or totally impossible to ditch a line.
Now we have all seen the video of some kid or old lady. Where the dog bolts and they get dragged because the leash was looped on their wrist. I got home from this rescue school with new idea. I taught my kids to hold the dog leash loop. The same way we were taught to use the loop on the rescue rope. That theway they had control of the rope with out worry of it just jerked from their hand. It also allowed them if need be to get free, not be dragged by 70lb Labrador. Which were actually trained well enough that would never happen. Right!
So here it is 4 simple pictures. Because I don't know how to do video.
Also the loops I put on my throw ropes or things I rig myself. I purposely make them small. That way even a small person can put it over their hand.
Here we go
Start by placing the loop over your thumb.
![[Linked Image]](
Then the strap or rope goes over back of your hand.
![[Linked Image]](
Next it lays across the palm of your hand.
![[Linked Image]](
Closing your hand on the line it is now coming out of your hand by you thumb. I. This position you should have as much grip as you can hold
To ditch the line and any thing attached. You simple open your hand and the line pulls free. It may not be without a bit of discomfort. But you shouldn't be dragged into what every your trying to let go of.
Like any thing it should be practiced to see the mechanics of it. Not that hard to learn.
Any questions fire away