Greetings Trappers from a balmy Fairbanks AK. Our little cold snap broke and she is plum hot out now. In my defense, 30 above is 80 degrees hotter than the minus 50 we had last week. Came back from the mountains yesterday with a little fur. Guess I'll back up. Last week I picked up this 101# male in a pee post a couple miles from my cabin.
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He looked good in the sled but looks great on the board.
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The caribou numbers are up in the flats and the wolves left a path of destruction.
Would love to leave some blind trail sets but the caribou fill up the trail.
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Picked up a few antlers while breaking trail into the higher country.
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Heavy overflow this year and imagine I will be chopping traps out next week.
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Ended up catching a bull moose calf in a #9 held fast. Momma was creating quite a problem so I went to town to re-tool.
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The next day with the right tool, the release when pretty well with all parties involved leaving mostly unharmed.
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I try my best not to put gear where the moose and caribou travel and these stump and rock pee posts work great. The problem is, if they are on a bend or a curve, the moose and caribou may cut the corner and get caught. These stump or log posts that I have been using for years are now starting to sprout and grow. The moose like those succulent new shoots growing up. Still learning....
After the release, I was pretty beat and believe a good stiff drink was in order at the cabin. Got a fire going and decided to run up and get water for the cabin. Being half way to Pee Post Pass, I decided to run up there and check.
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Wolf #2 was waiting for me. Missed on the other 2 posts. One post they seemed nervous by and the other they came in from the top.
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98# male.
Put a Skidoo trunk on my Expedition this year. Built a rack for the top. This is a big box and you can put a bunch of gear in it. Makes it a lot harder to pick it back up on to it's track when tipped over.
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Putting the 2nd wolf and a lynx on the board today. Hope everyone is having a productive and safe season. The ATA 's 50th Anniversary is this year and the annual Fling is coming up fast. Hope to see some of you there. Should be a good one.