Canada has a lot to offer. Breathing room is one of them. China’s density makes homes of 100 square meters the norm. That’s about 1,000 sq ft per family of 3.
Education is another. Your 3rd grader won’t be studying until midnight every night to keep up with the expectations of the school. Almost everyone in Canada goes to high school. In China, it’s somewhere around 60%. The rest go into the labor force. And that makes you destined for lower paying jobs most of your life. The availability of universities and getting into them is at a much higher rate than in China, as well. Something like 20% of Chinese senior high school kids get into college in China. I’ll bet the percentage is much, much higher in Canada.
Meaningful jobs and living wages are available in Canada.
For those living in northern China, they’re already used to the cold. Public buildings have heat, and if needed, a/c. In China, the heat is turned on in apartment buildings around October 20th. Schools are not heated. Most businesses have limited heating.
Toronto and other larger cities have significant Chinese populations so the feeling of aloneness isn’t as great as one would expect.
China has much to offer but the competition is incredibly fierce. Resources in Canada are much more abundant and therefore an ideal place to raise a family, or have a business if one has the language skills.
An informative post. Daughter is a high school English teacher. I listen to her rants weekly on how her students, sleep, daydream, look at their smart phone and otherwise amuse their selves while at school.
Someday, maybe 10 or 20 years from now, they will realize how they blew away a good education. If they knew how hard it was to obtain a good education in the rest of the world maybe they would try harder.