Re: Tobacoo dipping
[Re: madminker]
04/13/12 11:25 AM
04/13/12 11:25 AM
Joined: Jun 2009
Posts: 1,231 East River SD
Joined: Jun 2009
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East River SD
I did about 6 years ago which was about the 10th try, cold turkey. It's a tough cookie to crack, even now if someone is dipping in front of me I want some but I haven't slipped and I even dream that I'm back doing it. I was doing about 3/4ths of a tin of Copenhagen when I finally had enough. It's powerful stuff! If they told me I only had 6 months to live I'd go out and buy a case of it and dip my brains out. Good luck.
South Dakota, where we eat our state bird..... Member NTA, FTA, SDTA, Life member NRA
Re: Tobacoo dipping
[Re: madminker]
05/05/12 06:32 PM
05/05/12 06:32 PM
Joined: Oct 2007
Posts: 376 Western Pa
Joined: Oct 2007
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Western Pa
I've quit a couple of times, once for about a month. I kicked the physical craving for nicotine in about 3 days. The BIG problem is, you are gonna need something to REPLACE the habit with. If you've chewed for 30 years or so like me, and then quit, it leaves a big hole in your everyday routine. Sucking on Jolly Ranchers and Fireballs is not only bad for you (possibly worse than tobacco), but just doesn't cut it in the long run.
I truly wish you well, and I hope you have better success than I did!
Hard was the journey dark was the way...
Re: Tobacoo dipping
[Re: madminker]
07/20/12 01:31 PM
07/20/12 01:31 PM
Joined: Jan 2011
Posts: 30 Southeast South Dakota
Joined: Jan 2011
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Southeast South Dakota
I quit about 10 yrs ago....third try. I used "Mint Snuff" and it helped with the habit of having something in your mouth. The nicotine urges are not fun....was in a bad mood for a long time. The urge will never trully go away, I could go to the store and start again right now....but you have to have self control.
Re: Tobacoo dipping
[Re: madminker]
01/10/13 04:20 PM
01/10/13 04:20 PM
Joined: Dec 2006
Posts: 615 West Michigan
Mister ED
Joined: Dec 2006
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West Michigan
Hmmm ... never heard of these herbal chews before. I might just have to look into that. I can usually do OK once I'm past the first couple weeks. But I always end up with some kind of "stuff", be it work, home life, etc, etc ... that puts me over the edge to buy a can of Cope. Once you do that ... hang it up, you are hooked again. Regarding quitting ... it is tuff!! I have dipped Cope for +35yrs. I have quite a several times ... problem is I have started one more time than I have quit. The last few times, I used some of those Nicorette type lozenges. They really help the crevings, but are pricy and I kept popping them like candy. And OMG ... do them things give you gas!!!Not only a lot of it ... but some dang raunchy smelling stuff. We're not talking clear the room smelly ... we're talking clear the first floor of the house smelly!!  I think I will look into those herbal chews ... thanks for the tip.
Re: Tobacoo dipping
[Re: madminker]
08/30/13 07:23 PM
08/30/13 07:23 PM
Joined: May 2013
Posts: 5,176 Northern Michigan
Joined: May 2013
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Northern Michigan
I could have written any of the above posts. I started back in the 60's, mostly cope, but tried it all at one time or another. I quit several times, once for 2 years. Gained a bunch of weight and told my silly self that I could just dip again until I lost the weight......dipped and was still fat. Then I was able to go several years and only dip when I was in the U.P. Marten/Fisher trapping. Last dip was over 5 1/2 years ago. Fatter than ever, but my mouth hasn't rotted off, and I'm saving about 5 bucks a day...I refused to buy that imitation cope/skoal type stuff(Hawken/Kodiak, etc.) to save money. Just didn't like it. Madminker, do what it takes, even if it takes several tries to quit...QUIT!!!!
Re: Tobacoo dipping
[Re: madminker]
09/08/13 05:54 PM
09/08/13 05:54 PM
Joined: Sep 2008
Posts: 243 Montana
Joined: Sep 2008
Posts: 243
It sucks I quit about a year and 6 months ago its not easy. Good luck
I got a touch of hangover bureacrat, don't push me. Aka John Wayne.
Re: Tobacoo dipping
[Re: madminker]
01/17/14 09:56 PM
01/17/14 09:56 PM
Joined: Aug 2013
Posts: 367 South West Pennsylvania
Joined: Aug 2013
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South West Pennsylvania
Quit a can and half habit (Skoal Straight) on 11-23-13. Used the nicotine gum, 100 pcs of the 4mg and when that was gone, 100 pcs. Of the 2mg stuff. Now I chew sugar free gum a few times a day. I really wanted to quit and it was hard but I'm glad I did it. Good luck!
Re: Tobacoo dipping
[Re: Wingshot]
05/05/14 11:46 PM
05/05/14 11:46 PM
Joined: Oct 2013
Posts: 11 SW Montmorency Co, MI
Joined: Oct 2013
Posts: 11
SW Montmorency Co, MI
It is a tough one!! SET THE DATE and then do it.
May want to try nicotine patch. Somesay why take nocotine to get off it?? You will have to decide. I bet the tobacco co has some aids to help you. Call/email em and ask...
22 Chuck
Re: Tobacoo dipping
[Re: madminker]
10/05/14 08:13 AM
10/05/14 08:13 AM
Joined: Nov 2013
Posts: 1,166 Alpine NY
Rick Otts
Joined: Nov 2013
Posts: 1,166
Alpine NY
Good luck I been dippin for 35 yrs.The only time I quit was when I was in jail.40 days and I was doing great until the last few dayz.Started back when I got out:(
Rick Otts
Re: Tobacoo dipping
[Re: madminker]
10/31/14 11:47 AM
10/31/14 11:47 AM
Joined: Nov 2008
Posts: 989 Zoe, OK
frozen okie
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Zoe, OK
I made my mind up to stop after I seen what I was spending on it...200-250 bucks a month..F that thats a new gun every 3 months or so. I tried the cold turkey it wasnt gonna happen, so I bought a can , had a chew in morning and a chew in the evening did that for 3 days, then cut it back to one a day it was the evening chew that I missed the most. When the can was gone I told myself thats it no more!! Been a little over two weeks without it, the worst part for me was the headaches that I was getting Took about a week for them to stop. ANd the fact that something had that much control over what I did...cup of coffe=chew,drink a beer=chew,shower=chew,after I eat=chew, bored =chew Been chewing mint gum and tropical gum the help, and eating breathmints like a crack head LOL Drink a pot or two of coffe a day easy now. I found that brushing my teeth helps kill the urge so I got some Colgate mini tooth brush's to carry around. I qiut one time before this but didnt last long only a few months it seems, hope this time its for good, its tuff on a guy and my family because am a little bit of an arse when starting to quit. Good luck to you,it's one tuff battle and the urge is stong but take it hour by hour then day by day
I come a learning,not a knowing