Re: Lure burn out.........
[Re: Gary]
03/29/07 05:45 PM
03/29/07 05:45 PM
Re: Lure burn out.........
[Re: timrose]
03/29/07 10:35 PM
03/29/07 10:35 PM
Joined: Dec 2006
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Lure burn out? Poor set constuction, unclean equiptment, an area thats allready been trapped, etc.....are some of the reasons you get refusels and or a walkby, not from good quality lure.
If your using a proven lure, I don't care if your set was froze solid and a k9 came by, dug out the hole, licked his lips, pee himself, etc., he will be back when there is more lure down that hole, regaurdless if he's tasted/investigated it before. Aslong as he didn't get snapped on the toenails when smelling that lure he will be back time & time again until caught.
Will a k9 avoid a smell that gave him a bad experience? Sure, short term....but come back 1 month later and you'll have 1 chance to get him again (especally after a rain fall, as they get dumb for whatever reason).......WILD k9's have a short memory and this is proven when you catch them with missing toe,etc. (not talking about fido here, that has been under our influence for many a can't truly use fido as an example of how coyotes react as they arn't even close to the same) I caught a late season female with a bad break in her left shoulder...I let her go....7 months later setting the same ground (not changeing a thing or the lure) I caught the same female again and know it was her when skinning left upper shoulder was healed, but basicly crippled and could see how the bone had repaired itself..... So why would that female get caught in an exact d-hole with the same lure only 7 mths apart? Must be a dumb one rite?
The only burn out that I know of is TRAPPER burn out....when one gets sloppy and or lazy.......its not the lures fault...look for another reason (someone beat you to the punch, your set constuction is unexceptable, your traps are dirt, you are dirty/sloppy,etc.). A good lure is good year after year in the same area (unless you made him a smarty) but is only a temp. smarty.
Please point out my in the above post, where I have may quote it if you like....that way I will understand where your coming from. I left the jabs out......just left in meat & potato....... The part where I say "Must be a dumb one rite?" is being sarcastic (I should have put a  ) so it would have been understood..
Last edited by timrose; 03/29/07 10:36 PM.
Re: Lure burn out.........
[Re: timrose]
03/29/07 10:45 PM
03/29/07 10:45 PM
Joined: Dec 2006
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I said: "If your using a proven lure, I don't care if your set was froze solid and a k9 came by, dug out the hole, licked his lips, pee himself, etc., he will be back when there is more lure down that hole, regaurdless if he's tasted/investigated it before. Aslong as he didn't get snapped on the toenails when smelling that lure he will be back time & time again until caught."
For those that don't think this is true...well then you "may" be useing poor quality lure if you've never experienced may be time to switch
I said: "So why would that female get caught in an exact d-hole with the same lure only 7 mths apart?"
gary you said it was because "she was hard up" ....well she didn't seem hard up to me....lived through a tough winter, raised a litter of pups and was fit as a fiddle.....healde up fine.....didn't even know it was the same yote till skinin time.
I like everyones views.......some are good, some are (I feel) off the wall......I can 'feel" that way can't I?
Last edited by timrose; 03/29/07 10:46 PM.
Re: Lure burn out.........
[Re: 45/70]
03/29/07 10:51 PM
03/29/07 10:51 PM
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I should as Slim say's 'just do a kick back and move on' lol. But what the heck.
Wheelie you live in farming country, dumbest coyotes on the planet, lol.
Ive had lure burn out before, only happened one time after that i started switching things up so not sure if it's something that will happen everywhere in time or not, once a coyote teach's me something he don't have to teach me again, i remember, same as he does.
As Asa said also, alot of variable's, some lures here just do not work as good in warm weather as they do in colder weather and vice versa! Trapping here as long as i have though I know what will work when and all of that.
Taking that out though, given the same variables, same locations, etc. I have seen my favorite lure go from knock out the first year of using it to just another good lure to have the second year to being totally avoided by the 3rd year!
I don't go to the extreme Asa does and dig out every hole, wipe lure off the side of every stump, rock, etc. when pulling and a coyote that comes to a lure and don't find anything of any value usually won't fool with it the next time by, why should he?
Talking meat based, food type lure's, not gland type lure's.
Not experienced lure burn out on any other animal but coyote's though. Coons come to anything that stinks, lol.
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Re: Lure burn out.........
[Re: timrose]
03/30/07 02:16 AM
03/30/07 02:16 AM
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You back down too quick Tim.
I got a better idea Gary, i'll bring my whistle and referee you and tim in goshen, how's that? lol.
Agree with ya on the beaver, you learned from the best! Spooked beaver are not the same as normal beaver and to catch them you have to 'read them' as Charlie would say. As I told Paul here while back though, ive not yet figured out how to read underwater, lol.
Not my circus, not my clowns.
Re: Lure burn out.........
[Re: Jtrapper]
03/30/07 07:24 AM
03/30/07 07:24 AM
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You back down too quick Tim.
lol.......when it comes to peoples "feelings" getting hurt, I take the road of repair and should try it and if you think me telling gary that he made a good post is backing down your wrong.....even though I feel his posts "may" be flawed...I do appreciate his effort....I never said "Gary, your 100% right, your the man""