Think this covers the rest of them.
AZ- Cannot
4. Use any:
a. Body-gripping or other instant kill trap with an open jaw spread
that exceeds 5 inches for any land set or 10 inches for any
water set;
b. Foothold trap with an open jaw spread that exceeds 7 1/2
inches for any water set;
c. Snare, unless authorized under subsection (I);
d. Trap with an open jaw spread that exceeds 6 1/2 inches for any
land set; or
e. Trap with teeth
body-gripping traps with a jaw spread of 6 inches or less (measured on the inside edge of the trap from hinge-to-hinge and from top-to-bottom at the dog and may not exceed the specified maximum size either horizontally or vertically)
body-gripping traps with a jaw spread of 11 inches or less (measured on the inside edge of the trap from hinge-to-hinge and from top-to-bottom at the dog and may not exceed the specified maximum size either horizontally or vertically)
It is unlawful for any person to trap for the
purposes of recreation or commerce in fur any
fur-bearing mammal or nongame mammal with
any body-gripping trap. A body-gripping trap is
one that grips the mammal’s body or body part,
including, but not limited to, steel-jawed leghold
traps, padded-jaw leghold traps, conibear traps,
and snares. Cage and box traps, nets, suitcasetype
live beaver traps, and common rat and
mouse traps shall not be considered bodygripping
E. Furbearers
1. Any rifle or handgun.
2. Any shotgun.
3. Handheld bows and crossbows.
4. Any air gun, except that for coyote or bobcat the air gun must be a pre-charged pneumatic air gun .25 caliber or larger.
5. Live traps, limited to cage or box traps. All live-trapped wildlife shall be released immediately or dispatched by any legal method of take for that species in regulations #303.E.1-4. If local ordinances or public safety prohibit all legal methods of take from being used, American Veterinary Medical Association Guidelines for Euthanasia of Free-Ranging Wildlife, as provided in S7.6 of the 2013 edition of the AVMA Guidelines for Euthanasia of Animals, may alternatively be used to the extent allowable by law.
DE-unlawful to;
Use killer or conibear traps with a jaw spread in excess of 5 inches
Use of other types of traps (foothold, body-gripping, or dog-proof raccoon) is prohibited, except under FWC authorization.
• Place or operate, except as a waterset, any body-gripping trap
that has a maximum jaw opening, when set, of greater than
7 ½ inches measured from the inside edges of the bodygripping
portion of the jaws, within 30 feet of any bait, lure,
or other attractant.
• Place or operate, except as a waterset, any body-gripping trap
that has a maximum jaw opening, when set, greater than
6 ½ inches and less than 7 ½ inches measured from the inside
edges of the body-gripping portions of the jaws unless:
1) The trap is in an enclosure and the trap trigger is
recessed 7 inches or more from the top and front most
portion of the open end of the enclosure;
2) No bait, lure, or other attractant is placed within 30 feet
of the trap; or
3) The trap is elevated at least 3 feet above the surface of
the ground or snowpack.
The following may only be used in water sets: body-gripping traps with inside jawspreads 8 inches or greater; and foothold traps with outside jaw-spreads greater than 7 inches. Measurements should be taken across the jaws of both trap types at a 90-degree angle. “Water set” means any trapping device in which the gripping portion is placed at least half-submerged in flowing or impounded waters and remains in contact with the water.
There are no restrictions on the size or type of trap used as water set, except that any body-gripping trap greater than 20 inches wide must be set so the trap is completely submerged underwater. A water set is a trap set in the water of a river, stream, pond, lake, wetland or other body of water so that a portion of the trap body is underwater.
On private land, a body-gripping trap with a maximum inside jaw spread of 7½ inches measured parallel with the trigger
On wildlife management and outdoor recreation areas, a body-gripping trap with a maximum inside jaw spread of 5¼ inches
Near as i can tell, anything goes
Body-Gripping Traps
Body-gripping traps with a diameter greater
than eight inches can be set when partially
or totally submerged in water.
Body-gripping traps with a diameter
of eight inches or less can be set above
ground in bogs, flooded non-tidal wetlands,
fresh water marshes, tidal wetlands, wooded
swamps, in areas where water covers the
surface of the soil or in areas where the soil
is waterlogged to the surface. In all other
areas these traps may be set when partially
or totally submerged in water.
There is a detailed procedure for obtaining a special permit to use bodygrip traps (e.g., Conibear™ traps) to address certain types of wildlife damage. Contact your local MassWildlife District office for details.
Prohibited traps
Steel-jaw foothold traps, padded jaw traps, body-gripping (Conibear) traps, snares, deadfalls, colony traps (traps designed to take more than one mammal at a time), and any traps other than those specified above are prohibited. Such traps may not be set, tended, used, or possessed in the field.
No person shall use, on any public lands, a conibear-type or body-gripping trap with an inside jaw spread exceeding seven (7) inches, unless it is partially submerged in water. The designated legal authority of any public lands and its agents shall be exempt from the requirement of this subsection for the purpose of nuisance control.
nv-???? on 503.150
Traps, Body-gripping
or Killer-type
No body-gripping or killer-type trap shall be used
in non-tidal waters unless completely submerged
underwater when the water is at the normal level. In
tidal water, such traps must be completely covered
at normal high tide.
It is illegal to use, set or maintain a body-gripping
or killer-type trap having a jaw spread greater than
6 inches without a permit for beaver or river otter. A
body-gripping or killer-type trap with a jaw spread
of no more than 10 inches may be used for beaver or
river otter. Jaw spread shall be measured between
the inner edges of the jaws across the trigger of
a set trap.
Beaver and otter trap tags must be placed above
the water line and exposed to view.
• State wildlife management areas
Year-round: Body gripping traps
with greater than 6-inch inside jaw
spread must –
• Be in 4 inches or more of water;
• Be recessed at least 7 inches in
a plastic, wood or metal cubby
with a maximum 50 square inch
opening; or
• Be recessed at least 10 inches
in a plastic, wood or metal cubby
with a maximum 80 square inch
• All other lands
September 1 – October 27: Body
gripping traps with greater than 8
inches inside jaw spread and all
water sets must –
• Be in 4 inches or more of water;
• Be used in an upland set and
recessed at least 10 inches in
a plastic, wood or metal cubby
with a maximum 80 square inch
October 28 – January 7: Body gripping
traps greater than 8 inches
inside jaw spread must –
• Be in 4 inches or more of water;
• Be used in an upland set and
recessed at least 10 inches in
a plastic, wood or metal cubby
with a maximum 80 square inch
January 8 – March 15: No restrictions
on placement.
March 16 – May 10: Foothold and
body-gripping traps placed in or on
water, but not used on float sets,
must –
• Have a protective covering; or
• Foothold traps not being used on
a float set must be submerged
under water; or
• Body-gripping traps less than 8
inches inside jaw spread must
have no more than 2 inches of
the trap above the water surface.
• Foothold and body-gripping traps
used on float sets must have
a protective covering May 1
through May 10.
May 11 – August 31: No restrictions
on placement.
body-gripping traps for fully submerged sets with no more than twelve (12) inches in diameter on private land only. Any trap not listed here is illegal.
G. Body gripping (“e.g. Conibear”) type traps with a jaw spread up to but not
exceeding six and one half inches (6.5”) as measured from hinge to hinge, are
permitted on land or in water. Body gripping traps with a jaw spread larger than
six and one half inches (6.5”) but not exceeding eight inches (8”) are permitted
only if the trap is completely submerged in water in a vertical position or placed at
least six feet (6’) above the surface of water or ground (i.e., pole or tree sets). All
other body-gripping type traps with a jaw spread exceeding eight inches (8”) are
1. For the taking of beaver, the use of body-gripping (“e.g. Conibear”) type
traps with a jaw spread up to but not exceeding ten inches (10”) as
measured from hinge to hinge is permitted. Such traps must be set
completely submerged underwater and in a vertical position.
Body gripping traps of the Conibear® type
in water or slide sets only. No bait is allowed
to be used with body-gripping traps.
Steel square instant-kill traps must have an exterior jaw measurement of sixteen (16) inches or less measured at the widest point, and steel circular instant-kill traps must have an exterior measurement of twelve (12) inches or less measured at the widest point.
Body Gripping Traps Are Allowed On Land If:
it is under 40 square inches and unbaited.
it is over 40 square inches but less than 60 square inches and is set 5 feet or more above the ground.
it is over 40 square inches but less than 60 square inches and is in an anchored enclosure with openings no greater than 60 square inches and with a trap trigger that is recessed at least 12 inches from all openings.
NOTE: body-gripping traps over 60 square inches shall only be set in the water or under the ice.
With body-gripping traps which include, but are not limitedto, foot-hold traps, snares, and conibear-type traps.Specified body-gripping traps identified by WDFW may beused with a special trapping permit to abate human-wildlife conflict under WAC 220-417-040.
f. A quick-kill body-grip trap having a jaw measurement of ten (10)
inches or greater when measured vertically at its widest part of the
jaw shall not be set, other than on private land, unless the bottom of
the quick-kill body-grip trap is at least partially submerged in water
when set.