#5 is dogbane or black indian hemp
black indian hemp is found along roads, ditches, old right of ways.......it seems to like moisture..........not real heavy moisture like a swamp.......but well drained ditches that retain just a tad bit of moisture.
this plant can grow 2 to 4 feet high and it looks like a skinny milkweed.
and it can grow deep....the root can be from 16 t0 24 inches deep..........and i have dug roots that have been 3 to 4 foot long at times. you will need a spade to dig this particular plant........a roundpoint shovel won't do the job here.
the root is about the size of a mans thumb
when you dig this plant wear gloves........the sap can get all over your hands and can be quite tough to wash off.
washing the root on this is quite easy.........i have a plastic tote that i fill with water and wash by hand .
i then set the roots directly on pieces of tin in direct sunlight turn often to make sure all sides get dry.
the ancient indians used this plant for for making binding materials.....they would take the fibers of this plant and make cordage from it.
this plant has uses in heart medicines.........but it is extremly poisonous in it's raw form...DO NOT TRY TO USE IT YOURSELF!