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Re: Lure burn out......... [Re: Gary] #158407
03/29/07 05:45 PM
03/29/07 05:45 PM


well said gary

Re: Lure burn out......... [Re: ] #158461
03/29/07 06:21 PM
03/29/07 06:21 PM
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Very well said Gary.I also agree 100%.I've never seen the same coyote work the same set with the SAME lure......over and over.Fox yes,but not coyotes.Those boys are made a little different.I'll also say that the dumbiest coyote I've ever seen was ten times smater that the smartest fox I've ever ran into.

Re: Lure burn out......... [Re: Palerider] #158469
03/29/07 06:37 PM
03/29/07 06:37 PM
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Well said Gary. I thought that this was a very good topic as many of us were giving out our theories as to why things happen due to experiences that we have all had. Thats why this forum is here. Its unfortunate that someone has to come on here and take pokes at someone just because he does not agree with their theory.

Re: Lure burn out......... [Re: NDtrapper] #158785
03/29/07 10:27 PM
03/29/07 10:27 PM
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lol.....sorry to bully you guys....

I would love to discuss yotes or anything else at a convention, my house your house, etc......anyone is always welcome to stop by.

I will have to go back and re-read what I posted earlier to see what has upset you..

Re: Lure burn out......... [Re: timrose] #158797
03/29/07 10:35 PM
03/29/07 10:35 PM
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 Originally Posted By: timrose

Lure burn out?
Poor set constuction, unclean equiptment, an area thats allready been trapped, etc.....are some of the reasons you get refusels and or a walkby, not from good quality lure.

If your using a proven lure, I don't care if your set was froze solid and a k9 came by, dug out the hole, licked his lips, pee himself, etc., he will be back when there is more lure down that hole, regaurdless if he's tasted/investigated it before.
Aslong as he didn't get snapped on the toenails when smelling that lure he will be back time & time again until caught.

Will a k9 avoid a smell that gave him a bad experience? Sure, short term....but come back 1 month later and you'll have 1 chance to get him again (especally after a rain fall, as they get dumb for whatever reason).......WILD k9's have a short memory and this is proven when you catch them with missing toe,etc. (not talking about fido here, that has been under our influence for many a can't truly use fido as an example of how coyotes react as they arn't even close to the same)
I caught a late season female with a bad break in her left shoulder...I let her go....7 months later setting the same ground (not changeing a thing or the lure) I caught the same female again and know it was her when skinning left upper shoulder was healed, but basicly crippled and could see how the bone had repaired itself.....
So why would that female get caught in an exact d-hole with the same lure only 7 mths apart?
Must be a dumb one rite?

The only burn out that I know of is TRAPPER burn out....when one gets sloppy and or lazy.......its not the lures fault...look for another reason (someone beat you to the punch, your set constuction is unexceptable, your traps are dirt, you are dirty/sloppy,etc.).
A good lure is good year after year in the same area (unless you made him a smarty) but is only a temp. smarty.

Please point out my in the above post, where I have may quote it if you like....that way I will understand where your coming from.

I left the jabs out......just left in meat & potato.......

The part where I say "Must be a dumb one rite?" is being sarcastic (I should have put a ) so it would have been understood..

Last edited by timrose; 03/29/07 10:36 PM.
Re: Lure burn out......... [Re: timrose] #158816
03/29/07 10:45 PM
03/29/07 10:45 PM
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I said: "If your using a proven lure, I don't care if your set was froze solid and a k9 came by, dug out the hole, licked his lips, pee himself, etc., he will be back when there is more lure down that hole, regaurdless if he's tasted/investigated it before.
Aslong as he didn't get snapped on the toenails when smelling that lure he will be back time & time again until caught."

For those that don't think this is true...well then you "may" be useing poor quality lure if you've never experienced may be time to switch

I said: "So why would that female get caught in an exact d-hole with the same lure only 7 mths apart?"

gary you said it was because "she was hard up"
....well she didn't seem hard up to me....lived through a tough winter, raised a litter of pups and was fit as a fiddle.....healde up fine.....didn't even know it was the same yote till skinin time.

I like everyones views.......some are good, some are (I feel) off the wall......I can 'feel" that way can't I?

Last edited by timrose; 03/29/07 10:46 PM.
Re: Lure burn out......... [Re: timrose] #158817
03/29/07 10:45 PM
03/29/07 10:45 PM
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im sorry but id love to see a specific yote work a set over and over again using the same smell (LURE) ... and it would be hard to prove unless there were toes missin and ya could see tracks ... but i will say that many times i have had double sets in ...catch 1 yote and miss the other ... and have return visits only to get close to a set to do their business and walk circles .... then punch in a new set with new smells a couple yards away and make a catch the next night ... this is why i will punch in new sets if i have misses now ... i dont believe it is the yote associatin the area as being bad since their partner has been caught .... but the lack of interest in the smells they have already checked out ... or it could be a combo of both ... im not a yote ...all i know is the new smell and new set will take em ..... im not sayin this happens all the time ... many of times the yotes will move on ... and again ... i have had return visits a week or so later and no aggressive worked sets ... til the new one (or more) sets are put in ... and AGAIN i could write on this subject forever ... there are so many variables that it isnt possible to cover em all on here ... i dont claim to be a great yote trapper ... or even a half-way decent one ... its just what i have SEEN

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Re: Lure burn out......... [Re: Gary] #158822
03/29/07 10:48 PM
03/29/07 10:48 PM
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just like people .... not all are right in the head or learn the first time around ... maybe she was a bit slow ;\)

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Re: Lure burn out......... [Re: Gary] #158825
03/29/07 10:49 PM
03/29/07 10:49 PM
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Good post gary......(serious)

Re: Lure burn out......... [Re: 45/70] #158831
03/29/07 10:51 PM
03/29/07 10:51 PM
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I should as Slim say's 'just do a kick back and move on' lol. But what the heck.

Wheelie you live in farming country, dumbest coyotes on the planet, lol.

Ive had lure burn out before, only happened one time after that i started switching things up so not sure if it's something that will happen everywhere in time or not, once a coyote teach's me something he don't have to teach me again, i remember, same as he does.

As Asa said also, alot of variable's, some lures here just do not work as good in warm weather as they do in colder weather and vice versa! Trapping here as long as i have though I know what will work when and all of that.

Taking that out though, given the same variables, same locations, etc. I have seen my favorite lure go from knock out the first year of using it to just another good lure to have the second year to being totally avoided by the 3rd year!

I don't go to the extreme Asa does and dig out every hole, wipe lure off the side of every stump, rock, etc. when pulling and a coyote that comes to a lure and don't find anything of any value usually won't fool with it the next time by, why should he?

Talking meat based, food type lure's, not gland type lure's.

Not experienced lure burn out on any other animal but coyote's though. Coons come to anything that stinks, lol.

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Re: Lure burn out......... [Re: Gary] #158832
03/29/07 10:51 PM
03/29/07 10:51 PM
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tim if it was easy as ya say to use the same lure and set day in and day out why are there such a problem with yotes ?? and certain yotes that cause so many problems with ranchers that cant be caught by ANY trapper ?? .....seems to me that ANYONE could catch every coyote that walked the face of the earth ...heck with a GOOD lure the yotes would fight one another to get to the set and ya could just place traps at any distance from the attractor and have em ..... why think of diff sets ?? could stay with one ..... and why in the world are there so many lures on the market ??

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Re: Lure burn out......... [Re: Gary] #158851
03/29/07 10:59 PM
03/29/07 10:59 PM
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J i thought of ya when this post was made to be honest ... you beaver boys down south im sure see ya share of refusal of certain lures on those beavs .... or at least i would think ... i watched charles a few times messin with trapwise beaver and they WERE trapwise ... lol .... but he caught em ... and not in standard run of the mill sets ... he THOUGHT and stressed that to me many times over not to just say "hey i caught one" or "hey i missed one" .... but to THINK things thru ... i have always paid close attention to sign when i started trappin ... more so to try to learn natural habits ... but watchin what happens after a miss or pullout is even more important and alot of time what the animals do isnt NATURAL ... but is a response by LEARNIN (conditionin) ... J i hope i can get to BS with ya in goshen as i have MANY of things to pass by ya to get ya feedback ... tim i think we may be thinkin along the same line ... but again there are many variables that we both arent takin into account by typin on here ... i love that ya disagree with me to be honest ... makes it that much more intersting ... like i said i love hearin others ideas and thoughts

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Re: Lure burn out......... [Re: Gary] #158856
03/29/07 11:02 PM
03/29/07 11:02 PM
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Gary said:....."seems to me that ANYONE could catch every coyote that walked the face of the earth ...heck with a GOOD lure the yotes would fight one another to get to the set and ya could just place traps at any distance from the attractor and have em ..... why think of diff sets ?? could stay with one ..... and why in the world are there so many lures on the market ??:"

yep, I agree

Re: Lure burn out......... [Re: timrose] #159004
03/30/07 02:16 AM
03/30/07 02:16 AM
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You back down too quick Tim.

I got a better idea Gary, i'll bring my whistle and referee you and tim in goshen, how's that? lol.

Agree with ya on the beaver, you learned from the best! Spooked beaver are not the same as normal beaver and to catch them you have to 'read them' as Charlie would say. As I told Paul here while back though, ive not yet figured out how to read underwater, lol.

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Re: Lure burn out......... [Re: Jtrapper] #159005
03/30/07 02:26 AM
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silly ya have to use BRAIL \:\)

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Re: Lure burn out......... [Re: Jtrapper] #159046
03/30/07 07:24 AM
03/30/07 07:24 AM
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 Originally Posted By: Jtrapper
You back down too quick Tim.

lol.......when it comes to peoples "feelings" getting hurt, I take the road of repair and should try it

and if you think me telling gary that he made a good post is backing down your wrong.....even though I feel his posts "may" be flawed...I do appreciate his effort....I never said "Gary, your 100% right, your the man""

Re: Lure burn out......... [Re: timrose] #159328
03/30/07 01:52 PM
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tim like i said ive never claimed to be 100% right and im not sure that anyone can be 100% right on the topic we are talkin about ... i think J was just stirrin the pot ... lol ... as far as my feelings getting hurt they werent ... just how ya went about the post ... guess i shouldnt take things on here so personal ... hope we can meet one day and get to sit down and shoot the bull .... like i said earlier i enjoy hearin diff ideas ... thats how a person learns

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Re: Lure burn out......... [Re: Gary] #159407
03/30/07 02:53 PM
03/30/07 02:53 PM
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He made fun of your momma Gary, you going to take that? lol.

Im more into the crash and burn method Tim lol.

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Re: Lure burn out......... [Re: Jtrapper] #159531
03/30/07 04:59 PM
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lol ..... J ya just aint right

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Re: Lure burn out......... [Re: Gary] #159579
03/30/07 05:50 PM
03/30/07 05:50 PM
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Gary writes...
im sorry but id love to see a specific yote work a set over and over again using the same smell (LURE) .

Sorry Gary, i'm with Tim all the way on this one! I've had coyotes do just that over and over again, too many times to even estimate a count over 50+ years of coyote harvesting. Ace

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