My favorite mink set that is not bridge related is an abandoned bank beaver lodge. Mink will go in and out of these any time of the year but man are they hot spots for late season mink. I poke several holes in these old lodges as I want as many snares set there as I can get. My best at one lodge in one check is 5 male mink but many times I get doubles and triples. When I was younger I would walk a long way just to set up an old bank lodge.
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Never overlook the top of a gravel bank for snaring red foxes. I caught a dozen reds here this year, sadly most had the mange and were not skinable. Just be careful and not have the gravel bank cave in on you.
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The only trap I use for rats is a 3 door colony trap, anywhere from 3 to 4 feet long. A large flap of wire fastened on the front blocks off a culvert pipe, ditch or marsh run so the rats have to enter the trap. In a culvert pipe situation always slide the trap into the downstream side so if it floods the trap does not go into the culvert and wedge, blocking it. I always cover the trap with vegetation, I find they catch more that way and varmits (owls, eagles, and coons are the main ones) do not see them under water and harm the pelts.These will hold up to 15 rats or mink. In years when I get an otter permit I wire the back door shut and get my otter in them also. These otter picture is not from this year. If I have a beaver permit, same thing, these traps will hold up to a 30 pound beaver (along with rats and mink).
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Black rats are not that common around here, about 5% are black. They sure are pretty.
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