One advantage of the chained bullet type stakes is if all your jhooks are welded, it can be really tough for someone else to pull it up! If you have issues with tampering/theft, those buried stakes can help with the theft part. If that is an issue then the deeper you drive them the better. But you’re going to pay in time/effort pulling them too! Seems like there’s trade offs for everything?
Yep. I had a 750 I had to do some serious work to in order to reset after someone bent the jaws all up trying to pull it with a fourwheeler. There were four big holes where they had spun all four tires down trying to pull it up, but the trap was still there. I did have somebody steal two one time that were driven through a shot rock landing. No idea how they got them out, I was planning on bringing bolt cutters come pull day. There were just some drifts of snow going in there, no snow around the sets, but I had one set of boot prints going in, no vehicle tracks or multiple tracks like they made multiple trips, just two catch circles about thirty feet apart with trap and all missing.
Most of my traps have earth anchors on the end of the chain, with all connections welded, but I mostly use drags or chain off to a tree any more. Earth anchors are great though for dealing with your normal opportunistic thief. You know the kind that just grab it because they see it, not the kind who comes prepared and looking for your traps.
Oh, I've broke multiple "mighty hook" S hooks pulling with my homemade puller. My welds held, but if you have enough leverage and it is in solid enough you can snap those S hooks in half. I went to using "cold shuts" welded closed instead of S hooks, but don't know if that is a good idea, if I have to pull hard enough to snap the S hook I might prefer that to having to pull even harder. If I have any sets that are anchored now I try to remember bolt cutters on pull day. I didnt have anything once on a snowmachine and even with a 12 long six inch diameter log I cut and used as a "cheater pipe" I couldn't pull one and had to come back another day to get the trap.