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Green Pelt Storage #977393
11/08/08 03:54 PM
11/08/08 03:54 PM
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270Jake Offline OP
270Jake  Offline OP

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Planning on selling in the grease this year and previously sold in the round. How do some of you store green pelts? I'm considering selling to Groenys and they state to never roll furs or freeze in plastic. I'm somewhat unsure how to put furs in the freezer any other way.

Re: Green Pelt Storage [Re: 270Jake] #977394
11/08/08 03:57 PM
11/08/08 03:57 PM
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CharlesKS Offline
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roll them up fur side out and freeze, i dont put in plastic, but i line the freaazer bottom with plastic so the hairs dont singe.

Re: Green Pelt Storage [Re: CharlesKS] #977450
11/08/08 04:37 PM
11/08/08 04:37 PM
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270Jake Offline OP
270Jake  Offline OP

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Thanks Charles! Do you have any insight on why Groenys doesn't want them rolled?

Re: Green Pelt Storage [Re: CharlesKS] #977454
11/08/08 04:41 PM
11/08/08 04:41 PM
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GritGuy Offline
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Do not roll fur up for storage!!

Do not roll fur up for storage!!

Yea people do it all the time, they are not the end users and do not have a clue what it looks like after it's tanned!!!!

Unless your planning a very short period of time, say 3 days or so.
It will not freeze properly to store for long periods of time with out causing damage to the fur, Period, no discussion, no argument. Talking about it in the positive only tells me you have never seen fur tanned after being stored this way!!!

Store green fur in flat layers in a freezer so it freeze's quickly and solid, then place a cardboard or paper sack over it and do another layer. Do not layer until the pelts are froze solid, doing so just equates to a rolled pelt and the cold cannot freeze the pelt well enough.

Fur stored this way will thaw much quicker than fur out and you can use warm water to shorten down the thawing time with out hurting the fur. It also freeze's the flesh you have not worked down quickly enough to not hurt the pelt.

Do not wait to freeze green fur, clean it up and layer it out to freeze, any time you wait helps the fur to slip!!!

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Re: Green Pelt Storage [Re: GritGuy] #977456
11/08/08 04:44 PM
11/08/08 04:44 PM
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CharlesKS Offline
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LMAO, untill my buyer says DONT ROLL FUR DONT ROLL FUR...

im gonna roll it everytime, so it saves freezer space. wink

Re: Green Pelt Storage [Re: CharlesKS] #977462
11/08/08 04:56 PM
11/08/08 04:56 PM
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Charles laugh all you want your obviously not an end user or him either for that matter.

There's no difference in space for flat verses rolled,I've done both and I know!! I've gotten a third more fur in my freezer flat than rolled.

Just keep laughing if it works for you fine, you would change your mind in a heart beat if you paid to have fur tanned that was not frozen correctly and seen what it looks like back form the tannery.

This goes along the same line as people sewing fur up thats crap and trying to squeak it by the buyer as top notch fur. It's un-ethical and rip's the end run buyer off.

Accept the fact you have problem fur and sort it out accordingly. Your better of doing so, if the buyer finds out.

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Re: Green Pelt Storage [Re: CharlesKS] #977468
11/08/08 05:02 PM
11/08/08 05:02 PM
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GritGuy - I don't handle green fur, so I can't speak from personal experience - But I know a fur buyer in north Idaho that buys lots of carcass animals for taxidermy and tanning work.

Anything that can not be processed right away is skinned, rolled up in a tight ball with head, feet and tail inside the ball and frozen. He has been doing this for years and has never had a problem. Rolling in a ball for long term storage prevents freezer burn on the head and feet.

I've seen these pelts after they have come back from the tannery and they are just fine!!

What sort of problems have you experienced with pelts that have been rolled and frozen and then tanned????? Just curious, as I know we use the same tannery!!


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Re: Green Pelt Storage [Re: wissmiss] #977479
11/08/08 05:12 PM
11/08/08 05:12 PM
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don Wolf Offline
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I too agree on not rolling fur up to freeze it. If you have a freezer that is a little weak, you will have fur that don't freeze well in the center. It may take several days to freeze the middle of the pelt especially if you start stacking lots of fur in your freezer. I can't say it won't work freezing fur in a ball, but it does take longer for fur to freeze in that manner. My freezers all get layered and I like to freeze it all in a walkin before putting it in a chest freezer. When freezing ina walkin, it is nice to have hangers to freeze the furs by hanging them from the nose. They look like ant eaters when ya get them frozen.

Re: Green Pelt Storage [Re: don Wolf] #977516
11/08/08 05:44 PM
11/08/08 05:44 PM
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My problems include slipping fur in the face area as well as on the backs where the majority of fur is wrapped in a tight roll.

Probably caused by a freezer not capable of doing the whole job or the fur being left in a freezer to long thats not freezing.
Or fur thats not been frozen quickly enough. Old fur on the carcass and then ripped off to sell. On and On,

Theres plenty of reasons to not store fur rolled IF your an end user. Rolling tightly don't make it go away. Only makes it harder for the cold to penetrate the fur.

I know I've tanned fur for years, stored it for as many as well and have worked with it bought, and done my self. I now send it out for prefessionaly tanned results. I can tell the difference now without having to mark the fur before I send it out. Which is what I did before hand to make sure my prep was not the problem with fur coming back.

I'll not argue if you wan't to do it how your buyer say's fine, he may or may not lose fur. I won't buy fur I know is rolled unless one can convince me it's fresh or they know how to prep to do it correctly.

There is a great latitude for storing fur that is prepped and fleshed, I'm only talking about green fur here, lets make that clear.

Freezer burn is caused by air on the pelt and drying the flesh out, one who rolls fur and is a taxidermist can refresh or recoup that area usually, not so for a garment worker, thats a lost area to use.

This can be prevented by layering as well by placing the pelt in a paper or plastic bag WHEN completly frozen, doing so to early and you prevent nothing!!

This rolling the fur deal has been a thorn for me since I started fur work in the early 70's and it's been passed along way before that time as a way to store fur, it's that way because fur buyers and prep guys who work for them as a majority are not the end users and never have seen the tanned products, They could care less, there job is to finish fur and get it to auction, where the manufacture will take the hit on it, not them!!

There's always some one who has rolled fur who never has a problem with it, and usually they are a taxidermist or one who knows an end user in the line who has given them proper care instructions, however that seems to always be left out of the conversation some where along the line. However most times it's some one who never ever see's what becomes of thier fur.

Just cause you get away with it or your buyer say's he likes it that way does not mean it's correct, it only means the person storing it don't know how in the first place to take care of it!

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Re: Green Pelt Storage [Re: GritGuy] #977527
11/08/08 05:51 PM
11/08/08 05:51 PM
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What Ever!! Different strokes for different folks.

Have a good day Tom. smile

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Re: Green Pelt Storage [Re: 270Jake] #977533
11/08/08 05:57 PM
11/08/08 05:57 PM
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I roll mine fur side out but i dont know why puting it in a platic bag would hurt it i always do and mine that way and they are fine.


Re: Green Pelt Storage [Re: wissmiss] #977537
11/08/08 05:59 PM
11/08/08 05:59 PM
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GritGuy Offline
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Thats it a What ever, all of my explanation and not a LMAO or LOL or you don't know what your talking about !!

Must be some one who knows a bit more about how to deal with fur than just catching it!!

Have a great weekend Nancy!!!!

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Re: Green Pelt Storage [Re: GritGuy] #977548
11/08/08 06:07 PM
11/08/08 06:07 PM
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I've got too many other things going on to get in to a fight that I know I won't win.

And I'm not going to say you don't know what you are talking about cause I know that isn't true.

Seems like lately every time I open my mouth on this forum I get beat up over what I say. How to freeze pelts, Where to sell fur, What traps are worth, etc. Guess that's the way it goes.

Please check out my updated inventory of Native American books.

Re: Green Pelt Storage [Re: wissmiss] #977596
11/08/08 06:41 PM
11/08/08 06:41 PM
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LOL I'd not argue with you!! I'm just tired of some people here knowing some things about what they do and then saying things they obviously don't know nothing about as the way it should be done.

I'll not respond to any thread unless I've got back ground in it, what works for me might not work for others thats just plain common sense. Your not going to see me telling one how to trap coyotes, I don't have enough background in it. Reds a different deal, calling know a whole lot about it. Fur prep, tanning, manufactureing, use and care, I know enough to get me by.

There are ways to do things that may get people by, rolled fur is one, when it comes back to you as an end user and it's crap, and you have paid a lot for the tanning, you start to look at things to make sure you don't lose agian thats all.

People can roll their fur all they want to and they will, it's a misconception about handling it that probably will never go away as there is not enough merit put in it to do so.

Most people here sell thier fur, they don't wear or use it personally so they are not concerned with the end product thats all. Pretty difficult to argue that point with most.

Sorry Jake to derail your thread!!

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Re: Green Pelt Storage [Re: GritGuy] #977607
11/08/08 06:46 PM
11/08/08 06:46 PM
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Im just wondering if you noted the part that the rolled furs wiss gets back have no problems and the ones you get back do.

Re: Green Pelt Storage [Re: GritGuy] #977612
11/08/08 06:48 PM
11/08/08 06:48 PM
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CharlesKS Offline
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Good Lord.

i dont give a rats [Please excuse my language... I'm an idiot] where, who, how it ends up. i have rolled up fur for years and never once had it spoil in the freezer! you get the bottoms ones froze, then as you lay in layers it dont take long for them to freeze.

dont sit there and tell me what i have been doing doesnt work, sitting 1000 mile away!

Re: Green Pelt Storage [Re: CharlesKS] #977651
11/08/08 07:12 PM
11/08/08 07:12 PM
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I'LL TELL YOU ALL SOMETHING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God, Family, Country.

Re: Green Pelt Storage [Re: shortline 63] #977753
11/08/08 07:54 PM
11/08/08 07:54 PM
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SniperBBB, I wonder if you notice that it was WissMiss friend that got the fur back and not her LOL

CharlesKS, I tell you anything I dang well feel like it !! You do as you please with it LOL!! Same as I do your stuff!!

Don't sit there a 1000 miles away and tell me it don't happen LOL


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Re: Green Pelt Storage [Re: GritGuy] #977830
11/08/08 08:18 PM
11/08/08 08:18 PM
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As a casual bystander in this debate, I have to side with freezing flat. I use to roll them up, but it took up to much space. The bigger coon also did not freeze "evenly", the outside froze nice but the inside didn't.
But, the biggest reason is for my fur buyer. If the fur side is dry, laid out flat, and then froze, I don't have to unthaw everything before taking in to sell. He is able to look at the fur and run his hand through it to grade it.
But, I will not argue with what is right or wrong with other people's methods. If the way you do things works, more power to you. My way works great for me so that is how I go about it smile

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