My opinion is predators mark all the time as their urges dictate year round. Especially after a good rain and snow storm fronts, I have noticed increased mark scenting from Red Fox and Coyote under those conditions over the years. I don't have as much data on cats but they I am sure would fall into the same behavioral pattern or close to it.
I also feel that seasonal changes and time of the year contributes to frequency and increased marking behavior. As we enter into late fall and early winter the interest in marking and counter marking is at a much higher frequency. This I feel is primarily due to their built in chemistry / biological urges kick in for the up coming breeding season.
Frequent scent marking and fecal deposits of each animal are key components of their communication in finding and/or keeping in touch with a potential mate or litter mate. Vocalization is another means of communication that is used obviously for helping them in locating mates and litter mates.
Knowing cats like to rub, roll and spray mark key features and prone to bury excess killed prey, gives us some valuable tools to use. Cats as others have stated are relatively easy to catch. The work is finding them and their travel ways. Then setting up to intercept them when they come through.
I would think that keeping a rubbing area or a spray marking area freshened up semi frequently, that it would take on a life of its own if located in a good position and location. In other words it would become self sustaining due to other visitors.
Other cats would in time add their scent over the weeks and months and also begin marking with their own droppings to further highlight the interest in the location. I do believe and support the theory that interest in such areas are greatly increased due to the time of year, particularly late fall to early winter when the phermones and testosterone are driving these animals instinctively.
Food at this time of year seems to take second fiddle to their urges to find a mate and to breed.