Put new suspension in my car a couple days ago.
Got a couple fox sets out, and will put more out tomorrow.
Also the professional trapper on the national park that borders us to the north, shot 4 dingos about 20 kms north of us.
The ranger on the park told us he saw a large dingo at a waterhole 4 kms north of our boundary, and there was tracks within sight of our boundary.
I put 2 traps out for it not far from the boundary fence( on our side of course) so maybe I might get him soon. I also got a shot at a fox this morning but missed.
I will put some more pics up tomorrow.
I have a bit of an update on this.
I some how managed to break the rear suspension in my car, so there goes another 300 bucks

In other news. The dingoes have moved south and are now watering at a dam on our place.
They have attacked a few of our sheep in that same paddock as well.
I put out 5 sets at this dam last night but did not catch any thing.
This dam is a good location as it is the only water for a 10 km radius, so it is a magnet in this hot weather.
Today I went down there to see if I could find their tracks leading to and from the dam.
I found the tracks and also a scent post that they have been using so I put a trap there. If this doesn’t work I will do an all night stake out for them with the .223 and my thermal spotter.
That is gonna take some coffee!

Judging by the amount of damage, I would guess there is between 2-4 dingoes.
I’ll keep you posted.