To paloduru: I've always had success with "shellfish" oil for Racoons-n-Foxes. But once again........Location, Location, Location! If you're using Dirt Holes, Remember to Always Bed that Trap nice and "SNUG"! A "wobbly" trap in its BED, is a BIG, No No! Remember, that your Target Animal might have had a Trap Snap in its Face a few hours earlier, or a day ago at another set? Get that Trap in the Bed, Tight. I usually, mostly use Trail/Blind sets, so I don't Deal with much Scent or Lure. But I will use a "Shellfish" lure at time, especially at water-sets for coons, maybe a Mink. Instead of a lure, I just like to use Red Fox urine that I have in a plastic spray bottle most of the time. I mean.... What's more Natural at a set for a Fox, than Fox urine! But? if you use Coyote urine at a set, you might Scare-Off your Red's? But Fox urine most likely won't "Spook" a Coyote at a set? Question for you Trappers? Where are Coyotes, Fox and Most other Predators Spending their "down" time most of their time? Hummm? Most likely in a Brushy/Woody area, no? Then they'll start hunting later in the afternoon, and into the evening, night, and then be back into the Brush before daylight? You're Trapping Canines out in the Open with Dirt holes, Step-downs and such? Who's going to catch your "Pelts", before you do? That's Correct? LOL? The Trail/Blind set Trapper that's "Pelting" your Catch on trails in the Brush, Before It's even Getting close to your sets around the open fields!? In my Dirt Hole sets I like to Use a "SWEET" Smelling bait, (Berry). Similar to a Coon Bait. Carman's Brands always worked well for me. The Sweet-smelling bait seemed to NOT Attract so many of the "Local" dogs and Skunks as a "Meat" bait for some reason? "Anyone Have an Opinion/Comment on That?". The Grey fox in my area really Like that Berry Scent also! Ok, "If" you Trappers aren't Harvesting a few Greys from time to time, it's Either your Area has very Few Grey Foxes, or.......Maybe you're NOT Trapping in Brushy enough terrain? (Greys are Waaay different than Reds). I catch 7 or 8 Greys each Season and most of them are "Incidental" catches on Trails with Foothold traps in Blind sets for Coons. On Brushy Ridgelines. 1and1/2 Victor Double Coil Springs, with 3 feet of Chain, 2 good swivels with J-Hooks connecting at swivel points, and a Tree Branch for a Drag! I NEVER have a Pull-Out! I've caught BIG Minnesota Coons by one Toe! But then again..........My Post might be "Irrelevant" to your Question, Sir? Because I'm Lucky enough NOT to have any Fire Ants. LOL. BUT! I lived in Northern Thailand for over 10 years and if you take "Powdered Laundry Detergent" and Mix/Shake it with plain tap Water in an empty Plastic Bottle. Then Poke some holes in the Bottle Cap to Make it into a Squirt Bottle to Spray the Ants with that Detergent/Water Mixture...... And that Mixture will KILL those Ants DEAD! Instantly! NO JOKE! LOL. Like my father use to say. "Graveyard Dead"! LOL.
Last edited by West Oak; 01/11/25 11:13 PM. Reason: Add content.