Originally Posted by waggler
I'm guessing that bird flu rather than egg hunting is what's causing the decline. I've seen literally thousands of dead sea birds at a time laying along miles and miles of beach on Bristol Bay (Bering Sea) in recent years.

In 2011 on the way out to Kanaga Island we spent most of the day on Sanak island looking for a dead swan that had a transmitter on it. It was still in the water and moved a little then the battery went dead and all they had was the last location. They were hoping we could recover the transmitter. There were 1000's of dead common murre's on the shore just above the high tide mark. We never found the swan. I would guess the murre had been dead a year. You could stand in one spot and see 10-30 of them. There were not many other dead birds in the mix we saw saw. I have no idea if it was bird flu, but it could have been. We did take some sample murre, but I never heard anything. I was a seasonal fox trapper and we just were catching a ride on the Tiglax.

"Not Really, Not Really"
Mark J Monti
"MJM you're a jerk."