Was asked if I could do a lil pictorial on this and just so happens I had pictures taken !
Anyhow I do the old school method. And this only works if you have a gun that allows you to look down the barrel with the bolt removed. So most bolt actions AR's falling blocks ect. Leaver gun guys ......they make Lazer cartridge bore sighter for like $10.
And just to be clear a bore site IS NOT a actual zero ..it's just getting your scope and you barrel roughly pointing at the same thing. Its a good way to avoid the deal where you shot at a target 10 times before you see some dust off to the said and you know you need to go over that way . Now a good bore site usually has you on paper first round and you can adjust right off of that. And some places offer this as a service for anywhere from $10-50 I've seen.....and yeah it's really easy to do and basically free so. And seriously with how a lot of folks are dropping $30-60 for a $20 rd box....yeah I tell add up .
Ok so first take a target that easy to see , I like a piece of copy paper with a target dot and stick it out 25-50yd.
![[Linked Image]](https://trapperman.com/forum/attachments/usergals/2025/03/full-34110-250779-img_20250224_142546895.jpg)
Alright now set your fire arm up in a good rest of some kind that will allow you to keep it pretty still while you adjust the scope. Sand bags work just fine don't need a fancy rest or whatever.now remove you bolt and prop it up so you looking down your barrel . With AR's I just take the upper off the lower pop out the BCG and
![[Linked Image]](https://trapperman.com/forum/attachments/usergals/2025/03/full-34110-250780-img_20250224_142636194.jpg)
Now just look down the bore and move it around till you have your Target dead center of you barrel. Kinda hard to show here but you can make out out white later target and see it's pretty well centered up. The orange center dot kinda helps you eye naturally center it up on the bore but almost I like to go off the principle of have all four corners of the paper touching the sides of my barrel.
![[Linked Image]](https://trapperman.com/forum/attachments/usergals/2025/03/full-34110-250781-img_20250224_142721229.jpg)
![[Linked Image]](https://trapperman.com/forum/attachments/usergals/2025/03/full-34110-250782-screenshot_20250306_123238.png)
Now without moving anything move your head up and look though the scope. It's probably gonna be off like mine is
![[Linked Image]](https://trapperman.com/forum/attachments/usergals/2025/03/full-34110-250783-img_20250224_142805859.jpg)
Stop and move the range horse out the way... They always seem to think the best grazing is in the line of fire for some reason lol
![[Linked Image]](https://trapperman.com/forum/attachments/usergals/2025/03/full-34110-250785-img_20250224_142819629.jpg)
Now just use your adjustments to move your cross hair to the center of the target..DONT move the gun , and check to make sure it's still centered. Just adjust the scope over .
![[Linked Image]](https://trapperman.com/forum/attachments/usergals/2025/03/full-34110-250786-img_20250224_143701256.jpg)
And once your centered up look back down the bore to make sure you haven't moved
![[Linked Image]](https://trapperman.com/forum/attachments/usergals/2025/03/full-34110-250788-screenshot_20250306_123238.png)
Cool still on so you and now toss your bolt back in properly and send one down. @25-50yd a good bore site should have you on paper. In this case I'm left with my first shot adjusted over and I'm centered. I'm OCD so I use more especially with a new gun and ammo ... Found out this one really don't like this particular brand so sent more as a confirmation.
![[Linked Image]](https://trapperman.com/forum/attachments/usergals/2025/03/full-34110-250789-img_20250224_153539103.jpg)
Now move out to 100yd ( my preferred zero distance I don't really do the whole love here high there thing if you do and it works for you that awsome just not my deal ) Most of time I'm pretty close still ,and sometimes dead on but I always check because many many times I've been off a decent lil bit from whatever 25 or 50yd was . Regardless this should definitely save you some ammo , $$$ and frustration vs just shooting till you see some dirt kick up ...or paying somone to do it... Which I have to say most of the bore sighters I've messed with never seem to be as good as the old school method....but I can barely shoot straight half the time so

O also you CAN bore site at further distances you just have more room for error usually bore site plus a single shot at short range is usually a pretty good guarantee that you'll get get in paper in one shot and be able to be close @100yd... Doing the same @100yd .....egghhhhhh I haven't had the BEST luck
Anyhow hope this helps