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Re: Tobacoo dipping [Re: madminker] #4719688
11/01/14 01:56 PM
11/01/14 01:56 PM
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North Pole ak
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Quit almost 2 years ago hardest thing I ever did . The hardest part to this day is every wants and awhile I still want a chew . I bought some of that mint chew and kills the feeling of wanting something in my lip one can will last about a month or two . I use it mainly when I hunt because all my buddy's chew and makes me want one . Chewed 2 cans a day for 12 years

Re: Tobacoo dipping [Re: madminker] #4768841
11/29/14 01:43 PM
11/29/14 01:43 PM
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Rhode Island
HemingwayMedic Offline
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I quit dip over two years ago. I had been working when I started having intense stomach pains, running a fever and nauseous. I ended up being driven to the hospital in my own rescue and staying there for five days with holes in my colon, I had diverticulitis and never knew, then my colon basically rotted away. For the next six months I had re occurrences and flare ups before the big one, I ended up in emergency surgery with my now wife an ICU nurse worried out of her mind. I quit dip during the recovery and now aside from smoking a pipe and the occasional cigar I pretty much live clean. I even tried a pinch of dip the other day in the duck blind, just for old times sake....lets just say it was not what i had hoped for.

Re: Tobacoo dipping [Re: madminker] #4771647
11/30/14 11:42 PM
11/30/14 11:42 PM
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Dale Torma Offline
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A guy I worked with in Michigan chewed for 30 plus years, then got lip cancer and they had to cut much of his face off.

Re: Tobacoo dipping [Re: madminker] #4782876
12/07/14 06:55 AM
12/07/14 06:55 AM
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andybates Offline
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Goodluck, I quite cope snuff for 2 years after doing it for bout 7, cold turkey and first try to quit. I was coming back from a coon hunt on the other side of the state about 4 oclock one morning, tired as (This word is unacceptable on Trapperman), my buddy sleeping riding shotgun had a can on the dash, I putpinch in to stay awake, and that was it been back at it a can a day for 2 years now. If you quit don't even take one, if your a drinker that was hard for me to not to have one hanging out with the guys. Part of me want to quit for good it messing up my gums and teeth where I put it, but I enjoy it to good. again good luck!

Re: Tobacoo dipping [Re: madminker] #4810450
12/21/14 10:34 PM
12/21/14 10:34 PM
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Milwaukee Area- WI
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I smoked for 22 years and then had my first heart attack (10 years ago). I quit smoking for 2.5 years, and then decided I could just dip instead of smoke. Eventually I went back to smoking, and then back to dipping, and then back to smoking, ad nauseum. I quit a few times in between there by smoking and then quitting that. Smoking is easier to quit than dipping IMO. I do not like smoking now, so if I want to quit it's easier to convert to smoking and then quit that. After my second heart attack (3 years ago-hadn't smoked in 6 months at that point) I quit dipping for a little less than a year, but I picked it back up again on a ND duck hunt two years ago.. Now I have a dip in almost constantly. You gotta want to quit, otherwise you'll mind###k yourself into going back to it. I take it one day at a time, when I get down to my last can I ask myself, "Do you want to quit"?, and if so, then I just don't buy another roll. I won't quit if I have some on me or readily available. However, now with a granddaughter in the picture I'm thinking it won't be long before I decide to bite the bullet and quit for good.

Re: Tobacoo dipping [Re: madminker] #4842661
01/07/15 12:26 PM
01/07/15 12:26 PM
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Nicotine is the devil lol. Ive been chewing and smoking since college and finally our health care provider changed at work and now there is a $100 a month charge for tobacco use. figured I cant afford the habit and the additional 100 a month so id just quit. And I agree with everyone that it is a lot easier if you want to quit. Im going on a week without any nicotine at all. I was a heavier smoker but I used dip to quite smoking. Quitting cold turkey is extremely hard but I feel it is your best bet. Ive found that replacing the habit with something else just makes you think about it more. My suggestions are try to keep your mind occupied with other things. The nicotine cravings are the easy part. A few days and its not so bad. Its the habit itself that is tough to break. For instance, every time I got into my truck to go somewhere the first thing I did was light a cigarette. I still roll my window down as soon as I get it the truck. Its the habit thing! Once you get past the part where you still associate something you do with Tobacco use your in the clear. Good luck to you, I'm right there in this boat with you!

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Re: Tobacoo dipping [Re: madminker] #4842671
01/07/15 12:31 PM
01/07/15 12:31 PM
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Johnson City, TN
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I quit after 28 years so it can be done. Pick a significant date (I quit on my birthday) and quit cold turkey. You will never, ever, ever quit gradually. It cannot be done. I know. I tried to gradually quit for many years.

It was very important to me to come to the realization that it was much more of a habit than it was an addiction. There are some addictive qualities to snuff, but you get over those pretty quick. The habit of dipping was much harder for me to break.

And as some have stated, never pick it back up again. Admittedly, the first few weeks are HARD, but it gradually gets easier. I have been clean for almost 5 years now and I never even think about it anymore. Good luck to you.

Re: Tobacoo dipping [Re: madminker] #4963729
03/14/15 05:38 PM
03/14/15 05:38 PM
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Yes quit and stay off of it , i was diagnosed with Squamous Cell Carcinoma which is a Oral Cancer and one of the Deadliest's because of how quick it can spread , i had the back portion and half of the right side of my tongue removed , and had my Lymph Nodes on the right side of my neck takin out .

It did not spread to my lymph ( VERY LUCKY , VERY GOOD ) About 2 month's after my surgery i underwent 36 week's of Chemotherapy and Radiation , it was pure (This word is unacceptable on Trapperman) , i lost 65 ponds , had to have a feeding tube put in because the radiation burnt my throat so bad i could not swallow ..

I had to learn how to talk and swallow and chew and eat again , that was pure agony as well ..

Well the first question they asked me if i chewed , or smoked ...

So when you read this let it sink in very good , if you saw what i looked like and what i went through that would probably be enough motivation for you to put the Cope down for good ..

This July 5th i will be out from my diagnosis 2 years which is very good and also raises my % to live a little better ..

I have had Pet scans every 3 months and just had my throat , voice box , and tongue checked via camera everything looked good .


Re: Tobacoo dipping [Re: madminker] #4972389
03/20/15 07:37 PM
03/20/15 07:37 PM
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Predator88 Offline
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I have been dipping for 17 years now and know I should quit but don't know if I REALLY want to. I mean I WANT to know what I mean. I don't think I can do it cold turkey. I have a plan for quitting that I'm gonna try. I'm gonna mix half a can of the herbal stuff with what I dip now, the welfare bear (Grizzly Wintergreen). I'm gonna try the 50/50 mix and gradually put less dip in the can and more of the herbal stuff in there. As most of you know one of the hardest parts of quitting the habit is having something in your lip. I'm gonna give this a try soon. I don't wanna end up as a statistic. Wish me luck. Take care.

A coward will die many times during their life but the valiant taste death but once.
Re: Tobacoo dipping [Re: madminker] #4974774
03/22/15 03:13 PM
03/22/15 03:13 PM
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Predator88 if you saw what i went through Physically and Mentally you would put it down and never pick it back up that i guarantee ya !!!

Re: Tobacoo dipping [Re: madminker] #4976919
03/23/15 09:58 PM
03/23/15 09:58 PM
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I dipped for 18 years. Quit cold turkey May 12th of 2013. If you can make it past a week, you're made. DISCIPLINE.

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Re: Tobacoo dipping [Re: madminker] #4977652
03/24/15 12:59 PM
03/24/15 12:59 PM
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While I never did smoke nor chew, my Grandfather did his entire life for 70 some years. He took a pinch, which is a small amount and never was a problem, and I fondly remember it. He started chewing as Gram had a lung problem and smoke made her cough a great deal.
The problem is people like my brother's friend who was packing huge amounts in his lower lip and ripped the tissue and had to be surgically repaired. You abuse anything, including air and it will become a problem.
I still have my Grandfather's last can and silver lid I bought for him for Christmas which he just loved. A can of Copenhagen lasted him over a month.
I tried it once on my tongue and it burned, and as nicotine does nothing for me, I never bothered. When I was having digestion problems though I did chew the mint flavored and I still have a few cans of this. I know my Aunt in law just relished a cig with her coffee, and that is what appeals to people who are addicted. Fortunately for people like me, nicotine does not have an affect, but things like trapping is what does stimulate me. I came to this post thinking it was about dipping traps in tobacco renderings to see how feasible that was and was going to post about using sumac berries in having good blessings with that purple brew as canines seemed to be attracted to it without digging.
God bless

Re: Tobacoo dipping [Re: madminker] #5008824
04/14/15 12:05 PM
04/14/15 12:05 PM
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rex123 Offline
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I laid my dip down several years ago. I put it on the mantle in plain sight so I would have to see it every day. It was one of the hardest things to quit because when you think you have it beat it will just hit you that you need some. But hang in there cause you can beat it.

Re: Tobacoo dipping [Re: madminker] #5096962
06/24/15 07:51 PM
06/24/15 07:51 PM
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billylilly Offline
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Yup it's hard !, I gave it up 6 yrs ago! Cold turkey!, first 3 weeks I was a MONSTER!! Couldn't sleep, had no appetite, moody ha !, didn't want I do anything, eye twitch's, crazy dreams, head ache's, but I did not give in, after a month I was ok, but I could go to the store and start chewing tom!,,it's hard , good luck!,

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