Re: AKHowler's 2013-14 Journal
[Re: AKHowler]
02/24/14 07:34 PM
02/24/14 07:34 PM
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Posts: 562 Fairbanks Alaska
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Fairbanks Alaska
I usually used sheet metal stitch screws and removed the rubber washer on my polaris WT's. For the Skidoo, I used some "special screws" from the Polaris dealer in Fairbanks. Bigger heads and sharper, but they didn't last long and were 3 times the price. I believe if I reversed the track on the Skidoo, the screws would bite better due to the flex in the 1 & 1/2" track lug. She will have full blown studs next season.
Alaskan #9 Trap Company JR Pederson PO BOX 58226 Fairbanks AK 99711 cell# 907-378-7291
Re: AKHowler's 2013-14 Journal
[Re: AKHowler]
02/24/14 08:13 PM
02/24/14 08:13 PM
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Gnome, Alaska
I usually used sheet metal stitch screws and removed the rubber washer on my polaris WT's. For the Skidoo, I used some "special screws" from the Polaris dealer in Fairbanks. Bigger heads and sharper, but they didn't last long and were 3 times the price. I believe if I reversed the track on the Skidoo, the screws would bite better due to the flex in the 1 & 1/2" track lug. She will have full blown studs next season. If you reverse it, you won't need screw as it will levitate...
"Goats pee in the water sheep drink."
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Re: AKHowler's 2013-14 Journal
[Re: AKHowler]
02/24/14 08:27 PM
02/24/14 08:27 PM
Joined: Dec 2007
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user conflictville, Alaska 99X...
My bad, I meant that you use with the rope along. I've been using the screws in my track that they have at Compeaus. They've lasted along time but full blown studs would be awesome!
When there is shot in the air, there is hope. When in doubt, throttle out! ATA, NTA, NATCA, ITA
Re: AKHowler's 2013-14 Journal
[Re: AKHowler]
02/25/14 12:46 PM
02/25/14 12:46 PM
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Posts: 562 Fairbanks Alaska
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Fairbanks Alaska
Martenpine.. I'm reading ya now, the Ice Anchors are Black Dimonds and you can get them at Beaver Sports as Bairdi said but they are a lot cheaper through Amazon. I use 9 or 10" anchors. Not sure if ya need them that big but that's what I've always used. Very handy tool in the bag of tricks. Caution.. always put a coat or log over the middle of your rope to stop the snap-back if the screw pulls out. Common sense just like with tow straps and winch lines. I have pulled the anchors out a time or two in Overflow ice. Skeeter.. That is a Savage 93 in .17 HMR. Awesome little rifle. Others I carry are a .204 Ruger, .300 win mag and occasionally my .22-250 Rem or 6.5-06. Never have enough fire power. Rifles depend on where I am goin, what time of year and what I'm after. Kind of an oppurtunist and wanna be prepared. Seems like I always have 3 guns onboard at all times including the .22 pistol on my person.
Alaskan #9 Trap Company JR Pederson PO BOX 58226 Fairbanks AK 99711 cell# 907-378-7291
Re: AKHowler's 2013-14 Journal
[Re: AKHowler]
02/27/14 01:36 AM
02/27/14 01:36 AM
Joined: Feb 2011
Posts: 562 Fairbanks Alaska
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Fairbanks Alaska
So I finally got the overflow wolf put up. 5 days hanging in my shop at 60 degrees and still froze around the neck and front shoulders. Little bit of green belly but think he's saveable. Lost one front foot and the tail and a few little rips. I put him on the board and rubbed salt into it good with a fan on it and turned it the next eve and left the fan on. Here he is next to the cross eyed dark gray.  Couple more pics from last week.   Here's my Pee Posts on Pee Post Pass. #9  MB 750  So I tried some commercial wolf urine this year and it was expensive and my wolves didn't like it one bit. They wouldn't come within 10 feet of the pee post with this urine on it. They would pee on the next thing on both sides of it be it 15 feet or 20 yards. Kinda strange, really potent stuff but there is something about it they don't like.  Heading out on the line. Hoping to have a few wolves {not in Overflow} waiting for me. Have fun and be safe.
Last edited by AKHowler; 02/27/14 01:42 AM.
Alaskan #9 Trap Company JR Pederson PO BOX 58226 Fairbanks AK 99711 cell# 907-378-7291
Re: AKHowler's 2013-14 Journal
[Re: AKHowler]
02/27/14 01:49 AM
02/27/14 01:49 AM
Joined: Feb 2013
Posts: 881 Alaska/Washington
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Your journal is one of the best. Thanks for taking the time to post.
Give an illegal alien a fish and he eats for a day. Deport him and you never have to feed him ever again!
Re: AKHowler's 2013-14 Journal
[Re: AKHowler]
02/27/14 02:22 AM
02/27/14 02:22 AM
Joined: Dec 2010
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Nice work as always. Looks like the fuselage project you hauled out last year is coming along nicely.
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Re: AKHowler's 2013-14 Journal
[Re: AKHowler]
03/02/14 10:30 AM
03/02/14 10:30 AM
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Northern MN
I'm curious, did you then find the perfect pee post location,set blindly there, and use the commercial urine very close to that perfect spot knowing they would avoid the commercial and use the visually better blind set location? Or does it not work that way up there with wolves?“ I said I don’t have much use for traps these days, never said I didn’t know how to use them.”
Re: AKHowler's 2013-14 Journal
[Re: Kusko]
03/02/14 11:40 AM
03/02/14 11:40 AM
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Hey Kusko I never claimed to me a good trapper nor a wolfer but be damned if you are gonna take these wolves from me. I'll cull the retards just the same. Just happy putting iron in the field and some fur on the board.
LOL!!! The good, the bad and the stupid. Good for you!!! Come on now, am I the only one that noticed the cross eyed wolf??? I noticed it to. Still a beautiful wolf! I work with a guy that has eyes like that....we call him grader eyes. One eye on the blade, one eye on the road hahaha
Re: AKHowler's 2013-14 Journal
[Re: AKHowler]
03/02/14 05:06 PM
03/02/14 05:06 PM
Joined: Jan 2010
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trappin moose
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Saskatchewan Canada
Those wolves turned out nice! Nice lynx. I tried the store bought urine last year also. I didn't have much luck. My best luck so far was with female german shepard dog in heat. Fresh from home. LOL. But I don't have enough experience with any of it really to say for sure.  Good luck out there!!
Be excellent to eachother
Re: AKHowler's 2013-14 Journal
[Re: AKHowler]
03/03/14 10:22 PM
03/03/14 10:22 PM
Joined: Feb 2011
Posts: 562 Fairbanks Alaska
Joined: Feb 2011
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Fairbanks Alaska
Came home a little early from the trapline this week. Got some home projects to do and monthly ATA meeting tomorrow. Had a pretty good trip out this week. Took my neighbor out with me and had some beautiful weather. Lots of overflow this week, some froze and some not so frozen. Found a spot where the ravens were washing up in the snow along the trail and the wolves were doin the same. Just so happens I happen to have a bag of new snares that HFT sent up to me and took them out for a walk. Found a moose calf the wolves had killed a couple days before about 1/3 of a mile back up into the woods. Huh, might as well lighten my load, I hung all 18 snares around the kill and walked back to the river. Found 7 beds on the cut bank overlooking the trail. On up the trail they pee'd on the stump 15 feet from my pee post. Dropped a few more 9's and on up the trail to the cabin. +32 degrees. Got a fire goin, unloaded the sleds and off to check the line.  The wolves hadn't been back by the cabin so we continued on up to Pee Post Pass. Low and behold Pee Post Pass strikes again. Had this pretty little 62# gray female. Guessing she's this years pup. Posted the set pic in last weeks posting. #9 does it again.    Took her back to the cabin and when on up the river. Wolves had been in and out of the river between my set until we came up on this pee post with this big gray female in it. She was fighting the trap pretty hard so I look at her through the binos to make sure of the catch before proceeding the last couple hundred yards. Full paw in the #9, just like we like it. She was a feisty 82# female.   Continue in on up the river following the rest of the pack, they missed a couple sets and then came to this set. Evidently they didn't like something about it but both the coyote and the wolf left me a present after scratching off the wax paper.  Pretty happy with the day's catch and returned back to the cabin for the night. Next day went and pulled most everything but the wolf gear. Overflow had come into the trees and down my trail from a spring in the hill. Made my trail a little difficult. This is one of my cat cubbys under 10 inches of ice.  Went out exploring and in this beautiful weather, it was amazing. Saw a few moose, three dall sheep and these three caribou. Not much game but lots of sign.     Ran into a couple guys up Caribou Cr, lost, nice guys but along way off from where they thought they were. Took them to the cabin, showed them where they were on the map, had coffee and sent them back to the truck. Come to find out one of them is my neighbor. Small world. Unprepared 40 miles from the truck even in the springtime can be dangerous. On the way out today Brooke slowed down when he should have sped up. Stay on the trail men. 
Alaskan #9 Trap Company JR Pederson PO BOX 58226 Fairbanks AK 99711 cell# 907-378-7291