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sounds like I'm going to loose my other old dog #8357082
03/04/25 08:01 AM
03/04/25 08:01 AM
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Providence Farm Offline OP
Providence Farm  Offline OP

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got a txt from my wife after getting to work
. 9 year old pregnant dog is throwing up and has black tar discharge most likely dead puppy poo. told her to call the emergency vet and they said minimum 5k. I told her to take her. She said no she would just have her put down

ar a vet when they open

Now I'm not willing to spend 5 k on the fog BUt this dog is the dog my wife loves like a child and she is going to loose it and 5 k is nothing if it would save the dog and the wife the pain.

who am I trying to kidd I love the dar dog 2 but this will be my wife's worse loss in her life other than our son. After going through that with her I'm torn up thinking about her grief.

I can't get home fast enough. Loosing 2 long time dogs so close is rough. maybe the vet will say she can likely be saved and if I'm there I can make the call to spend that much and take that off the wife's shoulders.

Last edited by Providence Farm; 03/04/25 08:53 AM.
Re: sounds like I'm going to loose my other old dod [Re: Providence Farm] #8357095
03/04/25 08:30 AM
03/04/25 08:30 AM
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meadowview, Virginia
EdP Offline
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5K on a dog that is 9 seems like a lot of money to put off what is probably inevitable in just a few years. Losing a dog hurts bad but you know it's going to happen from the first day you get them. Love them while they are there, let them go when it is time. Only you and your wife can decide when that time has come.

Re: sounds like I'm going to loose my other old dod [Re: Providence Farm] #8357099
03/04/25 08:36 AM
03/04/25 08:36 AM
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talking to my wife she thinks she likely gone septic and her being resigned to putting her down. The anguish in my wife's voice. I see through here trying to hold it together.
What's this wet stuff on my face glad no one is around to see.

Vet or out back . only reason for vet is an opinion on saving her and that sounds unlikely. Boy am I getting soft or maybe I was just not as tough as I thought. . Shooting my other one was not easy but it was expected watching her decline from cancer. This was known a risk with such an old dog getting breed but getting her fixed at that age was also high risk.

gas pump just kicked off bb have about an hour drive left to pull myself together before the family sees me not together.

Re: sounds like I'm going to loose my other old dod [Re: EdP] #8357118
03/04/25 09:27 AM
03/04/25 09:27 AM
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Providence Farm Offline OP
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Originally Posted by EdP
5K on a dog that is 9 seems like a lot of money to put off what is probably inevitable in just a few years. Losing a dog hurts bad but you know it's going to happen from the first day you get them. Love them while they are there, let them go when it is time. Only you and your wife can decide when that time has come.

your correct it's a lot for an old dog. I would never consider it except that it's my wife's dog and if there was a good chance she would pull through 10 k would be cheap price to put off my wife's anguish. It's much deeper than a dog, it's I can't bare to see her hurt again after loosing our son. Unreasonable absolutely but that was a very rough 4.5 years at least before we got back to almost functioning like normal.
I would do about anything to avoid or put off having to see her in emotional pain again
Brings back a lot and I love that woman more than life.

Time to put my stoic mask on and head into the house. Another daily replay of the past. If I'm a calm rock she does better if I show emotion she feeds off it and gets more upset.

Last edited by Providence Farm; 03/04/25 10:45 AM.
Re: sounds like I'm going to loose my other old dod [Re: Providence Farm] #8357142
03/04/25 10:09 AM
03/04/25 10:09 AM
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Re: sounds like I'm going to loose my other old dod [Re: Providence Farm] #8357158
03/04/25 10:37 AM
03/04/25 10:37 AM
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Tough deal for sure. Sorry for your loss..

Re: sounds like I'm going to loose my other old dod [Re: Providence Farm] #8357162
03/04/25 10:44 AM
03/04/25 10:44 AM
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Made appointment for the vet but the outcome seems to be clear and just waiting on my wife to decide of if we are going to go or cancel. I think she is worried about how it will effect me putting her down even though I put our other one down this year.

Basically they will offer a c section decide she is septic and mover her to a 24 hr care vet. But her chances will not be good so putting her through a lot and wasting a ton of money.

so at this point it Basically stress her out taking her to the vet to be told what's above or put her down her at home. Waiting on the wife to decide.

She is typically not soft with animals and more practical about spend money on them infact she said nop will pit her down befor spending that. It was me that said well if there is a good chance we can becuse its the wifes dog
Same reason I spent a ton on one of my daughter's cats that had been hit by a car. It had been missing and made it home busted up. I would have put it down but the same time it showed up my daughter came out and saw it. .
My wife is better with selling thing when we sell them as well. She won't let me spend that amount on this dog. So she is just struggling with having the vet put her down or have me do it and. that 1% chance what if maybe there is a chance.

Dog is comfortable in her spot on my side of the bed now. Nose is cold breathing normal.

Last edited by Providence Farm; 03/04/25 10:54 AM.
Re: sounds like I'm going to loose my other old dod [Re: Providence Farm] #8357175
03/04/25 11:18 AM
03/04/25 11:18 AM
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hipp2412 Offline
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I spent $5000 on my 9 yr old lab. We just lost him at the age of 13, I don’t regret spending that money. It’s very hard to lose a pet. I feel for you folks.

Re: sounds like I'm going to loose my other old dod [Re: Providence Farm] #8357237
03/04/25 01:27 PM
03/04/25 01:27 PM
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wy.wolfer Offline
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Total cost on my (5) year old female Lab with grade 3 mast cell cancer was 20K+. It didn't save her but I was not ready to give up such a good friend just yet. That was just last fall and I don't regret a penny of it. I have pictures of her on retrieves of ducks, geese, muskrats, beaver, grouse every critter that fell or splashed when I pulled a trigger. These are pinned up all over my office. My advice would be to do what you can justify affording, and don't look back. Really sorry for you, this is the proverbial rock and hard place.

Last edited by wy.wolfer; 03/04/25 01:28 PM.
Re: sounds like I'm going to loose my other old dod [Re: Providence Farm] #8357262
03/04/25 02:02 PM
03/04/25 02:02 PM
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Providence Farm Offline OP
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Vets were open when I got home wife and took her to the local old vet. x rays showed stuck pup going cross ways blocking things. ran blood work to see if she was to septic or could handle surgery.came back mostly OK.

She is in surgery now. Surprisingly but should not have been the local guy was about half the emergency vet. But the emergency vet gets w4 hr care and would have held her at least 24 hours. he is sending her home as soon as she wakes up. If she survives the surgery and makes it a week without infection killing her she should be OK it sounds.. I'm hopeful but not overly optimistic. But should help my wife know we did everything we could. And if that gives her piece of mind it's worth 4 x the price

Re: sounds like I'm going to loose my other old dod [Re: Providence Farm] #8357275
03/04/25 02:14 PM
03/04/25 02:14 PM
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Re: sounds like I'm going to loose my other old dod [Re: Providence Farm] #8357329
03/04/25 03:38 PM
03/04/25 03:38 PM
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SE Pennsylvania
Pafoxman Offline
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You did the right thing. Either way it turns out you know you did all you could

Re: sounds like I'm going to loose my other old dod [Re: Providence Farm] #8357330
03/04/25 03:47 PM
03/04/25 03:47 PM
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Providence Farm Offline OP
Providence Farm  Offline OP

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not sounding good. vet called and they have been out of surgery 45 mins and she has not woke up yet. when we went in he said that take about 15 mins. all pups were very dead and some of rh fluid leaked I to her abdomen. He said he is old school and poored some penicillin in the in the abdomen.
told us to call back in 2 to 2.5 hours.

After seeing how stressed she got at the vet I think putting them down at home is best for them if your sure there is no chance. in their. In this case bet on the slim chance. And likely lost.

Re: sounds like I'm going to loose my other old dod [Re: Providence Farm] #8357335
03/04/25 03:51 PM
03/04/25 03:51 PM
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elsmasho82 Offline
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They’re surprisingly tough. Hopefully they did cefazolin iv for her or some other strong antibiotic. She should probably stay with them on iv fluids for a few days and continue antibiotics.

Re: sounds like I'm going to loose my other old dod [Re: Providence Farm] #8357342
03/04/25 04:05 PM
03/04/25 04:05 PM
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Hopefully she will be ok.


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Re: sounds like I'm going to loose my other old dod [Re: elsmasho82] #8357345
03/04/25 04:09 PM
03/04/25 04:09 PM
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Originally Posted by elsmasho82
They’re surprisingly tough. Hopefully they did cefazolin iv for her or some other strong antibiotic. She should probably stay with them on iv fluids for a few days and continue antibiotics.

that would be likely best but thay won't keep her over night.

Re: sounds like I'm going to loose my other old dod [Re: Providence Farm] #8357347
03/04/25 04:11 PM
03/04/25 04:11 PM
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elsmasho82 Offline
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Sure we don’t staff over night either but they could hospitalize during the day.

Re: sounds like I'm going to loose my other old dod [Re: Providence Farm] #8357350
03/04/25 04:12 PM
03/04/25 04:12 PM
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elsmasho82 Offline
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Sorry if I missed it in conversation but did they do any bloodwork?

Re: sounds like I'm going to loose my other old dod [Re: elsmasho82] #8357353
03/04/25 04:18 PM
03/04/25 04:18 PM
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Providence Farm Offline OP
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Originally Posted by elsmasho82
Sorry if I missed it in conversation but did they do any bloodwork?

yes I wanted to be aware of her chances. Before only kidney levels were a little low . After he said they all loomed good now. I thing she was a little dehydrated before causing the kidney #s and iV brought that back up. but that's my uneducated guess.

Re: sounds like I'm going to loose my other old dod [Re: Providence Farm] #8357419
03/04/25 06:36 PM
03/04/25 06:36 PM
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Providence Farm Offline OP
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waiting in the lot to pick her up. An hour ago she was awake following with eyed but not raising her head or geting up yet. Waiting is geting old so I'm premature on my update .

Last edited by Providence Farm; 03/04/25 06:37 PM.
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