Hello guys ,i am a new member of this forum , i have read some posts from experienced people here but now i have a problem and i need help as soon as possible. I have submerged a deer hide on an alum solution but i believe i have a made a mistake with the ratio. I have used 2 cups of alum and 2 cups of salt for every galon of water. My barrel has about 9 galons of water and 18 cups of alum and 18 cups of non iodised salt. Can this still work? should i takw the hide out and try again? thanks a lot in advance

(what if i put 9more galons of water in the barrel?will that solve it?because i have seen i need 1 cup of each for every galon)

Last edited by EagleofThrace; 03/01/25 10:33 AM.