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Another wolf got tangled up. Cable was in its mouth but went to sleep before any chew out could happen, no mess, pretty quick. While I’m loading this one up, a cam about 1.5 miles to the west is sending pics, another wolf there. On our way down, we find a kill site that’s a couple days old, looked like 2 wolves, so we set up there. The other wolf on a different cam yesterday missed the sets but is none the wiser. The wolf on cam this morning was in the right spot, but the sets were about a foot under hard snow from high wind & snow we had on Thursday. Relocate a few sets and snares and next weekend after Vegas should be a good one.
That is good stuff SJ, way to go!! That sunshine over your shoulder is an awesome picture!
I saw that when we were close to the snowmobile, told him this is perfect for a sun pic…lol. Buddies waaay off in the Bach behind me checking a couple empty rams.
Cool cool Shakey. Love those two different colored kits
That’s 3 kits out of this lodge, 2 blacks and this brownie. I’m not sure where mom and dad are, wolves maybe?…lol. The wife saw the fur on the first little blackie and said he ain’t going to auction, she wants to try to make a pair of gloves or something, it’s the one I made stew out of. Best wild meat stew I’ve ever tried! Going to eat some of these little buggers too.
Good gear turns a wuss into a warrior… You should see Freezers gear…..brutal. We went to check a few snares Friday night. 1/2 hour check. He was frozen and it was a mild 10F. His boots were like ice blocks, couldn’t believe it. 10 year old Canadian Tire specials. His jacket is soaked with snow, 3 balaclavas plus an old helmet, short winter gloves with wrists exposed… I have to take a pic next time. Me and his brother bug him about how much he makes and the crappy gear he buys. He’ll read this too. Ice fishing gear is good, and a jacket that’s easy on & off is great, otherwise you’re sweating by the time you get back to the machine after a walk into the bush. The gear you see in the pic is how I ride, just missing the wolf mitts. That beaver hat is unreal for warmth, no wind bites through.
Good gear turns a wuss into a warrior… You should see Freezers gear…..brutal. We went to check a few snares Friday night. 1/2 hour check. He was frozen and it was a mild 10F. His boots were like ice blocks, couldn’t believe it. 10 year old Canadian Tire specials. His jacket is soaked with snow, 3 balaclavas plus an old helmet, short winter gloves with wrists exposed… I have to take a pic next time. Me and his brother bug him about how much he makes and the crappy gear he buys. He’ll read this too. Ice fishing gear is good, and a jacket that’s easy on & off is great, otherwise you’re sweating by the time you get back to the machine after a walk into the bush. The gear you see in the pic is how I ride, just missing the wolf mitts. That beaver hat is unreal for warmth, no wind bites through.
Do you build your own hat and mitt's or who do you buy them from?
The mitts were made by Mary Jane Red Willow Taxidermy, a local taxidermist. The hat my father-in-law won at The Pas Trappers Festival but it was too small for his giant 55gallon head. The wife made mini beaver hats to hang from a truck mirror, gave it to my old supervisor when he retired. Think she’s going to try and make mitts out of one of the black kits.