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Heard on the local news this morning that 100% of republicans in MN have authored a bill that would do away with the concealed carry flee rather than fight law. Democrats control the house and senate and are expected to oppose it. It states that if you are in danger of not seeing your next birthday, you would have the right to defend yourself. The current law says you must flee instead. If it somehow passed, governor goofy would veto it.
My doctor suggested I start doing squats, so I moved all the beer to the bottom shelf of my fridge.
Heard on the local news this morning that 100% of republicans in MN have authored a bill that would do away with the concealed carry flee rather than fight law. Democrats control the house and senate and are expected to oppose it. It states that if you are in danger of not seeing your next birthday, you would have the right to defend yourself. The current law says you must flee instead. If it somehow passed, governor goofy would veto it.
If I am required by law to flee, then why carry a gun? I don't "flee" very well so I carry.
Well, many may be right, the unfortunate truth is you shoot someone your in deep, you kill someone in a big city, your going to prison. Instead of fleeing a perp your better off fleeing the state.
Heard on the local news this morning that 100% of republicans in MN have authored a bill that would do away with the concealed carry flee rather than fight law. Democrats control the house and senate and are expected to oppose it. It states that if you are in danger of not seeing your next birthday, you would have the right to defend yourself. The current law says you must flee instead. If it somehow passed, governor goofy would veto it.
as stated the chances of this passing are slim , but what it does is puts it out there to make it common knowledge the ridiculousness of it that when you don't think you may live through something you are legally obligated by a BS law that is sort of the ultimate in Victim Blaming , you didn't choose to to be made the victim but you are being blamed anyway because the regime is more interested in providing protections for the criminals.
get ready for an ad campaign before the next election that calls up the voting record on this bill and makes it very public
America only has one issue, we have a Responsibility crisis and everything else stems from it.
While the Castle Doctrine has always been considered an inherent right in PA, there were always many local laws calling for a duty to retreat. If you had enough time and money you would generally prevail in court but many that had neither were prosecuted and jailed.
It was codified as part of our Stand Your Ground law in 2011.
What about this Byrna deterrent I keep reading about? Supposedly it can disable a person up to 60 feet. I would guess left leaning MN would find an attempt to use deadly force with that as well. How well would that work against several attackers? I read where most states don't consider the Byrna deadly force, but a few do. MN is probably one of those that do.
My doctor suggested I start doing squats, so I moved all the beer to the bottom shelf of my fridge.
What about this Byrna deterrent I keep reading about? Supposedly it can disable a person up to 60 feet. I would guess left leaning MN would find an attempt to use deadly force with that as well. How well would that work against several attackers? I read where most states don't consider the Byrna deadly force, but a few do. MN is probably one of those that do.
against a person who runs when they see you break leather with the muzzle
but if they have half a ounce of determination , and they will kill you with bare hands before the byrna does anything to stop them
if they have a puffy coat on , are drugged , or drunk , they might not even flinch. before they take your head off with the steak knife
pretending this is a legit tool for anything other than less than lethal suspect harassments while you have real guns trained on them is going to get people killed.
America only has one issue, we have a Responsibility crisis and everything else stems from it.
yall come on down here, we have plenty of room and need to offset these idiots moving from Cali with good common sense folks. Aint no duty to retreat for any reason down here. carry always, be alert and dont hesitate when the threat is apparent. Light em up.. play stupid games you win stupid prizes.