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Re: Great Alaskan Adventure ; Combined [Re: Hiltz] #1880052
03/08/10 08:48 PM
03/08/10 08:48 PM
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Stevens Point, Wisconsin-51
Skyraptor Offline
Skyraptor  Offline

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Stevens Point, Wisconsin-51
Before you know it White17 will be having an auction for harvesting birch burls! smile

[Linked Image]
Re: Great Alaskan Adventure ; Combined [Re: Skyraptor] #1880086
03/08/10 09:04 PM
03/08/10 09:04 PM
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Golden Meadow, Louisiana
Okiekajun Offline OP
Okiekajun  Offline OP

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Golden Meadow, Louisiana
Day 6 is on the editor's desk, but he seems to be asleep at the wheel. When I get the green light I'll post it.

Alaskan certified...
Taught the traditional Alaskan "bush" life by the legendary white17.
Taught the modern Alaskan "bush" life by Hupurest and Alaskan.
Re: Great Alaskan Adventure ; Combined [Re: Okiekajun] #1880110
03/08/10 09:13 PM
03/08/10 09:13 PM
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Piney va. soon be 19
cotton Offline
cotton  Offline

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Piney va. soon be 19
lol now who's holding up the game ?????????????

John 3/16

ifin your gonna be dumb ya gotta be tough
VTA life member

Re: Great Alaskan Adventure ; Combined [Re: cotton] #1880236
03/08/10 09:59 PM
03/08/10 09:59 PM
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Golden Meadow, Louisiana
Okiekajun Offline OP
Okiekajun  Offline OP

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Golden Meadow, Louisiana
Day 6

Monday February 15th 2010
8:00 AM Clear, 14 above

After yesterday's sucess, I could go home right now with a smile on my face. I honestly came on this trip happy to be able live for ten plus days in the wilderness I had dreamed of since a kid. I tried to come here with no expectations of what I may or may not catch. If anyone would have told me before I left I’d have the kind of time I’ve had already, I wouldn’t have believed them. In five trapping days, we’ve already caught more fur than what I had expected from the entire trip. I cant say the wolverine was a shock to catch, but it was all that I had dreamed of. Before leaving Louisiana, Ken had said that even under poor conditions, he believed we’d have a good shot at one. And just think, the trip is only half over.

We get the day started with our hot breakfast, and then a quick peek out the door to see if the camp raider has been caught. Nope. But I’m neither surprised nor disappointed. There is enough bait laying around the shed to keep him fed for a year. We have witnessed his affection for spruce chicken, so we know he’ll sniff that leg out soon enough.

We decide to spend the morning checking out our northern line. We think that if the animals have moved at all we should have at least two or three wolverine caught already. As we ride the trails across the northern tundra we are both surprised to see no fresh sign. We do a little more prospecting in the area and set out a double MB 750(W) under a hanging bait, and another wolverine trail snare. When, not "if", that dude comes back through here he’s got several surprises waiting for him.

While on the tundra Ken points out a creek that connects to the slough where we have the gulo gauntlet set. He thinks it might be a good idea to walk that creek in the next few days and see if there is enough sign to set an extension line there. I think the idea is great, but it’s not happening today. We both know that back at camp there are five critters ready to be skinned.We’ve burned up a good part of the morning just basically looking over the country and enjoying the bright sunshine.

We get back and have a quick snack then it’s knife time. I’m glad Ken is a patient man. I came up here with the plan to do everything I could without his physical help, only his advice. So far he’s been more than accommodating, allowing me all the time I need to work things out on my own. I sure do appreciate this aspect of the trip. He’s there willing to give any advice or help I ask for, but he doesn’t knock me out of the way to do something simple that I’m bumbling with.

It takes me right at four hours to complete a warm up marten and the wolverine. I know that odds are I’ll be full body mounting this wolverine, so it’s slow and steady for me. Ken stands by and gives me advice as I go but I notice he makes a point not to touch the knife, that is until I flat out balk at splitting the ears. I was fine skinning out the eyes, ears, nose and feet, split the lips and pads, but no way am I cutting off one of this guys ears after all that work. I do take advantage of his experience and ask him to take over. I watch him split the ears and I’m pretty sure I still cant do it. Ken says it takes him about two hours to completely prep a wolverine. Even though it took me well over twice the time just for skinning, and my hands are one big cramp, I’m very satisfied with my work. Heck, I even look forward to doing it again!

While I’m skinning, Ken sees our camp raider is back at his plundering, I keep waiting to hear the “SNAP“ from the 220 shovel set, but no luck. Ken watches him through a crack in the door. The little guy sure is persistent, he circles the camp numerous times sometimes within inches of the front door. It’s neat watching him, whenever possible he hops in his existing tracks. He stand on his hind legs often to sniff the air. Those guys must have a heck of a nose on them. Ken realizes that he is checking out his “brethren” who are hanging from the old wood shed. Some of the brethren are also playing in the yard minus their fur coats. He doesn’t seem overly bothered by their misfortune, so we figure tonight’s the night for his raiding to end.

Dinner is moose burgers with cheese and home fries. Did I mention I really like moose meat?

11:45 PM
Reading a few pages of the “Corps” and about to fall asleep when….SNAP! The camp raider has stole his last spruce chicken. I jump out of bed to go see if he needs any first aide. Unfortunately for him, I’d make a better living in assisted suicide than in saving lives. He turns out to be another large male. Great dark coloring and P.I.G. fat. Marten number seven, number five for the day, is hanging on the shed with his kin.

Have you ever skinned so much that your hands turn into meat clubs at the end of your arms??
Note to Ken...Thanks for opening the child proof asprin bottle for me. And for digging three of them out of the bottle. And for holding up my cup of water. And for helping me untie my shoes.

Last edited by white17; 03/08/10 10:12 PM.

Alaskan certified...
Taught the traditional Alaskan "bush" life by the legendary white17.
Taught the modern Alaskan "bush" life by Hupurest and Alaskan.
Re: Great Alaskan Adventure ; Combined [Re: Okiekajun] #1880269
03/08/10 10:15 PM
03/08/10 10:15 PM
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Southern, MI
HAGz Offline
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Southern, MI
un-believable... what an awesome experience... Your a lucky man Okie and Ken is just as lucky to be able to "share" his backyard with you to give you a life of memories...

--- HAGz
J3 Outdoorz - HAGz Brand Trapping Products
Re: Great Alaskan Adventure ; Combined [Re: Okiekajun] #1880270
03/08/10 10:15 PM
03/08/10 10:15 PM
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West Virginia
bglong Offline
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West Virginia
Man, the only fur I see in my yard are grinners! Great going. Hope your fingers are back to normal tomorrow.

Really enjoying the play by.


Never happier than when I smell just a little skunky.
Re: Great Alaskan Adventure ; Combined [Re: Okiekajun] #1880294
03/08/10 10:23 PM
03/08/10 10:23 PM
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McGrath, AK
white17 Offline

"General (Mr.Sunshine) Washington"
white17  Offline

"General (Mr.Sunshine) Washington"

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McGrath, AK
You're welcome. Just don't ever ask me to warm your undies by the stove again !

Mean As Nails
Re: Great Alaskan Adventure ; Combined [Re: white17] #1880302
03/08/10 10:27 PM
03/08/10 10:27 PM
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South Central Michigan
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Originally Posted By: white17
You're welcome. Just don't ever ask me to warm your undies by the stove again !

..and here I thought you were uncomfortable about helping with his zipper, you already passed second and was rounding to home plate LOL!

Born to hunt, forced to work

Re: Great Alaskan Adventure ; Combined [Re: Freepop] #1880326
03/08/10 10:34 PM
03/08/10 10:34 PM
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McGrath, AK
white17 Offline

"General (Mr.Sunshine) Washington"
white17  Offline

"General (Mr.Sunshine) Washington"

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McGrath, AK
I thought something might be slightly "off" the first night when he put on his "jammies" with the feet on 'em.

Mean As Nails
Re: Great Alaskan Adventure ; Combined [Re: white17] #1880355
03/08/10 10:43 PM
03/08/10 10:43 PM
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South Central Michigan
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Freepop  Offline

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South Central Michigan
White, I think those had snake chap feet and leggings.

Born to hunt, forced to work

Re: Great Alaskan Adventure ; Combined [Re: Freepop] #1880410
03/08/10 11:01 PM
03/08/10 11:01 PM
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U. P. , MI
Birddog Offline
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U. P. , MI
I love it!!! what a trip!

Re: Great Alaskan Adventure ; Combined [Re: Birddog] #1880468
03/08/10 11:21 PM
03/08/10 11:21 PM
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Logan County KY
mark Offline
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Logan County KY
Now don't be mean to him fellas, he still has a few days to tell us about.

A "half truth" is still a whole lie.
Re: Great Alaskan Adventure ; Combined [Re: mark] #1880676
03/09/10 01:30 AM
03/09/10 01:30 AM
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Northern Maine
Bruce T Offline
Bruce T  Offline

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Can hardly wait to hear more.


#1 goal=Trap a wolverine
Re: Great Alaskan Adventure ; Combined [Re: Bruce T] #1880679
03/09/10 01:33 AM
03/09/10 01:33 AM


you should all be waiting for his LAST DAY....... that was when he had all the REAL fun......

Re: Great Alaskan Adventure ; Combined [Re: ] #1880712
03/09/10 01:52 AM
03/09/10 01:52 AM
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Northern Maine
Bruce T Offline
Bruce T  Offline

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The trapping is the real fun.


#1 goal=Trap a wolverine
Re: Great Alaskan Adventure ; Combined [Re: Bruce T] #1880843
03/09/10 07:34 AM
03/09/10 07:34 AM
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SE Kansas
Trap wild Offline
Trap wild  Offline

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SE Kansas
Okay thats just wrong!I can't hardly wait for the next day and your telling us that the real fun happened on the last day Hupurest? Thats not right. >>>>>>>>>> I think one of the other guys said it already but I'll say it again - THANK YOU WHITE FOR LETTING US INTO YOUR CABIN AND ON YOUR LINE! Man this is a great read!

Hold Fast.
Re: Great Alaskan Adventure ; Combined [Re: Trap wild] #1881235
03/09/10 12:37 PM
03/09/10 12:37 PM
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McGrath, AK
white17 Offline

"General (Mr.Sunshine) Washington"
white17  Offline

"General (Mr.Sunshine) Washington"

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McGrath, AK
Glad you are enjoying it.

Mean As Nails
Re: Great Alaskan Adventure ; Combined [Re: Okiekajun] #1881271
03/09/10 12:57 PM
03/09/10 12:57 PM
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Ohio Andy Offline
Ohio Andy  Offline

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Look at the concentration in those eyes! Careful Okie, you will stare a hole right thru that thing!

I still stand what i said in my pm to you Okie. Great read!

Originally Posted By: Okiekajun

Re: Great Alaskan Adventure ; Combined [Re: Ohio Andy] #1882276
03/09/10 08:47 PM
03/09/10 08:47 PM
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redleg83 Offline
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bring on the next day

critter counter
Re: Great Alaskan Adventure ; Combined [Re: redleg83] #1882291
03/09/10 08:51 PM
03/09/10 08:51 PM
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Northern Maine
Bruce T Offline
Bruce T  Offline

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Yep,I'm ready.


#1 goal=Trap a wolverine
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