You know I was thinking, we often hear about upcoming bills that threaten our way of life and if they pass we raise [Please excuse my language... I'm an idiot] for a long time and do what we can to get them overturned. However, when a bill doesn't pass, we often just go "wow that was close". We don't really carry on about the victory and I think that's a mistake. We focus most of our time and efforts on the negative but we don't really celebrate the positive. It gives me great will power to hear about victories and I find myself getting involved more often when I can be a part of the outcome. I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's great to call up your representatives and tell them what you don't want, but it's probably better to call them after and celebrate the fruition of hard work. Tell your friends, neighbors, and the papers thank you for preserving our freedoms. Remember everyone, thougts become things!