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Who Waits until Fur is Prime? #385112
10/26/07 06:18 AM
10/26/07 06:18 AM
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Mystic Wildlife Offline OP
Mystic Wildlife  Offline OP

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Our season for most critters here is Nov 4, but most of the fur isn't prime until the third week of Nov. I'm curious, who delays their start until the fur is fully prime, and does it make much of a difference in the price you get?

Re: Who Waits until Fur is Prime? [Re: Mystic Wildlife] #385438
10/26/07 02:02 PM
10/26/07 02:02 PM
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Mystic Wildlife Offline OP
Mystic Wildlife  Offline OP

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ttt, Still curious.

Re: Who Waits until Fur is Prime? [Re: Mystic Wildlife] #385453
10/26/07 02:09 PM
10/26/07 02:09 PM
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Nutoy Offline
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I do, and yes it makes difference. Especially on our low quality fur.

Re: Who Waits until Fur is Prime? [Re: Nutoy] #385477
10/26/07 02:23 PM
10/26/07 02:23 PM
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Northeast PA
scout Offline
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I wait, season here has been open a week already but pelts will not be ready until later, about November 15 for the larger coons and December 15 for canines. Selling to a local buyer you may not see much of a difference but if you are skinning and sell at a NAFA or other auction were you will get graded it will make a definite difference. Of course you are also gambling on the markets, weather, harvest etc. having an impact. Overall though, selling a quality fur at auction is the way to go. Smaller coon will be denned up if you wait but the big boys will still be moving. Nothing beats going to a local auction and having the lot of fur that gets a higher than average price or even the highest price of the sale.

Never Say Never
Re: Who Waits until Fur is Prime? [Re: scout] #385532
10/26/07 03:18 PM
10/26/07 03:18 PM
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S Illinois, former cheesehead
Kelly Offline
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Yes, I wait. Our season starts on the 3rd. Coon aren't ready until 10-15th and mink/rats until the 20-25th. I see absolutely no sense in catching animals that are nearly worthless.

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Re: Who Waits until Fur is Prime? [Re: Kelly] #385550
10/26/07 03:46 PM
10/26/07 03:46 PM
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reddawg Offline
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I see folks trapping already on here, and can't figure it out. However,when you see where their from (North).maybe it's ok there.
Then again I read where temp. doesn't play a roll in primeness,weather your talking abot fur or leather??? I don't really give a hoot when others trap. But in my opinion ,,I'm not going to string steel just to be first or get involved in the numbers thing.My two cents tells me: If I'm going to trap,skin,flesh and board a critter I'm going to try and get the most for my effort. When I read where folks say,,,"Got four Fox today,man are they Green,." Maybe someone on here can explain that to me.

"Life's tough,pilgrim,and it's even tougher if you're stupid ."
Re: Who Waits until Fur is Prime? [Re: reddawg] #385554
10/26/07 03:49 PM
10/26/07 03:49 PM
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Gary Offline
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ill trap canines startin oct 15th most seasons ... just to trap em ... then start trappin coon, mink, beaver, etc nov 15th

Possums and fanged beaver Skeer Me frown
Re: Who Waits until Fur is Prime? [Re: reddawg] #385558
10/26/07 03:55 PM
10/26/07 03:55 PM


swampfox, being i live northeast ohio, i will set on opening day, which is nov.10. The weather changes really fast in these parts. Some years we can be froze out by mid dec. and the coon be holed up.I have already been out on opening day breaking ice to set rat sets.I look at this way, some fur is better than no fur.But to each is own.

Re: Who Waits until Fur is Prime? [Re: Gary] #385560
10/26/07 03:58 PM
10/26/07 03:58 PM
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MChewk Offline
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Better think again on the value of these early caught furs guys...the wisdom is fur is prime for a short while. But its condition before it is fully prime has good value when compared to when it starts to go downhill later in the season. I know alot of trappers in the South that trap coyotes from mid October to end of season and do well on their fur. I also know trappers in the North that also begin trapping in mid October and again do very well on their prices. Now ideally I can say YES trapping fur when it is prime is best but adverse weather can put a end to such laid plans.
I also can say some animals don't follow the PRIMENESS time slot as we hope. So exactly when is the perfect time? Just my thoughts of trying to figure out fur prices/markets throughout my

Re: Who Waits until Fur is Prime? [Re: MChewk] #385563
10/26/07 04:05 PM
10/26/07 04:05 PM
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Gary Offline
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buyer ya have no idea what ya talkin bout when it comes to furs !!! lmao ;\)

Possums and fanged beaver Skeer Me frown
Re: Who Waits until Fur is Prime? [Re: Gary] #385608
10/26/07 04:43 PM
10/26/07 04:43 PM
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lrjakes Offline
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I think it just depends on where you are, what you want to accomplish, types of furbearers you target, competition, etc.

Coons are a great example. As mentioned above they will den up later in the winter. If you are a big numbers coon man and you have significant competiton, it makes sense to start a little before they are fully prime.

If you are trapping on large tracts of private land maybe you can wait.

I know fox arent fully prime that long before they begin to rub so alot of guys dont mind setting before all the fox are fully prime.

Consider all the factors and make your own decision based on your unique situation.

Last edited by lrjakes; 10/26/07 04:44 PM.
Re: Who Waits until Fur is Prime? [Re: Gary] #385611
10/26/07 04:46 PM
10/26/07 04:46 PM
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wissmiss Offline
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MChewk makes an excellent point!!
 Originally Posted By: MChewk
Better think again on the value of these early caught furs guys...the wisdom is fur is prime for a short while. But its condition before it is fully prime has good value when compared to when it starts to go downhill later in the season.....

In my opinion, it is MUCH better to have fur that is a little early than it is to have fur taken too late. A red fox with slightly blue leather and good fur is going to look just fine when it is dressed. A red fox with clear leather and late caught fur is going to look scruffy when it is dressed. And I've dressed a few hundred + fox over the years.

There are also some mighty fine looking coon with blue leather. \:\)

I'm not talking about black (summer) leather - I'm talking about leather that is a light steely grey. If your buyer is docking you for slightly blue leather..........

Just my opinion!!

Please check out my updated inventory of Native American books.

Re: Who Waits until Fur is Prime? [Re: wissmiss] #385615
10/26/07 04:48 PM
10/26/07 04:48 PM
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LT GREY Offline
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Nov. 10th season opens........I start around December 1st!

Re: Who Waits until Fur is Prime? [Re: wissmiss] #385624
10/26/07 04:53 PM
10/26/07 04:53 PM
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LT GREY Offline
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Nov. 10th season opens........I start around December 1st!

( But then...I know how to trap in the worst of weather).

Re: Who Waits until Fur is Prime? [Re: ] #385625
10/26/07 04:54 PM
10/26/07 04:54 PM
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wissmiss Offline
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Deadfox -

Where do you sell your fur now?

How much does he/she dock for blue leather?

What does he/she pay for red fox that are caught in January and February?

Please check out my updated inventory of Native American books.

Re: Who Waits until Fur is Prime? [Re: wissmiss] #385659
10/26/07 05:19 PM
10/26/07 05:19 PM
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Cattrax Offline
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I always delay trapping until the fur is good and prime, for me it just makes the fur worth more and covers the expenses better that way.

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Re: Who Waits until Fur is Prime? [Re: Cattrax] #385687
10/26/07 05:51 PM
10/26/07 05:51 PM
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skunkly Offline
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Wissmiss hit the nail on the head.

Anybody that doesn't believe that can call up NAFA. They'll tell you straight out that early fur on critters like coon, fox, and coyote is preferable to late fur. Just because the leather is a little blue, doesn't mean a thing...if anything, it means that the fur hasn't had time to singe, rub, or get stained. In other words, the fur will be looking awesome once it's dressed.

It's my understanding that the old "blue leather is bad" reasoning came around because the old tanning methods couldn't get a good tan out of it. But like everything else in life, technology and chemistery have advanced. The modern tanning methods, solutions, ect work exceptional now and blue leather doesn't mean a thing any more.

Remember, this is blue leather...not black. Blue= OK. Black =bad. Also, this is in reference to coon, fox, and yote. Leather is still a very important step to grading items like muskrat.

Go have a talk with a NAFA rep, call them up, visit, ect if a person doesn't believe this. Or just send your "early" (october) cought coon, fox, yote up to a NAFA auction and see how you do on them. I think most folks would be very pleasently suprised.

Disclaimer: it's always best to have awesome looking fur AND leather. You'll get the most $$ for those items. To get this though it must be timed just right. The weather has to cooperate. The critters have to cooperate.

Nobodys saying to just ignore leather, but don't stress over it either.


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Re: Who Waits until Fur is Prime? [Re: Cattrax] #385690
10/26/07 05:51 PM
10/26/07 05:51 PM
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LOV 2 TRAP Offline
LOV 2 TRAP  Offline

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i trap just to have fun and the $ is just extra. i have been trapping for a week sat. and alot of the coon that i have been catching look great. they have ALOT of fat and the fur looks good. i live in S.W. Wisconsin the temp. at night is around 35-40. i see no reason to wate i like to be outdoors and just enjoy being able to trap. if someone wants to see some pics. send me your email,i would post some but dont know how.

Re: Who Waits until Fur is Prime? [Re: LOV 2 TRAP] #385704
10/26/07 06:06 PM
10/26/07 06:06 PM
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cj's trapping Offline
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I'm sorry, but I have to agree with Chewka, ohbuyer, wis, skunkly....
I think most folks thinking they have to wait are really missing out. My early fox and coon well outsold my mid to late stuff...meaning prior to the first of the year. And, I sold to Groneys. Read the reports people. Early coon is what will be sought. If I waited until "primetime" I might have a window of 3 days of trapping, gambling with mother nature. And, not even that, but if I'm being paid top dollar for pelts harvested from beginning of season up to mid December, WHY would I wait?

Re: Who Waits until Fur is Prime? [Re: ] #385727
10/26/07 06:18 PM
10/26/07 06:18 PM
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wissmiss Offline
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If your buyer is throwing all of your blue coon in the junk pile - it might be time to look for a new buyer.

15.00 average straight through on red fox last year is not that bad - in my opinion.

Please check out my updated inventory of Native American books.

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