Larry Kudlow said since the money has already been borrowed, it won't add any MORE to inflation...what's the difference if .gov spends it or WE spend a portion? his take is we would spend the [already borrowed] money more wisely than .gov
when on the phone with my wife last night my thoughts went in this direction kind of. Basically yes it's still borrowed money but it's already been figured in and is just a % of what's now not being spent so yes still spending money we don't have but the effect been figured in.
Americans typically spend money and that much going into the economy will be good for it and the stock market and may off set the reduction not going into the economy due to the cuts. And that should soften the blow some .
It's going to be interesting to see how it plays out. Back to American spending money If that is 5 k for each for my wife and I I'm sure I can put it to better benefit for my family amd local economy than the government. I think there are better places to put it but with the reduction of money entering the economy due to the cuts it may be absolutely necessary to get it as an injection to keep things rolling.
I'm sure the billionaires and rocket scientist have a better handle then this equipment operator. 10k I don't need or want would be a nice injection in funds for a 2 story 40x60 or 40x 80 new building with 16" lean to all the way around it.
I didn't want the covid check either but spent it on an American made tiller for the tractor. Figured it was put out to stimulate the economy so I spent it on something that makes my life easier.
Hmm steel building and set it out myself or pole barn. pole barn the neighbors built was about 80k I bet I may be able to buy a red iron steel building kit and set it myself and get a better building for the same price or just a little more.