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I like these discussions but do sometimes wonder how this all ties into the message of the Cross?
Well people like to start at the beginning and Jesus is not only the beginning but the Alpha and Omega. Jesus did not evolve nor was he created. The cross was on Gods mind in the Garden when he put the skins on the guilty pair. The law of life for life and blood for blood was foretold and beginning to be fulfilled right there in the Garden.
Let me rephrase, what do giants have to do with the message of the Cross? I just can't figure how the mating habits of early man, or women in this case, ties in with the death, burial, and resurrection? I just don't see the connection.
Re: Noah, Naamah, and the three boys
[Re: Chancey]
#8360256 03/08/2512:19 PM03/08/2512:19 PM
These things were written to show how sin brought these dreadful consequences as the result of the sinful nature that Adam and Eve passed down to all of us. It's only through the sacrifice of Jesus that all of these things will be reconciled.
These things were written to show how sin brought these dreadful consequences as the result of the sinful nature that Adam and Eve passed down to all of us. It's only through the sacrifice of Jesus that all of these things will be reconciled.
I can get that for the believer but for the non believer I just don't know.
Re: Noah, Naamah, and the three boys
[Re: J Staton]
#8360264 03/08/2512:28 PM03/08/2512:28 PM
I like these discussions but do sometimes wonder how this all ties into the message of the Cross?
I don't think we'll ever answer these questions on this Earth. So why do we have them? I guess the Old Testament is important because it is history, fulfilled prophesy, and helps us understand the nature of God. It also shows us why we need the message of the cross. If it weren't for the sins of the forefathers then we wouldn't need the cross at all.
In reference to J Staton question about how would the giants have anything to do with the cross?
In the Evolution or Not post by Husky, some were using cave men as their platform to imply modern man had perhaps evolved from those cave men. If one believes the bible to be true it plainly tells that there were other variations other than the man we know. Why would God inspire His writers to write about them would be a question to ask God himself. By the way Habakkuk had questions and God wasn't offended by them. One of his pet questions was Why God allowed evil doing.
As far as relating the giant thing to the cross. The story of how a shepherd boy could take a small stone and put down a giant was a story that never did fizzle out. It contrast the difference between weakness and great strength. Where Jesus' apparent weakness on the cross is seen as the source of true strength and redemption; this is often referenced in the Bible verse 2 Corinthians 12:9, which states "My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness."
Re: Noah, Naamah, and the three boys
[Re: Chancey]
#8360468 03/08/2507:22 PM03/08/2507:22 PM
I've always believed that the story of David and Goliath contrasted David's faith that through God he would prevail no matter the giant he faced, as opposed to Israel's fear when facing a giant.
Re: Noah, Naamah, and the three boys
[Re: Chancey]
#8360476 03/08/2507:29 PM03/08/2507:29 PM
Well now YouTube is throttling the ability to share that video. Another hmmm. In a nutshell it appears that when the fossil record can't explain a new discovery that same new discovery gits lost.
�What�s good for me may not be good for the weak minded.� Captain Gus McCrae- Texas Rangers
Re: Noah, Naamah, and the three boys
[Re: Chancey]
#8360537 03/08/2509:23 PM03/08/2509:23 PM
I like these discussions but do sometimes wonder how this all ties into the message of the Cross?
I don't think we'll ever answer these questions on this Earth. So why do we have them? I guess the Old Testament is important because it is history, fulfilled prophesy, and helps us understand the nature of God. It also shows us why we need the message of the cross. If it weren't for the sins of the forefathers then we wouldn't need the cross at all.
The old testament sets down the rules, the rules must be followed!!!... The new testament is for everyone, because we're all guilty of sin....
J I used to think the exact same thing but I watched this and had to file it under things that make ya go hmmmm.
LL I'm not denying the existence of giants I was just saying when sharing the message of the Cross, giants aren't typically part of the subject. I was just wondering how a race of giants, not the Old Testament, ties into the gospel message.
Seriously? I find it hard to believe that people are convinced that the skeletons of giants are being hidden.
Danny, if you look at the founding of the Smithsonian and the discoveries being made in the Americas at the time it makes perfect sense. So you're saying all of the newspaper articles about giant skeletons were fake? Just something to consider
Re: Noah, Naamah, and the three boys
[Re: J Staton]
#8360725 03/09/2509:10 AM03/09/2509:10 AM
I like these discussions but do sometimes wonder how this all ties into the message of the Cross?
All of the Bible from Genesis to the final throne judgment is tied to the gospel. The good news is Jesus paid it all for us to have eternal security. Christ is King, and he told us how we can become part of that kingdom. To be born of the spirit is to be born of his Kingdom. His kingdom is not of this world. He rules and reigns from heaven. Fear not him that can destroy the body, but fear him that can destroy the body and the soul and cast it in to outer darkness. If Jesus is Lord over you, then there's nothing to fear in this world. Not even Giants
Re: Noah, Naamah, and the three boys
[Re: Giant Sage]
#8360731 03/09/2509:23 AM03/09/2509:23 AM
I like these discussions but do sometimes wonder how this all ties into the message of the Cross?
All of the Bible from Genesis to the final throne judgment is tied to the gospel. The good news is Jesus paid it all for us to have eternal security. Christ is King, and he told us how we can become part of that kingdom. To be born of the spirit is to be born of his Kingdom. His kingdom is not of this world. He rules and reigns from heaven. Fear not him that can destroy the body, but fear him that can destroy the body and the soul and cast it in to outer darkness. If Jesus is Lord over you, then there's nothing to fear in this world. Not even Giants
After reading the Septuagint I understand why many of those books didn't make the cut. Not that they were sacrilegious but because the stories in these books placed the emphasis on the antics of angels or the wisdom of men, not on God. Does the agnostic think of God or giants when reading about such subjects? That's why I wonder about the tie in to the message of the Cross.
Last edited by J Staton; 03/09/2509:24 AM.
Re: Noah, Naamah, and the three boys
[Re: J Staton]
#8360765 03/09/2510:20 AM03/09/2510:20 AM
J, I've never read the septuagint. But the bible does mention stories of Giants. I believe the message of the Cross is important in understanding God's love, grace, and mercy from the beginning to the end. And for all His creation.
Re: Noah, Naamah, and the three boys
[Re: Chancey]
#8360781 03/09/2510:45 AM03/09/2510:45 AM
I think Genesis 6 and the giants tie directly into the Cross and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Most all of Genesis, Exodus, and nearly all the whole OT point directly to Christ.
It is all about the blood and bloodlines. From Genesis 3 onward to the end it is about the war between the seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman. The blood made by God and not corrupted is pretty much the whole point of the Bible. It is why when Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden, God took the skins of animals that lived there then. You have to remember that there was no murder or killing or bad things going on prior to the fall of man so this had to have shocked Adam and Eve because Adam named the animals and there is evidence that He and Eve could even speak tot he animals and have conversations. When God skinned the pelts off those animals, He was teaching Adam and Eve a very important lesson....That is only through the shedding of innocent blood would they be covered.
in Genesis 6 , God's bloodline had been corrupted by Satan and his other mischevious angels. That is why Noah was spared because it says he was pure and found grace in God's eye. Some scholars believe this was pure regarding his bloodline had not been corrupted. Jasher and Jubilees give more details than Gen 6.
The same blood saving shows up again in Exodus and the Passover when the Israelites took the blood from a perfectly without blemish newborn lamb to put on their doorway and avoid their first child being killed. The Lamb of God and His blood.
The main theme of the Bible is about Satan trying to wipe out the bloodline of pure man either by corrupting it or flat out trying to kill the firstborn young males like Herod tried to to do; or taking us from God's path etc. The whole message of the Bible is that we are fallen and all of us have sin and all of us need a savior......AND only by the shedding of innocent blood through our Christ Jesus can we be saved.
Last edited by Chancey; 03/09/2511:12 AM.
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