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Re: 5X5 Conibear Catches (Pics) [Re: trapper4hire] #3140556
04/29/12 03:36 PM
04/29/12 03:36 PM
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Dayton, OH
trapper4hire Offline OP
trapper4hire  Offline OP

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Dayton, OH
Thanks for the revision paul. No offense taken.

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Chris O'Banion
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Re: 5X5 Conibear Catches (Pics) [Re: trapper4hire] #3140593
04/29/12 04:17 PM
04/29/12 04:17 PM
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Kermit Offline
Kermit  Offline

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If relocation is not an option , then why not make a chimney cap for a 220.Be a lot easier to use.

Re: 5X5 Conibear Catches (Pics) [Re: trapper4hire] #3141246
04/29/12 11:28 PM
04/29/12 11:28 PM
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St. Louis area
Dave Schmidt Offline
Dave Schmidt  Offline

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I'd like to have seen that double catch as it happened. Looks like a once-in-a-million-years occurrence.

ALL OUT Wildlife Control
Re: 5X5 Conibear Catches (Pics) [Re: trapper4hire] #3141332
04/30/12 12:54 AM
04/30/12 12:54 AM
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South East Texas
Muddy Boots Offline
Muddy Boots  Offline

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Good work!!

Re: 5X5 Conibear Catches (Pics) [Re: trapper4hire] #3141632
04/30/12 01:43 PM
04/30/12 01:43 PM
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coonsmasher220 Offline
coonsmasher220  Offline

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The double catch was because they were young critters moving together as thy often do. i have had several doubles in a kill with young squirrels in conies. kermit i have a kill set up with a 5x5 mounted in a nose cone on a 13x13 steel chimney cap. It works.

Ben Boehl
Another Critter Gone LLC
Cincinnati, OH
Re: 5X5 Conibear Catches (Pics) [Re: trapper4hire] #3141691
04/30/12 02:57 PM
04/30/12 02:57 PM
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south east michigan
Peskycritter Offline
Peskycritter  Offline

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I catch 9 possum in one trap a few times ayear

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Re: 5X5 Conibear Catches (Pics) [Re: trapper4hire] #3141746
04/30/12 04:09 PM
04/30/12 04:09 PM
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ELMER Offline
ELMER  Offline

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awsom pics great job.....they work great only here in ct.i use wood boxes if i did that in the publics would make the evining news for sure.......even legal....we dont want that.....

Re: 5X5 Conibear Catches (Pics) [Re: trapper4hire] #3142032
04/30/12 08:27 PM
04/30/12 08:27 PM
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mequon, wisconsin
Paul Winkelmann Offline
Paul Winkelmann  Offline

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I catch 10, 11, 12, sometimes 13 opossum in one trap each year. And so does practically everybody else!

Re: 5X5 Conibear Catches (Pics) [Re: trapper4hire] #3142035
04/30/12 08:31 PM
04/30/12 08:31 PM
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mequon, wisconsin
Paul Winkelmann Offline
Paul Winkelmann  Offline

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mequon, wisconsin
Dave, I caught an adult female raccoon and her nearly full grown youngster in a 220 set in a coon trail. They looked like they were racing each other for the trap and it looked like both died instantly.

Re: 5X5 Conibear Catches (Pics) [Re: trapper4hire] #3143029
05/01/12 06:48 PM
05/01/12 06:48 PM
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Dayton, OH
trapper4hire Offline OP
trapper4hire  Offline OP

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Does it look like a coon blew through this tape last night?

So here comes Mean Green to the rescue!

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Chris O'Banion
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Re: 5X5 Conibear Catches (Pics) [Re: trapper4hire] #3143041
05/01/12 06:55 PM
05/01/12 06:55 PM
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Peskycritter Offline
Peskycritter  Offline

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I'm sitting on a job right now with the same type hole . Wish I had one of them green machines made up . I got a nose cone rigged that will have to do . Should rig a sign on there fresh meat for sale .

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Re: 5X5 Conibear Catches (Pics) [Re: trapper4hire] #3143901
05/02/12 10:35 AM
05/02/12 10:35 AM
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E. Iowa
hvtrapper Offline
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I've used this method in the past and will again in the future when the situation calls for it. Personally I prefer to have enough wire/cable/chain so that the catch can reach the ground. IMHO Far less attention attracted by a dead animal on the ground than by one swinging from the client's house. I did read that the "hangers" were on the back side of client homes and mean no offense. Around here homes are close enough together that one could observe catches across house yards.

Tom Walters
Re: 5X5 Conibear Catches (Pics) [Re: Peskycritter] #3143911
05/02/12 10:39 AM
05/02/12 10:39 AM
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Originally Posted By: Peskycritter
I'm sitting on a job right now with the same type hole . Wish I had one of them green machines made up . I got a nose cone rigged that will have to do . Should rig a sign on there fresh meat for sale .

If you were in Down Town could start a market ! And.....have customers.

Re: 5X5 Conibear Catches (Pics) [Re: trapper4hire] #3143913
05/02/12 10:40 AM
05/02/12 10:40 AM
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On a Call  Offline

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Do you accept food stamps ?

Re: 5X5 Conibear Catches (Pics) [Re: trapper4hire] #3144158
05/02/12 02:15 PM
05/02/12 02:15 PM
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Peskycritter Offline
Peskycritter  Offline

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No they got rid of the food stamps to much black market trade , I did a remod for a Detroit cop a few years back , when they needed the land to build them two new stadiums they used food stamps in a under cover opp , after about 3 weeks of working for this cop we came to this hidden place in the house where he stored this arsonale of weapons , he then told us his store about him going under cover as a biker dude called griz , to make a long story short . He worked his way in deep using food stamps as trade for drugs to this land owner , the mob ended up putting a hit on everybody involed , and Detroit got there land needed , if I was a writer this story would make a great plot for a movie

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Re: 5X5 Conibear Catches (Pics) [Re: Peskycritter] #3144381
05/02/12 05:11 PM
05/02/12 05:11 PM
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Dayton, OH
trapper4hire Offline OP
trapper4hire  Offline OP

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And Mean Green strikes again.......

This one looks so peaceful

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Chris O'Banion
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Re: 5X5 Conibear Catches (Pics) [Re: trapper4hire] #3144684
05/02/12 08:46 PM
05/02/12 08:46 PM
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south east michigan
Peskycritter Offline
Peskycritter  Offline

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That was quick . I set mine with a comstock but dint get him yet . Did you buy the large size sofit vent and just screw that on

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Re: 5X5 Conibear Catches (Pics) [Re: trapper4hire] #3144721
05/02/12 09:02 PM
05/02/12 09:02 PM
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Dayton, OH
trapper4hire Offline OP
trapper4hire  Offline OP

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Dayton, OH
No just screwad it over the hole. the coon blew the vent off of the house. I'll replace it after all the coon have been introduced to Mr. Green.

Advanced Wildlife Managememnt
Chris O'Banion
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Re: 5X5 Conibear Catches (Pics) [Re: trapper4hire] #3144738
05/02/12 09:11 PM
05/02/12 09:11 PM
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south east michigan
Peskycritter Offline
Peskycritter  Offline

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Ya that's what I ment , looked like it had the smaller 4" before .

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Re: 5X5 Conibear Catches (Pics) [Re: trapper4hire] #3150767
05/07/12 04:23 PM
05/07/12 04:23 PM
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LT GREY Offline
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Originally Posted By: trapper4hire
usually i use conis as last resort for cage shy coon, and only with home owner permission.

OK, that's to one's credit....however, here's my 2 cents worth...some will disagree, without a doubt...but...

Regardless even if it comes down to having to do it...( use a kill trap in an urban setting )

It is NEVER a "good idea" to have to use a kill trap in an urban setting for any reason...IMO !

I understand sometimes you may have no other choice...BUT EVERY 'COON SEEN CAUGHT IN THOSE PICTURES COULD HAVE BEEN CAUGHT
IN THE PROPER MOUNTED CAGE TRAP, ( such as a Kirk De or Comstock trap with the new wire trigger system )

They don't make animals ( except fox and / or coyotes ) that can not be caught... even FORCED... into a cage trap...they just don't !

To have to use a kill trap over a hole in a structure, suggest that the WCO either does NOT have the proper equipment to do the job or he does NOT have the knowledge !

Usually both !

Let the wrong people see a 'coon "swinging in the breeze ( and you know very well how many phones have photo and video capabilities ) and have the news media get ahold of it...and see what happens to your business !

Having an animal that won't come into a baited trap is one thing...but an animal that is in a dwelling and has a entry / exit point...well. that's another !

Now, I've used kill traps in the past...before I got skilled at catching any animal in any hole...even a hole in a soffit 3 stories high !

It's no different than catching a squirrel in a excluder trap, except, the trap is a 'coon size trap from someone like COMSTOCK especially made to be mounted right over the hole with a WIRE TRIGGER !

It is much better to have a 'coon sitting in a vertical trap with a stupid look on it's face than a dead bloated one with flies crawling over it.

And the first person that you don't want to see it, that does...will fast agree.

Somebody go ask Jameson how many animals in the ADC biz he uses a kill trap on...I'll bet it isn't many !!!

You've got trappers like VInke in Washington state who can catch OTTER, MINK, MUSKRATS AND BEAVER with ease in cage traps....Trapper's like COMSTOCK in N.Y. and KIRK De of Ga. catching beaver and otter quite easily...

LATrapper in Al. catching foxes with his system... It goes to show you what great minds can do, when they need to.

I have nothing against kill traps...I use them in fur trapping all the time...It would be EXTREMELY RARE however, that I would ever use on in an urban just isn't needed !

And, before this year, IN THE STATE OF OHIO....if you were using kill traps on squirrels and raccoons in ADC work, you would have needed a special permit to do so...Whether you had an illegal trap or not!

Many trappers did it and it was in fact, illegal in this state WITHOUT a Blanket permit !

Most of us did it, not even knowing we were breaking the law...

Maybe one of my students on here will show a few pics on how they were trained to "live capture" 'coons that would NOT respond to baited traps !

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